SUPERBAT HINCKLEY Pilot 35! Întrebări și răspunsuri cu proprietarul! YH EP01

SUPERBAT HINCKLEY Pilot 35!  Întrebări și răspunsuri cu proprietarul!  YH EP01

Răspunzând la întrebarea „Cum este să deții o veche barca cu pânze Hinckley?” Săptămâna aceasta, sunt destul de norocos că am putut să merg la o vele pe un Hinckley Pilot 35 din 1974 și să aud cum este să deții un Hinckley mai vechi. ============== Sprijină-ne ============== Îți place ceea ce facem și vrei să ajutăm?? Deveniți un sponsor Patreon și obțineți acces la previzualizări timpurii, conținut suplimentar și multe altele: ============== Conectează-te cu noi ===== ========= Capitole –––––– ––––– 00:00-00:32 introducere 00:33-01:28 Bristol, Rhode Island Repere 01:29-05:13 Întrebări și răspunsuri runda 1 05:14-07 :15 Întrebări și răspunsuri runda 2 07:16-09:46 Încheierea navigației 09:47-14:16 Turul pilotului Hinckley 35 14:17-14:45 În memoria lui Herb Browne


42 thoughts on “SUPERBAT HINCKLEY Pilot 35! Întrebări și răspunsuri cu proprietarul! YH EP01

  1. HI. Am surprised ,that you did not keep the established channel name . 'Capt .Q ' lends itself to have a selected question as captain for each episode ,honoring your former partner ,guiding more clicks to your channel and invoking creativity ,multi interests , by heading each episode with an interesting question .
    The format of establishing a guiding question as Captain of each episode , invites lot's of your and even other beings creativity and participation . Maybe ,you contemplate again your channel label and envisioned content and the way you research and offer contents . Sometimes you could ask the original Capt.Q to make voice overs ,sometimes others ,to keep surprise and interest growing .A leading question as captain of each episode ,offers as well more incentives for potential ,well selected partners ,to sponsor your work . Even before ,it was obvious ,that you had most of the work ,with Capt.Q as knowledgable front man . Stay flexible and enjoy an expansive journey in communication ..

  2. Great video, my friend. Nothing is more beautiful than and a well loved older boat, and nothing catches the eye quicker, and if it doesn't bring a smile to your lips, then you have no soul.

  3. What a lovely yacht! Hinckleys really are gorgeous, I would love to do a day sail on one, or perhaps even crew a longer passage. Could you pass along some love from Kim & I to the Captain? We miss him, and wish him well in enjoying his retirement!

  4. Great sailboat and well-done video! After 3 cruising sailboats, and countless heads and systems, converting to a composting head was one of the best improvements we've done for coastal cruising.

  5. Hey Randal- new to the channel and back watching all the episodes. Long time classic boat owner between boats at the moment- I’ve owned two boats in 38 years, my last for 33 of those years .Yes Hinkley is the Lamborghini/ Ferrari/Maserati of the sea – made me miss the water for sure. I’m looking but not hurrying as someone said- you don’t find the boat the boat finds you, which is so true from my experience . Maintenance is quite high- ha that’s the understatement of the year ! But it’s a labor of love !

  6. Great information from Rob. Store your Hinckley indoors, figure maintaining her will be threefold, keep her classy, don’t chase the latest, and upgrade slowly and deliberately. Very much enjoyed our sail w Rob

  7. Terrific video. You're on the right track shifting from the CaptQ format. I'd like to hear some specs on the boat. Year, length, WL, beam. The interior is quite small, but the beautiful overhangs account for that. Nice video, keep it up, please.

  8. So pleased to see you are continuing the tradition of a quality production. The Hinckley is the perfect example of a sail-boat. Simplicity of systems, quality construction and a dream to sail. Thank you for sharing.

  9. Can’t tell you how glad I am you’re still out there educating the next generation, and the old generation as well, about the joys of sailing! Thanks Randay😁

  10. I like that the first thing you did on your own without Capt. Q, is go on a “Gentlemen’s Sailboat”. Ahh perfect 👍. I am glad to have join your patron. Happy Sailing ⛵️

  11. Cap’tn Ran-Day… great boat! The only thing lacking was a can of Dinty Moore, but that’s so… yesterday isn’t it? Keep up the great work and let is know when your coming to Annapolis again!

  12. Herbert has been the inspiration and dreams for all sailors . With his corny ways of fitting in small spaces, the guy with a big heart. He lived long do to eating "Dinty Moore" & sailing…

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