Sailing Ireland – Baltimore – Co Cork – Ep. 307

Sailing Ireland - Baltimore - Co Cork - Ep.  307

Dacă vă plac videoclipurile noastre, puteți lăsa oricând un bacșiș în borcanul nostru de cafea –- Link-uri afiliate –- Mr D Cookware – -category/thermal-cookers?wpam_id=1 –– Despre noi –– Am început o aventură pe croaia pe Bavaria 36, ​​Salty Lass. Misiunea noastră continuă este de a explora noi porturi ciudate, de a căuta bucătării și culturi noi pentru noi, de a merge cu îndrăzneală acolo unde ne duce vântul și să ne placă –– Urmărește-ne –– http://www. –- Muzică –- Busy City de Tracktribe Youtube Audio Library Rewakening de Scott Buckley (@ScottBuckley) lansat sub CC-BY 4.0. Electotyping de Mixkit


15 thoughts on “Sailing Ireland – Baltimore – Co Cork – Ep. 307

  1. Hey Lasses, glad ur having fun and enjoying life. Can see that Gaynors had a bit of sun, good stuff. Thanks for sharing, oh I just use vinegar for alot of things especially descaling. Lots hugs xx🐧🐘

  2. You two girls are priceless! Hope you got out for your Fastnet daysail. All the best from Plymouth… when are you going to get over to our side of the water? Cheers James

  3. For lots of reasons, we loved Baltimore.
    Large fast RIBs however were a blinkin' pain, either planing at speed between boats at anchorage or having to clamber over them 3+ deep at dinghy dock as no one was collecting payment, owners were using dinghy dock for long-term moorings. Can see far less dinghy dock congestion so wonder if fees are being collected again?
    Great to see you enjoying some summer sunshine 🙂

  4. Re the Balti: The British version of Balti was developed in Birmingham in 1977 according to Wikipedia. Further it seems to have a particularly colonial following; “Outside Britain, a small number of balti houses are in Ireland and many other English-speaking countries, particularly Australia, Canada and New Zealand”. Unfortunately I haven’t found any references to curry and Baltimores in any countries which use that name, except two Salty Lasses eating a balti in Baltimore harbour Ireland in this weeks episode, i think Wikipedia may need an update in recognition of this important moment.

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