De ce a fost o greșeală a vinde SuperYacht „invizibil” – Moștenitoarea Walmart

De ce a fost o greșeală a vinde SuperYacht „invizibil” - Moștenitoarea Walmart

#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats Alăturați-vă clubului eSysman Superyacht de pe Patreon! Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alatura-te aici! Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime Aboneaza-te acum! Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați orice informație din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds


32 thoughts on “De ce a fost o greșeală a vinde SuperYacht „invizibil” – Moștenitoarea Walmart

  1. It's amazing how the super rich Tell us regular folks that we need to spend our money on an electric vehicle which isn't near as green as they claim meanwhile there's sailing around in yachts longer than football fields obviously they're not concerned about the climate maybe that's because they've been lying to all of us! Meanwhile they did invest in all these green new deal type businesses from the get-go then they take everybody's tax paying dollars all around the world and force them into those businesses so they can get their guaranteed profit so they can buy even bigger ships because I mean why shouldn't they have their own cruise ship they deserve it and you deserve to eat whatever plastic food they feed you

  2. Ironic that her former yacht Secret stayed under the rader, while Kaos didn’t. Nomen is omen? However, I’m intrigued why it was known that she had bought Jubilee? Usually yachts are bought, owned and managed through offshore companies and all involved sign nda’s?
    I’m appalled by the vandalism. The vandals should be made to pay back every penny of damages either with money or doing time in jail. If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime.

  3. F.Y.I. I believe that the majestic three-masted schooner "ADIX" you featured here, was built in 1984 for Alan Bond, the Australian multi millionaire as "Southern Cross". It is rather nice to think that even more
    "modern" built, but classically styled sailing yachts, still have the timeless elegance which draws the admiration of officianado's and passers-by alike…

  4. Perhaps the owner of "Adix" is checking out the comments…
    Is She a Schooner or a Ketch?
    Is she rigged for a Topsail, or T'gallants?
    Does She have a Mizzen or a Mainmast, and is it stepped on the counter or aft of the horn timber?
    Doesn't matter! The commenters all have a common bond: They know Beauty and Grace when they see it.
    She's a Ten in my book, even with that antennafarm aloft, because she doesn't show one, single, stinking FURLER!

  5. Being a little younger and not from the USA, you probably don't know the name KAOS was used in the TV show Get Smart. CONTROL was the good guys KAOS was the bad guys. She would be the age where she knows about the TV show, and if so, she is one of the bad guys!

  6. What a beautiful classic sailing yacht! The problem with the engine powered only Superyachts they all basically look the same with loads of windows and like floating yogurt pots that use enormous amount of dirty fuel! unlike a proper sailing yacht. People resent the fuel and pollution these monsters use and create!

  7. all enquiries mary c. lest. – how much is that boat? – its cheap – but i cant see it – that's why its cheap – but I cant see the captain either – he's invisible too – who owns it – we think its the invisible man …… do you mean invisible women ???? ….. nobody knows that's because shes ……. … oh no dont say it …..

  8. Please please please, let the wee buggers get the fuel bill also. “Work the rest of their lives and still not pay it off”, that would make delinquents think.

  9. if i ever had the wealth to buy a super yacht i would have it made to look like adix but with modern running gear absolutely stunning looking vessel

  10. If I was lucky enough to own a ship like chaos and two clowns spray painted it , they would need a lot of medical care . These people are rats, stop pandering to them .

  11. @0:42 what a beautiful looking yacht. ❤ Lol. Cheers mate🙏you must have been reading my mind.😊 Thanks for giving us a close up look at that beautiful yacht ✌️🙏 I think she is a schooner? Or a Three Masted Schooner. 🤷‍♂️

  12. Environmentalists should stop with these short news attacks and fight at the political level. It is the bureaucracy and how they make laws and policies that affect the world. Most people don't realize that the politicians actually have the power to control business and finance and how they use the environment.

  13. Kaos is my favourite looking super yacht she is Stunning. Regarding vandalism. With her Finances all she would have to do is put put 2 Security Guards by the palisade. Really enjoy looking at my Dreams in your videos.

  14. Eco activists committing ecological crime, maybe they sniffed to much of that paint… We had a leader of the Green Party in Sweden who painted her house boat with an illegal paint, and she has a doctorate in environmental law… If it was a movie script it would be considered too outlandish…

  15. I could have cleaned that vandalism up with a gallon of kerosene and a pile of rags in about an hour but I'd bet the bill will be hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  16. I love the boats, they're beautiful…but I feel so sad and depressed when I hear the story of the owners. The Walmart heiress for example: Now look, before anyone gets the hump, I am NOT a raging socialist in any way, ok?! However….while I have no objection at all to this woman owning a beautiful yacht, Am I Wrong to question her morals and her value judgements? She bought a beautiful yacht that was nearly new, over $100 Million and then spent an equal amount on totally rebuilding the bloody thing!! Now, call me a soppy socialist, but, would not her conscience be clearer if, instead of spending a massive amount of cash on an Utterly Needless refit, she had given her EMPLOYEES WORKING FOR MINIMUM WAGE…a bit of a pay rise..?
    But of course, silly me…these people don't have a conscience to begin with, do they?
    Is it right, morally, for us to allow ourselves to be blinded by the beauty of these amazing yachts and ignore the owners and the poor sods who are actually paying for them…..?

  17. A narcissistic, ultra wealthy woman doesn't want to go under the radar. If Jubilee is drawing extra attention and drama, it just allows our wealthy narcissistic woman to be a victim also.

  18. She inherited so much money, doubt she’s worried about the relative pocket change (for her anyway) that she lost in these transactions. I think it’s funny that these “climate protesters” think they are really getting anything from this either. They are spilling paint into the ocean though which is probably not helping the environment. Again, their vandalism is relatively nothing to people with that much money. Good job eco terrorists, no one cares. Lol

  19. As far as I am concerned the MINIMUM Punishment for vandalizing ANYTHING should be to PAY ALL of the RESTORATION and CLEANING BILLS . If it takes Many Year's TO BAD

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