Restaurare ambarcațiuni amatori. Ce facem în DOAR 1 ZI! | PĂSĂRĂ DE MARE SAILING Ep. 38 VA MULȚUMESC FOARTE tuturor oamenilor generoși care folosesc linkurile de mai jos: *Ko-fi* – *PayPal* – *Patreon * – *Lista de dorințe Amazon* – Ne puteți urmări și pe: *Facebook* – https: // *Instagram* – Întrebări de afaceri: Nu uitați să dați like, abonați-vă și dați clic pe clopoțelul de notificare dacă doriți urmati aceasta aventura! Guiton Sketch de Kevin MacLeod este licențiat sub o licență Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. Sursa: Artist: Mulțumesc, Stuart & Marina & Seabird
Restaurare ambarcațiuni amatori. Ce facem în DOAR 1 ZI! | PĂSĂRĂ DE MARE SAILING Ep. 38

28 thoughts on “Restaurare ambarcațiuni amatori. Ce facem în DOAR 1 ZI! | PĂSĂRĂ DE MARE SAILING Ep. 38”
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good job greeet from holland.
Eat a lot of raw garlic, musquitos will stay away from you.
I truly respect and admire you both. You are inspiring me to keep working on my own mountains of projects!!!!! Thanks❤
Don't let these keyboard terrorists get in your way. You doing a good job! Keep it up.
….. there will always be the nay-sayers, and if you could look through the screen and see what they are doing, you would probably see absolutely nothing going on ….. congrats on your deck fixes, sure are coming along …. when you were biking through the boatyard at 8:04, that boat project is going to take longer than 15 min. …. doing the hull in increments/short time periods will help make it not such a big overwhelming project … when you get a dump truck load of san and you have to move it with a wheelbarrow. Until you get past a certain point it seems like the pile is not getting smaller then all of a sudden you can see the pile shrink with every barrow full you take away and before you know it the pile is gone …. thx for the share … as always .. never stop dreaming, just dream bigger .. have fun be safe, save our oceans ….
I love your videos, it's getting better and better! Don't give up! Listen to some Nostalgie and the mood becomes better 😉 Once I saw you played pétanque I was envying you! Missing those nice evening days in Provence where I could play pétanque with the old guys from the village.
Truly a very intensive refit, love the mast hole cover! You guys are doing a marvelous job. Can't wait until she is launched and your sailing. Thank you so much for sharing.
Nice job !
Excellent progress! Love the videos and following your adventure.
Bravo Zulu…looking forward seeing y'all set sail
Hello. Always interesting to see what you have worked on and how you repaired it. I hope you show how you repair the rudder and how you replace the rudder shaft. Ok, keep up the good work and I look forward to your next video. George from Pompano Beach, Florida
Unfortuatley, every channel sems to get a few mean comments. Just ignore them and keep up the good work.
Nice progress, been hooked from the beginning, amazing job you guys.
Well done ! Bit by bit it`s getting better the boot.
Good fun video always enjoy no matter what the content
Great job!
Always focus on positiv comments 👍😊
Nice little edit at 3:11
You're doing an excellent job, not too fast and not too slow, keeping it fun and interesting. Don't take any notice of haters and bad comments, all they're doing is showing their true pathetic selves, it's got nothing to do with you guys. Keep in spirit of the motto "Illegitimi non carborundum"
Hi i learned from living in Australia for 4 years the insect repellant you need to use needs to have deet ingredient in it to repell the mozzies
Glad to see spirits a little higher. Go well both!
Can you get moved away from the wood/wet gully? To get away from the mosquitoes? Or will you pay more for a better place?
Have you tried vacuuming the keel holes, a vacuum makes the moisture evaporate faster.
If you dry out the balsa and it not rotted no need to remove just use plenty of cheaper polyester resin to repair .
Cheers Warren
Stay strong! The scale of work you have completed given the resources available to you, has been incredible. This time next year you will be chilling at anchor with a cold beer!
Hard work will pay off in the end keep it up well done and thanks for videos 📹
I know it's a hard decision but it would make sense to cut a long piece out of the keel to help dry it out rather than a couple of holes. Sailing athena cut out the whole keel from the cat and refilled it fast, I know it's different but just an idea for speed.
Is the deck totally water tight now? You have been doing a great job. Look forward to seeing her splash one day! 😊
Looks good stap by stap closer love it
Everyone has there own journey in life and this is yours so don’t listen to anyone else because they are on another path and can’t comment on a life they don’t live, ohh and keep up the great work