Lipite catarg și doar o cale în jos. Cu adevărat speriat pentru viața mea, atârnat de un fir. De asemenea, sunt câteva lucruri pe care nu ți le-am spus… Obține o ofertă exclusivă Surfshark! Introdu codul promoțional EVANS pentru încă 3 luni gratuit la Acest episod reunește o grămadă de lucruri diferite. Nu numai că urc pe catarg (de câteva ori), facem una dintre cele mai scumpe greșeli (până acum), ne instalăm noile instrumente în miezul nopții, măsoară vele noi, închiriem un minivan, reparăm o cameră. , dar în sfârșit plecăm din Florida! Nu vă putem mulțumi suficient tuturor pentru că ați făcut posibilă această viață a noastră. Literal, nu am putea, nu am fi capabili să o facem fără voi toți. Mulțumiri speciale patronilor și susținătorilor noștri extraordinari, sunteți incredibili! Vă iubesc pe toți, fiți în siguranță, fiți buni! Brett Jade Dingo și Penny @ExpeditionEvans #BoatLife #sustainability #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #LifeStyle #sailboats #TinyHouse #offgrid #diy #alone #offgridliving ********************* ******************* Dacă ai venit aici în căutarea link-urilor noastre Amazon, ești un tip special de om minunat. Vă mulțumim că le-ați verificat! Produsele pe care le folosim și iubim: Produsele pe care le dorim 😁: **************** ************************ *Echipamentul nostru* Camera principală: Obiectiv principal: /3cwZRkl Microfon: Go Pro: Dronă: Laptop: *Găsește-ne În altă parte* Facebook: Jade Instagram: Brett Instagram: EE Instagram: https:/ / Dingo Instagram: Penny Instagram: TikTok: *Site web/blog* *Vrei să ne sprijini?” https ://
Aceste lucruri nu au reușit niciodată pe YouTube (arătați greșelile rănite) | EE 136

43 thoughts on “Aceste lucruri nu au reușit niciodată pe YouTube (arătați greșelile rănite) | EE 136”
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Talking to camera while filming ‘Attack of the killer cucumbers’. Priceless
Older videos are better than nothing 🙂 Happy to have you two back no matter what. Cant wait for your later stories!!!
Fort Lauderdale brings to mind, Lauren, Sascha, Raff and Aiyana.
Glad to see the affection for each other, I just suddenly lost my wife of 51 years and regret the things she was wanting to do recently that I didn’t want to do, big time guilt on my part. Look after each other and never go to sleep on a bad note,final is SOfinal. Staysafe.
Quote of the Episode:
"I am on A Diet"
Missed your YouTube videos so much…since I was one, like many, who has feasted on the entire backlog…and had gotten used to seeing you guys everyday.. glad to hear you have a "new" backlog for us. Thank you!
If you plan to own a boat it pays to be able to know basic electronics. Be able to read a schematic, parts list, basic wiring diagram. Be able to solder and crimp. I was lucky as I was trained in silicon valley as an assembler. You will be dealing with bilge pumps and anything that salt can wreak havoc on. It is ongoing work. 🎉🎉😊😅 great work again! I love seeing you go back and see the “before” footage of the Atlantic crossing.❤❤ love seeing the all nighters! LOL😊
Wait.! How are you back in the US already? Is this old footage you are catching up on. Surely you didnt make an Alantic crossing to just visit the Azures and return in less than a month 😮 ??
'port finger' okay Brett haha
Keep your eye on Sailing Dauntless for indepth system updates..
4 He that observeth the wind shall not sow; and he that regardeth the clouds shall not reap.
5 As thou knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all. Gods blessings over you
This video was quite confusing, sorry but the editor lost me with all the out takes?
So on passage….. so daily vlogs comment
0:03: 🌊 A couple documents their spontaneous decision to sail across the Atlantic Ocean and share their journey in real-time on YouTube.
4:51: 🛠️ The video discusses the importance of having functioning instruments on a boat and the process of installing them.
10:03: ! The vlogger talks about using a self-climbing mast climber during a trip to Rhode Island.
14:58: ⚠️ The winch broke while Brett was hanging from it, causing fear and tension.
23:05: 🚗 The YouTuber rented a car to run errands instead of using Uber.
27:06: 🧺 The couple has divided household chores, with Jadenow doing all the laundry and the speaker doing all the dishes, resulting in a cleaner home and a sense of freedom for Jadenow to make messes in the kitchen.
31:21: 💡 The video shows the process of working with wires and power distribution in a boat's lazarettes.
36:39: ! The video shows the process of wiring instruments on a boat.
41:39: 😬 The YouTuber is nervous about going sailing to the Bahamas and feels awkward about viewers seeing their to-do lists in the background.
Recap by Tammy AI
Hmm. Nothing Encrypted is Secure from extremely powerful Real Time Decryption Software that includes Crypto Currencies, Blockchain, CBDC, WhatsApp, Zoom, Facebook, TikTok, dtc, Smart Devices, and VPN's. Sorry, but it is what it is. all you are paying for is a false sense of security but an actual benefit is Country switching for Netflix, so if a TV addict, go for it. Ive been in IT for most of my life and have been warning people about powerful Decryption Software since the 1980's. Best Wishes. Bob. 👍⛵️✨️✨️✨️❤️
Your missing puzzle piece is at 22:20 heheheh
I'm still waiting to see who rocks that Cello
Hey guys ⛵⚓⛵
Well that's Brets fault.
He broke a winch, too many pies.😉
All the best guys
Loved the shot of the last piece of the puzzle.
The covid fog ravaged my ability to remember things too. It was months before I could do things without thinking about it. Things that used to be automatic were no longer automatic.
Auto pilot so important … glad to see it working … now you can relax more … and enjoy sailing more … fuel cost is so high … maybe a electric drive hybrid using electric from solar and wind and small disel generator … ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊
I was getting a lil worried 😂 glad all is well ❤
Use Eartec two way intercom headsets, saves a lot of grief…! That's the self tailer, I've never heard of doubling up winches, one should be more than "man" enough, excuse the pun, and that looks a big winch. Check the batteries perhaps.
I hope you are able to score a sponsorship for new sails before you leave the Azores.
Nice to See you in good mood :-). Main sail replaced? Or what is plan for it?
Great to have you guys back.
high point in this video is cucumber shavings being forcefully launched at Brett haha.
Film away, people would love to see themselves on your channel
Yay, your back. I hope you enjoyed your break. Keep up the good work. SV Kiwi Lady Opua Bay of islands New Zealand 👍🏿
Great video! I find it’s best to always lead lines UP to a winch and never DOWN to a winch – leading down leads (no pun intended) to all kinds of problems like riding turns and other broken bits!!!
Thanks for the natural videos. What earpieces do you have in?
Did y'all ever find that other scorpion I seen in the video running around there ? If you haven't he's probably going to be gray by the time you see him.
Lol, the Atlantic Odyssey of yours was so awesome that I even forgot you skipped this many days and was coming back to them again! 😁
I thought something happened and you’re off air for good. Relieved to be wrong. Good to see you again.
Best of luck from now on!
Never ever go up the mast with out a safety line or Brett’s dream could come true god forbid
This was such a fun watch – great editing as usual. U realise we will all be focusing on your to do list going forward so you better make it an interesting read😊
Steady as she goes, engage
Whimp, your going to get cut working on a boat. I never tried the gloves how is the feel with delicate operations?
happy to see you back !