Navigarea către OFF GRID Remote ISLAND LIFESTYLE Ne-am navigat în direct la bordul catamaranului în adâncurile îndepărtate ale Arhipelagului Indonezian, Insulele Anambas, unde o fostă familie de navigatori creează încet pentru ei înșiși un incredibil de off-grid, durabil, net zero, hrană crudă, un stil de viață descentralizat. Împreună stăpânesc tehnicile unei vieți adaptate naturii, dependente de mediul lor natural și de propriul instinct nutrițional de supraviețuire. Alăturați-vă nouă în timp ce aruncăm o privire epică asupra unui stil de viață care devine din ce în ce mai atractiv pentru mulți în această lume în curs de dezvoltare. O familie care își creează propria viață perfectă într-unul dintre ultimele paradisuri subdezvoltate din lume. Dacă doriți să experimentați această bijuterie frumoasă ascunsă, linkul Eco Symbiosis Airbnb este aici: =67&unique_share_id=f8ef7b31-3463-431e-b946-e68d7009fbbd Muzică Luna Keller – Nu știu unde mă duc Kaina – Instrumental pentru anii de aur David Mumford – Minge și lanț Vă mulțumim că ne ajutați să ne menținem pe linia de plutire și să ne susțineți proces creativ. Puteți face parte din echipaj pentru mai puțin decât prețul unei cafele. Avem, de asemenea, portofele cripto dacă doriți să contribuiți la fondul nostru de întreținere în acest fel: BITCOIN bc1qds53n9tqepxvauqn9dygtczltyu6genkfp9a8a ETHEREUM 0xB4Cb9e1Aa97090000000000000000000001 SITE EB SOCIAL MEDIA Urmărește-ne pe: Instagram: http :// Facebook: Mult drag tuturor, Rob, Rachel, Finn, Declan, Ivan ÎNAPOI POVESTE În 1997, după ce a vâslit la Jocurile Olimpice de la Atlanta, Rob a vâslit o barcă minusculă din placaj de 7 m (22 picioare) la 2.500 de mile de la Tenerife (Insulele Canare) până la Barbados (Caraibe). Rob și partenerul de canotaj, Phil Stubbs, au avut nevoie de șase săptămâni pentru a câștiga cursa inaugurală Atlantic Rowing Race. Treci în 2014 și, căsătoriți cu trei copii, Rob și soția sa Rachel au achiziționat Javelot, un catamaran Fountaine Pajot de 43 ft. Înarmați doar cu cei 3 ani de curse de iahturi de clasa P ai lui Rob, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 11 și 13 ani, și cunoștințele inexistente ale Rachel, am pornit să învățăm frânghiile navigației pe ocean. Am spart lucruri, le-am înlocuit și am cunoscut barca lor înainte de a pleca în larg cu copiii, Finn (atunci 13), Declan (atunci 11) și Ivan (atunci 8), în remorche. Prin încercare și eroare am devenit călători încrezători, într-un fel. Planul? Să navighez în jurul lumii. O parte a călătoriei va fi reluarea călătoriilor pe mare ale fratelui mai mare al lui Rob, Kerry. Folosind scrisorile originale ale lui Kerry din anii 1970, sperăm să reluăm mișcările sale din Australia prin Indonezia și Asia de Sud-Est până în Cambodgia, unde viața lui Kerry a fost întreruptă după ce s-a rătăcit în apele cambodgiene în 1978. Kerry și doi prieteni au fost atacați de o barcă cu armă Khmer Rouge, capturat, torturat și executat. ***** Urmărește-ne în timp real pe Instagram și Facebook @thecruisingkiwis @finn_hamill @declan_hamill @ivanhamill #off grid #sustainable #TheCruisingKiwis


45 thoughts on “Navigați spre OFF GRID Remote ISLAND LIFESTYLE

  1. Wow different but thank you for allowing us to see what alternatives in lifestyles are out there in the aquatic wonderlands, ok now hope Rob is good and not flowing from the wrong end 😮- Good to see that there are alternative ways of living out there. Not our cup of tea but hey you live and eat what you want to fore fill you way of life. Great to see what’s coming up next

  2. Can't help but to think sufficiently increasing the biodiversity would put an end to raw meat consumption.

    I'm happy enough living in a smallish town. Keep telling my brother that Philadelphia is not the place for humans to live, no reason for him to live there, awful place to raise kids. He thus far won't listen. I would not live like this family but it sounds a whole lot better than life in a failed city. Also, for me, the climate would be wonderful, not so much here in northern USA.

