Mergând din Malta în Sicilia, la momentul în care începe caniculă europeană, facem o oprire la Catania pentru o noapte în portul de agrement pentru a lua un pachet special pe care îl așteptam. În timp ce am acostat, nu am rezistat să ne înmuiem în fundalul uluitor al Muntelui Etna. Apoi pornim încă o dată, îndreptându-ne către orașul magic Taormina. Aruncăm ancora într-un golf care pare să strălucească de alura celor bogați și celebri cu mai multe super-yacht-uri decât putem număra. când se lasă noaptea și temperatura scade ușor, explorăm orașul vechi din vârful dealului din Taormina și devorăm mâncare de stradă italiană! Ce începe timpul nostru în Italia!! Dacă doriți să aflați despre centrala portabilă Bluetti AC200 MAX care este prezentată în acest episod, puteți verifica episodul nostru aici: Iată câteva link-uri și o reducere dacă sunteți interesat la achiziționare: Australia: Statele Unite: *Folosiți codul nostru „ESCAPADE3” pentru o REDUCERE. ÎMBĂȚIȚI CONȚINUTUL NOSTRU? Iată numeroasele moduri prin care ne poți sprijini! ️ Sprijină creațiile noastre și obține avantaje exclusive devenind un Patron: ☞
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Came on at 440 am in Jacksonville,Fl. Great way to start the day

I enjoy your journeys and the sites, but can't help comparing it to Australia or Whangamata NZ and our region. I am an Aussie but live at the beach in NZ. You should google my home Whangamata and see how beautiful it is along with my other favourite place, Port Douglas. The flora is so different!
The volcano is so cool!
. That calm patch in the water is very interesting too. Volcanoes are associated with earthquakes which can cause waves, and I could see that affecting the water for sure. Wonder if they’re related? Anyway, cheers guys! Looks like fun!
I am Sailing off Split, Croatia from September 23rd to the 30th. We did it 10 yrs ago and will recreate our previous trip.
Love your Vlogs.
PS, the Arancini balls in NZ are nothing like those either!
Another beautiful episode!
Another great weekly blog guys and wow are you visiting some stunning places! Safe sailing and enjoy that warm/

I lived in Sicily for 4+ years, this video brings back a lot of good memories. Taormina is one of the most popular tourist spots on the island. Your closing shot looks like it was from CastelMole which has a beautiful amphitheater where they still do live plays. Just a bit of info for you.
“ you lied to me” says every wife , an oddly wholesome moment
Great episode guys! Love the scenery. Hope you enjoyed your time there!
Hi Salty Sailors.. Stunning video . Looks like a beautiful part of Sicily .. Just that heat would make one wilt.. Hope your two adorable kitties are good .Fair Winds . Aussie in South Africa (where its much much cooler)
Another great episode guys.I wish you did one everyday,keep safe love jase xx
Thanks guys!
I was wondering if the cats make any difference to checking in to new countries?
It's a well known rule, a universal rule to be precise: you are forbidden to move when you have a cat on you.
Royal Clipper. Cool ship.
Sorry to hear about the severe heat . But stay hydrated and swim as much as possible. It was 12 C here in Toronto Canada last night .
Could you smell the fumes from the volcano ?
Great episode! However, can you guys get Jason some new shirts?

You guys are becoming my favorite sailing channel.
title is clicky but so beautiful a lady cannot be passed up
Did you know you have a bolt missing from your aluminium toe rail ( starb towards the bow) may leak in future if not replaced and sealed !
thanks for the great video.
I was starting to sweat just watching this episode! Ha! Hey, what do you guys know about this Big Girl 14:50? <3
I follow the sailing community for I put myself in your shoes, you generally do a great job, the quality of filming is exceptional, your thumbnails to get that click, are getting ridiculous, you should not need to do so. If you are naked today, fine but it is not needed as a click, for you are people, that counts. I'm trying to say something that maybe lost but I care.
You both seem very relaxed and happy. You deserve it!
Awesome anchorage. Wishing you calm seas and cool winds.
Italy is beautiful and Isola Bella more, but you are ashtonishingly gorgious. Love from Antigua Guatemala, OsoYolo.
Another stunning place! The view of Isola Bella was improved by Janae in the scene!
Love-love-love your program thank you
love the thumbnail
So gross and trashy lol
Grazie, from Sicily
Enjoyed. Maybe some day but super yachts are not my cup of tea. Cheers
What a beautiful video. The scenery in Italy is just breathtaking. It looks like the babies are settled right in. They don’t get scared when you sail? You two have the biggest hearts. I love that you take your scooters with you. That makes so much sense. I nearly broke my butt on one of those. I don’t know how you do it and you held your leg up in the air. Looking forward to the next one. Thank you so much.

Yes, on a boat, I wouldn't wear any swimsuit or other clothes, unless if it's cold.
Thank you for posting another excellent episode. Good sailing and interesting places. Hard to stay cool in the height of summer especially on a yacht as the hull heats up so much. Keep having fun and fair winds. P&J