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TUR DE BARCĂ: Faceți cunoștință cu Polar Seal, BENETEAU OCEANIS 40 echipat pentru navigarea în apă albastră

36 thoughts on “TUR DE BARCĂ: Faceți cunoștință cu Polar Seal, BENETEAU OCEANIS 40 echipat pentru navigarea în apă albastră”
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the sprayhood/bimini is really good. great equiptment upgrades. definately a boat to circumnavigate.
Always love updated boat tour! You guys are the best in the nitty gritty details we’re looking for! 🎉😊❤
3 time segments for intro, anchor, & sail/wardrobe. ~3 mins
Spray hood & bimini, 33 mins! 🤣
(I see the links to the proper segments in the description btw)
You guys selling?
Ryan, once I dropped a wrench on a batterie in a truck. Got a nice firework and melted metal. Is the plus on the starter batterie covered…? 😉 A great boat and a very interesting video! Thanks a lot! Georg
How about the silent toilet? .. Is the sound ok? Or is it loud? I have an older electric conversion kit and it makes a lot of noise.
Polar Seal is beautiful… all of the upgrades are spot on…. now all you need is a dishwasher!!!!!!!!….
This is Boston!
You’re in Boston….
Great tour very nice to see how you keep your boat livable
Our PM thinks we can convert our whole country to solar for our primary power source. With your short experience in the "summer" in Canada what do you think?
Polar Seal is an amazing boat. The definition of 'An Amazing Boat;: Is it a much better boat than it was brand new? And Would you rather have the new model of your boat, or your boat? Polar Seal aces these. (I sailed three days on a Jeanneau 40 your Beneteau's sibling. Terrific, but the galley needed more space, and the engine was too loud. You've solved both of these)
The only thing I have on my boat that Polar Seal might like is I made an exhaust fan for my galley. (I have a Hunter 456 Passage). I had a spare 'window' (side light) that I used as a pattern for 8mm luan plywood. I copied everything, all the little fingers for the latches and the hinges. I installed the fan at an angle. On the sides of the triangle blocks I added a couple pieces to use as handles.. The handles were the final piece of the puzzle. Very easy to use. It 'plugs' into the open (side) hatch without any need for latches. Vents all the burned propane and cooking smells. Easy to remove.
Hi guys. Nice refreshing video. A question to Ryan: what is the manufacturer of the electric distribution pannel you used to replace the original one? Are you happy with it? I'm looking forward to a similar project… any advice?
I used to work downtown and when the weather was nice I would walk along the harbor. If you're still in Boston, do yourselves a HUGE favor and go to the falafel king in downtown and get a falafel wrap or some shwarma. Delicious!
There is no way in the widest world that any matrimonial activities are possible in that bed if Ryan has to contort in under a low space to sleep. 😂
Video is Boston. Currently looks like you guys might be off the coast of NJ. Possibly AC. If so, let me know. I'm just down the road. I'll buy you guys dinner!
Great video, you are a goddess and even what’s his name is getting better.
Hi this is Ginger again. Can you turn the caption on? I am still so deaf and it is hard to read Ryan’s lips on the bow. Shadow effects killed it. Thanks Sophie.
Forgive me for asking but If you don't flush toilet paper, where do you put it? I would assume that has the potential of getting a little stinky.
Did you add the two fridge electrical panels in the kitchen to run them independently or did the boat come with that?
new england was the only aquarium with a seal show advertised
Awesome Video!!! More cooking! More Provisioning! More Recipes!!!!
U are both very talented, special people and, what uv done for Polar Seal is simply awesome, and this is the best advertisement of sale. I get the distinct feeling there will be a new Polar Seal in the near future. Whoever buys this very safe Blue Water Vessel, will be extremely content, happy and I will say Lucky Sailors. Thanks Sophie, Ryan for the thorough, honest and indepth tour. Goodluck much love, hugs for Barnicle. 🐶🇦🇺🏳️🌈
I have a question about your dinghy. Do you suffer not being able to plane with two person aboard?
I have a feeling it has been very windy there for the last few days.
Nice battery setup. I see some people sticking with AGM for a starter and then charging a LiFePO4 house bank via a DC:DC charger. Is that lithium starter your 4th backup battery, or are you configured as 3 house, 1 house backup, 1 starter (all lithium)?
If you don't allow toilet paper to be flushed, what do you do with the paper?
Washing machine is nice.
Looks like an advertisement for selling a great sailboat or not 😉
Curious about your floodlight remote control setup. What did you use?
😃👍👍👍❤ really nice "work" on a 40 foot boat. Beneteau Oceanis 60 somewhere in the distant future?
Fresh water Rinse layup and Emergency Bilge Pump.
On Starlight 1989 Beneteau Oceanis 350 has a Volvo Penta engine M2003 28hp anyway I was the second owner, so after I purchased the boat I was doing the shakedown cruise and ran the engine for about an hour and the overheated alarm went off , could not find a problem, cutting too the chase lots of growth and calcification of the tubes in the heat exchanger. Had too take the entire unit clean it and put it back, never wanted to do that again figured was not the use rather the extended, layup with saltwater, also the corrosion factor of the elbow, had to replace that. So as a solution I cam up with this manifold I constructed with brass and bronze fittings and ball valves for each connection, from the thru hull , to the manifold, ball on the thru hull and on the manifold did the same at the on end valve to the sea strainer to the engine, next thru hull, pressure fresh water, and at the other end again valve to a run to the bilge.
This allows me to turn on the fresh water, backwash the thru hull, then shutoff and run the engine for 2 minutes on fresh water before shutting down the engine for the night or an extended time. It also in the final configuration allows me to bring to bear as an emergency pump, on my main bilge the engine, if there is a major leak in the boat that bilge pumps cannot handle for whatever reason, (lightning strikes) etc. I often use the fresh water system when she is on the hard, and I need to run the engine, like changing oil, etc. I have 100 gallons of water on Starlight, you should see the looks I get in the yard with no hose, on the hard, yet engine running and water from the exhaust and prop shaft running out. In 20 years have not had any overheating issues or had to deal with the heat exchanger or the elbow, which is notorious on Volvos..
Also a sea water strainer and fresh water source rinse for the head, works great in the hot summer fresh water makes a big difference in your black water tank.
In the the salon section, I was jumping up and down, saying I got that book……and it is sitting right next to me……
sll your hard work has payed of hope you have more down time just for you 😀a fan shayne
Great job!
Excellent tour! It's nice to see a lot of the upgrades all in one episode.