  3. Thank you, its always great to see how many different and intersting ways there are to live this life, It must have been a relaxing stay, a well thought out video.Thanks for sharing your time there. I missed the Finn update though.

  4. What an interesting way of living one’s life. I do wonder what the motive was to change to this type of living. You did a marvelous job of telling the story she had to offer. Strong work. You happened up on an interesting project.

  5. But what is wrong with meat slightly seared just for a little flavor?? All this seems a little extreme though I agree in principle with all the lady said.
    Rob: Your tact was measurable!
    Best regards. P.s.: late to the show. I'd seen the title card "30 years RAW etc" with an unrecognized Hamill on the thumbnail and swiped passed not knowing it was TCK…. dw

  6. Your videos are so organic unlike the fast food sythetic videos that polute Youtube.
    Absolutly love these Geographical video's you produce 10/10. All my family has started avoiding processed foods as much as possible

  7. If its at the island and bay I think it is, it is a fabulous anchorage and isolated location with wonderful nature all around, both above and below water. Looks like they are trying to make a minimal impact.

  8. Yup, sorry but I clicked off. That raw food stuff was disgusting & put me off my lunch thanks very much. 🙄

    I have to say that since you left Aussie waters, there’s been very little content on the channel that is of any real interest to us.

    Have zero interest in Indonesia or Indonesians, and even less interest in whack jobs folks who eat raw meat ffs.

    I think that if you think your making “great content” that will grow your channel & increase subscriptions – then your sadly mistaken.

    It’s entirely your choice where you go & what you do, no one can deny you that right, I’m just saying that in terms of growing a YouTube channel it’s not the direction I’d have chosen to go is all, because the whole area and it’s people have zero interest to me personally.

    I still recall that they shot the Aussies Barlow & Chambers.
    They also executed the Balibo 5 journalists.

    Your own brother was executed by the Khmer Rouge ffs.

    Why would any sane parent take teenage boys (who are easily influenced by peers and tend to experiment with drugs etc because that’s how some kids find out about stuff through experimentation usually due to peer pressure, into such an unsafe environment.

    Personally Rob, I list a LOT of respect for you as a father the moment you pointed your cat north out of Aussie waters.

    You & I obviously share different personal value system.

    It’s not a risk I’d have willingly put my family into.

    To each his own.

    I won’t be watching any further episodes, I’m all Indonesianed out thanks.

    Don’t wish you any Ill will and you all eventually make it back to NZ safely eventually.


  9. I love fruit and veggies but I'm sorry to say wouldn't want to try raw meat. 🤢 Cooking vegetables seems to bring out their amazing flavors. 🍇🍈🍉🍊🍌🍍🥭🍎🍐🍑🍒🍓🫐🥝🥥🍅🥑🍆🥔🥕🌽🌶🫑🥒🥬🥦🧄🧅🍄

  10. Looks interesting…although we didn't get any real sense of any hardship that they might have to endure. Seems like a very fragile way to live potentially. One bad storm and it's "start over", would be my guess. She also mentioned her partner. Is he still in the picture, and if so, was he just too shy top go on camera? Great video all the same. Thanks for sharing.

    PS…how many paying vacation guests have they entertained? And how much does it cost to visit?

  11. Very interesting 👌 very knowledgeable lady wow. How did they buy that piece of land and are the neighbors also foreigners? Just curious

  12. 25:09, she’s slightly insane (possibly in a good way) but Bamboo isn’t an effective dissipation of heat.. that’s been tested beyond anything, probably why they don’t put Bamboo on spacecraft.. and raw chicken and rabbit ect ect.. that entire family would be full of worms.. (Strongyloides) if only our ancestors managed to make fire 🔥? And orange juice confuses the human body? That’s the most stupid statement I’ve ever heard.. so basically if you eat an orange 🍊 that’s okay, well we all kinda knew that, but if you squeeze it, somehow you have altered the DNA 🧬 of a freaking orange? Let the facts talk, we live on average 4000 weeks as of 2023, in the 1700s humans lived 1/2 of that 35 years old was considered elderly.. so 2000 weeks, yes they may have been “healthier” right up until they died, She’s bat chit insane, almost turning her family into a cult, and she’s doing fook all for the environment by introducing not native plants and animals into a closed ecosystem, she won’t squeeze an orange but is happy to change the ecosystem to suit gains? She’s not doing anything modern humans do, we clear and change land for mass gain.. she’s doing it for little gain..

