Ancorarea cu Tom Cunliffe

Ancorarea cu Tom Cunliffe

Aruncă ancora și întoarce-te pentru o noapte liniștită. Este o idee grozavă, dar mulți oameni nu au încredere să creadă că se va întâmpla cu adevărat. Acest videoclip demitizează întreaga afacere și explică cum să vă asigurați că o face! #tomcunliffe, #ancoră, #ancorare, #iahting Dacă sunteți interesat de navigație, lucruri maritime și drumul sărat către libertate, vă veți bucura de canalul meu, așa că turnați-vă un pahar din cele mai bune și relaxați-vă cu amestecul meu personal de fire și material didactic util. Când sunt plecat în croazieră, nu știu niciodată când voi avea ocazia să încarc. Dacă abia așteptați, de ce să nu deveniți membru al clubului meu de site-uri? Veți găsi o mulțime de videoclipuri și articole numai pentru membri, care nu sunt disponibile în altă parte și veți avea șansa de a vă alătura unui forum online obișnuit. • Site web: – • Deveniți membru: – MODALITĂȚI PENTRU A VENI CONTACT CU MINE și ÎNĂRĂ-TE ECHIPULUI • Site : – • Twitter: Alăturați-vă conversației – • Facebook: Să ne întâlnim aici – ALTE PRODUSE • Articole: – • Cărți de vânzare: – • Cărți audio: – https:// Urmărește-mă pe YOUTUBE Apăsați butonul ABONAȚI-VĂ. Aș aprecia dacă v-ați alătura canalului meu „Yachts and Yarns”. Apăsați butonul LIKE când vă bucurați de un episod – este gratuit și în felul acesta voi ști ce fel de conținut vă place. Atingeți pictograma CLOPOTER, pentru a primi un sonerie. Apoi veți fi întotdeauna notificat când apare următorul blog video. Bun venit la bord! Tom Copyright Tom Cunliffe 2023


33 thoughts on “Ancorarea cu Tom Cunliffe

  1. May be a silly question – but how do you be confident that the anchor will hold if the boat swings 360 over night? Ie does a Bruce anchor once dig in hold across any angle?

  2. Thank you Tom!

    Will current offer an effect upon swing? Could wind and current mix in a manner that makes anchor swing difficult to interpret?

    All the fancy electronics might help me sleep soundly, knowing I've drifted beyond a desired perimeter. Does "trust, but verify" fit into good anchoring seamanship?

  3. Hi Tom, it was good to meet you at the boat show – we had a little chat at the NCI stand. Thank you for posting – quite an interesting video. As a matter of fact, I upgraded my anchor to a much bigger and heavier unit as well. So far we haven't dragged. Fingers crossed it stays that way! Fair winds!

  4. Perfect. Just had a hard couple of days…and here's the tonic, Tom Cunliffe, I supplied the gin, Tom supplied the tonic….and listening to Tom talk is like listening to a kind hearted salty sea dog who seems to have time for everyone….Tom, live forever, you are irreplaceable. A question for any mariner reading this, you put down your anchor, have a few drinks, get some sleep. What is to tell you that your anchor is slipping? Are there any electronic aids? Is it just a matter of noise as the anchor drags? How would you know if a swift current has unearthed your anchor from the sand/mud? Do you just trust and deal with the consequences of a slipped anchor later?? Anyone?

  5. I made the rookie error of asking Tom when he came to the Medway Yacht club to give a talk last year, the very same question. Needless to say it wasn't the first time he'd been asked about this ! So glad he's made a video on the subject because it is a matter for those who have had (or observed) the occasional issue that anchoring can present. Sage advice indeed. PS That looked to be a wonderful protected anchorage. The first step in a peaceful nights sleep : Location Location Location

  6. If money was no object (which it’s not) I probably would get a Ultra anchor, but they cost too much for me, and so when I can I will upgrade from an old CQR to a Sarca Excel. Out here in Oz they really are probably the best anchor around. I am no fan of the Rocna, probably because of the hoop on it which from all I have seen/read is actually not a good idea. I am curious though in setting your anchor that you didn’t use a snubber. The point in this is that it takes the pressure/force off the windlass and that to me makes a lot of sense.

    From all I have been advised and experienced so far a scope of 3 to 1 is the bare minimum. I have always been told a scope of 5 to 1 or even up to 7 to 1 is far safer when anchoring to minimise the risk of dragging.

    My 30 ft boat carries 50m of chain and so on that basis I wouldn’t want to anchor if I can avoid it in any deeper water than 10m maximum.

  7. I love anchoring. That’s pretty much all we ever do. And now that a guru of sailing anchors pretty much EXACTLY as we do I’m happy⚓️⛵️👍
    Thanks for sharing.! Warren s/y Legend

  8. I was once asked at a cruising conference, " what size anchor do I recommend " lol…I said you should size your anchor based on the heaviest anchor your wife can carry to the bow…got a good laugh from most….

  9. So you didn't mention it this time Tom, because you had the inimitable Ros at the helm.

    After you're happy with the snub, settle down far more quickly, avoid rode lurch and bounce. Take the wind out of that by letting the throttle off gradually over 10 or 15 seconds.

  10. You may have lost the millenials and below with your toilet chain simile Tom.
    Water closets have came on a bit quite some time ago.

    Infact some maybe googling simile.

  11. Completely agree about the benefits of anchoring for having a quieter night, both from the boat’s motion and the lack of next door neighbours … especially in the Mediterranean. The only exception is where you get wind and waves across each other and the boat can want to swing across any waves and setup a pendulum motion in the boat until it swings back. At that point you’re into bridles … which could be an interesting topic 😊

    Surprised to see a Bruce v a self-righting Rocna or Delta-type hook as these seem to perform better in tests and cope with hard packed sand and seagrass. Of course, ‘size matters’, so maybe it is the size/weight of anchor which is demonstrating the consistent great results.

    But the biggest surprised was using 3:1. I have had issues at 3:1 and so go for 5:1 as a standard or more if it’s windy.

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