O aventură cu motocicletă / navigație foarte diferită

O aventură cu motocicletă / navigație foarte diferită

În 1984, la vârsta de 18 ani, am pornit pe un iaht de 42 de picioare din Anglia în America. Acest videoclip amintește povestea nefericitei călătorii cu navigație din 1984, prin fotografii de epocă, un interviu și o aventură pe motocicletă, în această vară, retrăind câteva dintre punctele de drum din călătoria originală. Pentru mai multe detalii, vizitați http://www.talbot-jones.com sau vizitați canalul meu de Youtube @Ian TJ Credit muzical de fundal:- https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/… O listă completă a muzicii specifice utilizate este disponibil la cerere.


15 thoughts on “O aventură cu motocicletă / navigație foarte diferită

  1. What an adventure, what a boat and what a crew! Thanks for bringing us along Ian. As for the train at the Franco-Spanish border on the way back home, I reckon you would've had to get on a new train as the countries had different rail gauges; at least that's what I had to do when I went Interrailing in the mid '80s. I also met good people.

  2. This is absolutely brilliant Ian. I’m starting my day watching this vid in South Texas and have this huge smile on my face. I’ve got to get ready for work, so I’m having to reluctantly pause your adventure for now. Just wanted to let you know that you are definitely an incredible storyteller, and can’t wait to finish seeing this adventure. Ride safe.

  3. Thank you for producing and sharing this lovely video, what an incredible experience to have at such a young age. Would you say it had shaped you in any way?

  4. I have watched many hundreds of YouTube videos… but never felt so compelled to leave a comment… But now having started writing this comment I am not even sure what to say… I think these 3 letters are enough for the story… OMG! Well put together, Keep adventuring!

  5. Sometimes you come across a story that immediately grabs your attention. like this story, takes you back to your own memories of that time. thanks for sharing your story, very entertaining.
    Stay safe and enjoy life!

  6. What an amazing experience for a young lad, even with its low points. I hope the two lads Dave and Reece if they are still around get to see this. Who knows, they might even get in touch.

  7. Cousin Ian….I wanna hear more stories…especially any that involved you hitchin to sunny CD 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿with your mate, Julian was it? 😂

  8. Hi Ian….great video…thoroughly enjoyed it. This is Mick(from Halifax). Hope that the Nanfango panniers worked out well for you brother. You have a wonderful ability to tell a good story. Keep it up! Could you ride to Philippines? Maybe?

  9. Great fascinating exciting experience for a teenager. Times wer better back then we had more freedom to do what we liked. Great story. On another note is there going to be an update on the CBX 1000 my dream bike? Cant wait, Thanks

  10. Such an amazing story! I am happy you passed all this adventure in one piece 😄Was really curious what happened with Dave and Reeves, great, that you met him! It was a pleasure to meet you at Covadonga camping. Thank you for a great video! Such an adventure!

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