  13. Wow interesting air BnB
    I think with the right sauce all food tastes good
    Soya sauce is great with mince and also sashimi tuna or any fish
    Beautiful paradise with blue as blue waters.
    So my take would have watties tomato sauce on all raw meats
    Maybe it a kiwi thing ?
    Thanks for sharing fantastic works on vblogs
    Take care
    Safe sailing
    Cheers from the Tron team 😊😊😊😊

  14. An interesting way of life. One would have to almost completely change their way of thinking both mentally and psychically. I don't believe this life style on anything but a very small scale could successfully recessed. For this family this way of life seems to be groovy, but for the masses I don't think this would ever work. A nice bit of paradise of sorts to go too for a week or two.

  15. Great way to live, very admirable. I'm not sure a whole lot of people would want to live like that. But I guess if you grew up that way it would be easy. I can't help thinking of a recent episode when Ivans pointing at the native forerst and saying "Ok we're just going to take those trees out and build a mc donalds. Balence in all things is good, and we do need to look after the planet a bit more. Great story telling folks. Thanks

  16. Beautiful place and interesting project! Wishing them well! That fruit sure looks healthy and delicious! Making fire lol! It was an important skill that humans learned, not just for warmth and light but also for cooking some foods! 😉 In the best of situations, not overcooking but to make them sometimes more tasty and more easily digested👍 Also, to protect from parasites!! Eating skme raw fish, sounds good to me! 🙂 and even some healthfully raised raw beef sounds tasty and healthful, too!

  17. Interesting lifestyle. Unfortunately, I believe, we went past the environmental tipping point some time past and radical melting of the polar ice caps is self perpetuating. If true sea levels will rise even more dramatically and natural disasters will increase exponentially. It may be in 20 years that the best safe place to live is on a cruising sailboat. Think Waterworld light

  18. I always wonder what drives these people? Is it lack of money, being disappointed in life or really the principal? I guess a combination of these things… great respect but I really feel pity for the children. Thanks for sharing this experience.

  19. Sorry, I can not eat raw meat of any kind I've tried and it comes up as quickly as it went down if not quicker. Also, internal organs cooked or not.

  20. GIVE IT TO ROBBIE!!! He'll eat anything>>>>>> hahahhahahaa. Seriously though, i am so very glad that you came together with this family. You just presented them to over 4,000 folks from around the World…. That is fabulous……………. That young lady is very skilled with a butchering knife and both could out survive any city dweller in a pinch in Nature's City !!

  21. She speaks the truth. NEED is often associated with WANT >>>> DESIRE >>>> ENVY >>>> SELF IMPORTANCE. Thank you, Rachel, Rob and your two boys for bringing this out . Best to you for the coming week…. Ttfn. i am now messaging you on my "Vessel System". Looking forward to finally getting sea bound, i pray.

  22. Now there is an enthusiast! With some good ideas, some of which might be taken to extremes perhaps. I'd rather eat my bunnies cooked thanks. There is a very compelling notion that learning to cook our meat was the trigger for a great evolutionary leap. More nutrition for less effort. Increased birth rate. An exponential increase in brain size, among other benefits. Each to their own however. 'An ye do no harm'.

  23. 🤢🤮 O dear. Great story and I loved the episode. It’s a mind over matter thing eating raw meat I guess. On the upside I’d sure be skinny (ier) 😂. How actually amazing would it be if we as a species could actually be better than net zero 😮

  24. If you would you like to visit Antje and her family here is the link to the AirBnB
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  25. Very interesting episode. Best wishes for the folks on the island but eating raw meat will eventually become a problem. There’s a lot of people in this world who’d love to force this lifestyle on everyone but I have no interest in such a lifestyle. Living in an open air structure might be enjoyable on an island with sea breezes – but not in Mississippi where even temperatures in the 70s (around 24 C) get unbearable when the dew point and humidity get above the 60s.

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