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Începe în sfârșit să plătească această reparație?
40 thoughts on “Începe în sfârșit să plătească această reparație?”
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You have achieved so much and the boat is starting to reflect all of your hard work. When it is finished you will look back and realise what you will have achieved mentally, physically, asthetically and practically.
Wow Well Done the both of you ….. Go For It
Keep going you are almost done!! I am so impressed with your endurance. You guys are champs
It's clear to see the love and skill that is being lavished on the project. Also, I am hugely impressed that proper use of protective equipment is made. 🙂 My father was a painter and decorator who did his apprenticeship in the late 1920's and he never wore a respirator or gloves. When he died he was suffering from emphysema, which didn't kill him and can't be definitively blamed on the materials he worked with, but it can't have helped. My working life started in the early 70's and 'real men' didn't wear hearing protection, and guess who needs hearing aids now? So, well done for doing it right and being a great example! 🙂
Growth rings on fiberglass to tell how old your boat is ! When you two have kids they will be subjected to a lifetime of "dad jokes" from Aladino.
the hard work is starting to pay off that boat will look lovely and all that work will be worth it
MC2 is coming along and I sense you're looking forward to having nothing to do but sail. A small hint to assist your sanding try an old blanket or some of that dot antiskid rubber mat under your work helps stop it going walkabout 🏴☠️🍺
As Mads says…Oh glorious sanding!
Maya, your locking down your contortionist husband beneath the rear deck (the poop?) strongly reminded me of E.A. Poe. Therefore, after finishing the rear deck, the only thing to do ist to open a cask of Amontillado and get really pooped 😂
Great work btw. Just keep going strongly!
Btw. You talked about the inevitable specks of dust landing on wet paint. Did I remind you of the need to sprinkle some water on the floor before starting?!
It looks awesome
It's been a true privilege to follow you guys (already years) developing your craftamanship and devotion. Your sailing adventures in the Mediterranean, the trip from there through the channels of Europe to NL and Sweden and of course you two growing together. You have really become such a source of inspiration and courage and your channel has already a huge documentary value for all of us hooked into navigare-life and old-boat maintenance. Thank you! May force be with you & greetings from rainy Helsinki♥️ Br, Juha Suomalainen
Hi Maya. One of the first rules of boat refit I learned from pros, some 25 years ago, is to never ever use silicone products on my boat. I never did and projects worked out fine using Sikaflex and Pantera. Silicone tubes were actually banned from all my boats! Keep going strong. Regards from Switzerland, Silvano
Hi,you are well on your way to having a boat that is beautiful,well presented and with quality and strength.well done to you both.cheers Roly🇬🇧.
You are doing amazing job! I just like to share some knowledge about silicon it can also be airborne, if you have for example a window sealed with silicon the hole room becomes contaminated and you will get small pinholes across the surface. Not like in your case were you have a smaller area with bigger contamination. That looked mor like residue of fat/oil or maybe something oily in the wood??
Really looking forward to see the finished result ❤️
You're learning one of life's greatest lessons. The roller coaster of emotions it takes to get through anything in life. Understanding the highs and lows is the lesson. Knowing how to motivate yourself through the low and ride the high is key. One small task at a time. It's always one step forward and 2 or more back. You're doing great! Both of you together are a great team.
Fabulous work and videos, thank you for sharing!🙏🌸
The last place which I worked at, we had a problem with contaminant in the paint finish after an intensive investigation it was found to have originated from hair spray/deodorant one person was using. You both doing a great job, keep up the great work. 🙂
One of my treasured weekly highlights is watching these episodes. A video textbook on how to do it right, not just for boat work but so much more. The attention to detail and instructional tilt is outstanding. Aladino's shipwright skills and craftmanship are inspirational. Maya, I love your commitment and tenacity in building new skills. Your editing, narration and music selection are professional grade. Thank you both for this gift
good that you know how to maintain liquid form. 🙂
Wow! I lost touch on your project during my crazy busy (but wonderful) sabbatical in France this year…so I can see the AMAZING progress all of a sudden. I know it’s seemed so hard but I have so so much respect for what you both have accomplished. And, Maya, you are the best sailor/philosopher on the planet. Always so thoughtful & interesting with your self reflection & life outlook. ❤
That level of refit is almost as much work as a total newbuild so not surprised you are exhausted. That time restriction has made you push, really and that is of course a big stress factor. The upside is that the work gets done faster, when doing it as a hobby while living a normal life a project this big would stretch out for years with a big risc of never getting to the finish. You will be so happy when you get to the point of enjoying the fruits of all that hard work that it will all feel worth it in the end. And you know your boat now, at a level few sailors ever experience and that will all be to the good when you start your voyage. Thank you for sharing this with us!
QUESTION:In the cockpit, Aladino drilled holes in the center small compartment center transom and installed bolts. But there is no access to that area from above. Is there a way to get there from the corner lockers?
I have so much to say, but don't have the words to say it succinctly. I'm afraid this little heart emoji will have to suffice ❤ You are both beautiful human beings.
I can’t help but think the contaminants came from the sander. I don’t know if you have a dedicated sander just for finish I still think it’s a shame that people like you with a gift for fixing boats. Don’t want to fix boats. So many beautiful boats out there that need love and care. They end up just riding away. Love the show. Thanks
I love all your videos, thanks for sharing.
Some of us men call this the doghouse!!😂😂
Amazing work guys, you’re boat is going to be beautiful 👍👍👍
The Epifanes rubbed effect is the only thing I would finish with inside the boat. It is gorgeous! Good job. I have master woodworker friends who do fine woodworking for homes and that's what they use as well. The whole boat is looking amazing!
a guy i knew worked at plastic bag factory and he said there was a Chemical called slip that was painted on the top so you could open them. Otherwise, the plastic bags became very difficult to open as you know. a petroleum lubricant ?
I thought Aladino might go into the port locker, then you lower the deck, raise it again, and magically he comes out of the starboard locker! 😊
Ah, the contamination issue. Have I suffered from that problem some times… A really frustrating PITA! Luckily, for you this time it didn’t last. I recognise your conclusions about taking on big refit projects. I think it’s smart to say you won’t do that again. I think you should stick with that decision. However, I’m far from certain that you actually will.
I’m not saying you’re not able to stand by a decision. You certainly are. I’ve just discovered that when one project is finished, and you get a bit of distance, it all seems less painful. When a new temptation pops up, you can very easily fall in love with the idea again. If you do, you’re also far better prepared for the job. Experience is magic in this field. Should you let yourself go there again? Probably not, actually. Life is too short for spending much time on tasks that are not actually your passion. Related to it isn’t enough. Even if you sometime in the future find you need another boat, you now have the resources, money and knowledge, to to not need to go this deep.
I missed it, why varnish over epoxy?
My compliments and admiration. On that day when you both sit up on the bow at sunset sipping a glass of wine, we will all be celebrating with you. For now we send our long distance encouragement and admiration for a truly well executed, Sisyphus-like, task. Seeing your faces on our computer screen on Fridays is always a treat.
Wow! It looks absolutely amazing. Well done!
Beautiful work!
You're happy to have not given up? We're happy you have not given up!
You go girl. I can't imagine doing a job that big lasting that long. More power to you both. I remember my mom wanting our kitchen cabinets redone and thought dad could do it in a weekend, hahaha A year later it was done and looked wonderful. Mom said never again 🙂