2023 ROCKWOOL Italia Sail Grand Prix | Ziua 2

2023 ROCKWOOL Italia Sail Grand Prix |  Ziua 2

Cine va lua titlul la Taranto? Urmăriți pentru a afla! Abonați-vă astăzi https://bit.ly/2IZR3n4 Înscrieți-vă la programul de fidelizare a fanilor SailGP, The Dock la sailgp.com/dock Urmărește SailGP pe TikTok, Instagram, Facebook și Twitter: @sailgp Fii la curent cu buletinul informativ SailGP: http://sail.gp/signup SailGP este de mare viteză, de înaltă tehnologie și de mare impact. Acest campionat mondial de sport combină tehnologia de ultimă oră, locații emblematice la nivel mondial, sportivi de elită și viteze record pentru a crea cele mai interesante curse pe apă. Echipe rivale din SUA, Australia, Noua Zeelandă, Marea Britanie, Canada, Franța, Danemarca, Germania, Elveția și Spania se luptă în locații emblematice din întreaga lume în curse scurte și intense pentru un premiu total de 5 milioane de dolari. Echipele concurează în catamarane F50 cu hidrofoiling identice care zboară deasupra apei cu viteze electrizante care se apropie de 100 km/h. Centrat pe fan și aproape de țărm, fiecare campionat SailGP culminează cu o mare finală de un milion de dolari, cu trei bărci, câștigătorul ia totul. #SailGP #PoweredbyNature 00:00 Introducere 9:53 Previzualizare curs 10:46 Cursa 4 Start 29:53 Cursa 5 Numărătoare inversă 37:45 Cursa 5 Start 57:57 Final Countdown 01:09:46 Final Start


36 thoughts on “2023 ROCKWOOL Italia Sail Grand Prix | Ziua 2

  1. Great regatta. Nothing wrong with winning that way – in fact it is more deserving. GBR on a roll. If Ainslie could get some better starts they would dominate.

  2. whats that air inlets looking thing on the sail , around that transparent square windows looking thing of the lower part of the sail , looks like a race car air inlet ,whats for ?

  3. Would have liked to see an extra 5 mins added to the race, to get a result. Looked like the Brits had a puff of wind on the last leg there, so maybe they would have won legitimately.

  4. What a joke of a way to finish a series. Why not postpone and come back tomorrow. Plenty of highly successful sports postpone events due to the weather. Better postpone than a driftathon. Nobody wants to watch a series that ends in this way. So much invested in Sail GP trying to make yachting appeal to the masses, but when you have a race like today as the finale every casual viewer will check out and not come back.

  5. i'm so pissed at the french team! I can't look at them right now!
    Useless early tack at leg 3 which caused all this mess!

  6. Honestly Jimmy got a gift when more than half the fleet hit the line early; he was already in second to last place again at that start, but their early crossing made him look smart. Also, without the kiwis in the mix, the field was more wide open. Had the wind been high enough for foiling, I'm sure Jimmy would have settled into his usual 6-7th place groove. He just doesn't know how to start in these races, he's always ten to twenty seconds late turning to the mark.

  7. I'd like to see a rule change for the termination of the race. Imo it'd be great if, after the time runs out, the next (not the last) gate counts, so the work you've done is not for nothing in the last leg

  8. Please do something about the AWFUL commentary on this event. Please pitch it at the level of expertise of the people watching it which is NOT people new to sailing. 'The dark patches on the water show where the stronger wind is, stronger wind equals more speed'. Do me a favour! When watching a football match you are not constantly told that the players must play the ball with their feet and while it may be necessary to explain some of the twists of the offside rule, you can say someone was offside without immediately having to explain the term. Much of the commentary is very high quality and insightful; the rest is awful. Please get rid of Tucker Thompson.

  9. Very Poor Wind Rule – these are built to be High Speed Foiling Cats – that is what people want to see and setting the wind so low makes racing pointless, The entire day should have been Run but as a Practice Day with no points – the alleged winner was 1 man down which was an advantage on the day because of the poor conditions – this is not Racing and I'd still be saying that if NZ was winning and hadn't unloaded the wing and went to do a show off to a Game Over – This is not racing it's not even entertaining – it should have been called off.

  10. I really like the fact that sale GP uses kilometres per hour
    But I really don’t like the fact that they cool the Helmsman the driver it is incredibly ambiguous
    The term driver has the most commonly associated to a motor vehicle like a car or a truck and that case the solely in charge of all of the controls and may have a navigated to assist them
    And calling the Helmsman the driver belittles all of the other roles on the boat

    You can drive a vehicle by yourself but you can’t Helma GP50 by yourself you need the flight control the wing trimmer and the grinders all working in unison

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