Sunt îngrozit, dar trebuie să facem asta | S08E28

Sunt îngrozit, dar trebuie să facem asta |  S08E28

Am auzit odată pe cineva spunând că poți învăța să navighezi într-o după-amiază, dar este nevoie de o viață întreagă pentru a te pricepe la asta. Trăiesc și lucrez pe bărci de peste zece ani și am experimentat o mare varietate de situații pe apă. Dar săptămâna aceasta ne întâlnim față în față cu o manevră de navigație care mi-a insuflat frică în inimă de când am început să visez să navighez prin lume. Personal, o consider cea mai dificilă manevră de navigație pe care o cunosc și, deși este destul de rară în cea mai mare parte a lumii aici, în Grecia, unde am navigat în ultimele două săptămâni, este folosită prolific. Așa că săptămâna aceasta căutăm sfatul unui expert în medicina de acostare și luăm un curs intensiv despre… ei bine… cum să nu ne prăbușim. Iar noile noastre abilități găsite sunt puse la încercare atunci când o furtună neașteptată coboară pe Insulele Ionice și singurul lucru care ne ține departe de stânci sunt tehnicile pe care tocmai le-am învățat cu câteva zile înainte.

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Ochelari de soare: Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: Sails: https: // Ancoră primară: Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: Prognoza meteo: Keen Footwear:

Sunete epidemic


43 thoughts on “Sunt îngrozit, dar trebuie să facem asta | S08E28

  1. Maybe you should design a removable or temporary bow thruster to hang on the front of the boat. If it had a reversible motor or gear to reverse the propeller, you could maneuver as if you had a built in one.

  2. Thank you for teaching us that. I don’t sell anymore, but I found it very interesting and hope to get to Greece at some point. It looked terrifying. So much to learn. Huh 💜⛵️🤟🏻😎🐬🇺🇸

  3. Just fyi Stern tying is very common in British Columbia throughout the Canadian Gulf Islands and in particular Desolation Sound so it's a great skill to learn. Med mooring (as opposed to stern tie) is common at places like Roche Harbor, WA in the busy summer months were certain sections of the dock use Med Ties.. A suggestion…be very careful about the type of line you use for your stern ties. The common myth is to use a bright yellow floating polypropylene line. It is a bad choice especially in places like Greece where you have lots of sunshine. Polypropylene is highly susceptible to degradation by UV radiation.The material becomes brittle after prolonged exposure. In fact, basic polypropylene can lose up to 70% of its mechanical strength after 6 days worth of exposure to high-intensity UV radiation. A flat line Dyneema (though way more expensive) is a much better choice. We learned this the hard way when one or the Polypropylene lines we had that was only a month old snapped and we lost the dinghy!

  4. You guys are awesome! How are you? Manage to kick it up a notch times 10 every time you do a episode speaks volumes of your intellect and desire, to know Thank you so much for being on YouTube!

  5. A most awesome episode guys ‼️ 🎉 It seemed to me that this is one of the first skills that a total positive attitude was established at the onset. Transparency was clear that you were nervous….yet not anxious. Jordan, you have indeed risen a few levels up. Verified by your family's relaxed posture, trust, and comfort. The journey of life moves on. Love seeing you guys win at it. ❤ Isa is sooooooo damn cute ‼️ See you next time.✨ 🌊 💨 ⛵️ 🏝️ 👙 🌞 ✨

  6. well thank you guys for a great video yes hubby is great at learning to be safe and the gentleman whom helped you quite nice and courteous nice to meet people like that , and youre all doing so well, and Isabella is growing like a flower so adorabe what a smile worth million bucks !!! ciao

  7. As always, I love your honest and candid approach. I’ve never tried the Med method but I feel better equipped now, and I understand it! Your daughter has such a sweet and lovely smile as well as a cheerful attitude! Thanks for another great video! I’ll be remembering “wet air conditioning” for a long time.

  8. To prolong the life of your shore lines when going around rocks or rough objects I have acquired used pieces of double jacked fire hose 1 1/2 or 1 3/4 diameter and feed the line through it for abrasion protection.. You can buy line protectors but generally I get the used fire hose for free since it is considered junk to the fire department once it is old and has holes in it.

  9. The first time I ever did a circle raft-up (pinwheel), I was rookie nervous as all get out. But somehow, I managed to pull it off like a pro. Sure helps boost the confidence level.

  10. Great video guys and happy you crishef med mooring. Wondered where you are now/ how far behind the videos are. We are splashing in Vliho next to Nydri tomorrow having spent most of the week buying stuff in Nydri Marine…. On the off chance you are still about here we would love to say hi and maybe even see that baby smile for real!

  11. Thanks for the valuable lesson on Med mooring. I’ve done it but using the slime line. Much easier I must say. Cheers 🍻

  12. I sail a J105. It's super maneuvable in forward and reverse, close quarters. When I saw the bottom of your boat I shuddered at how difficult that must be, especially in reverse.

  13. Fantastic video, as usual 😎
    A quick question…in Malta on which Marina you were moored? Thanks for your videos and btw…in Italian Oso’s name would be Orso😎

  14. Our Passport 47 is a similar design so this video was very helpful as I've had the same trepidation about cruising in Greece!! Continue to love your channel!!

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