Învățăm de ce navele mari nu rotunjesc Capul Horn și în schimb navighează în strâmtoarea Magellan [Ep. 125]

Învățăm de ce navele mari nu rotunjesc Capul Horn și în schimb navighează în strâmtoarea Magellan [Ep. 125]

Cui nu-i place o scurtătură bună? Discutăm despre navigația în jurul perfidului Cap Horn și despre trecerea celebrei strâmtoare Magellan și despre modul în care navigația este diferită pentru navele mari și iahturile mici în timp ce navigăm prin aceste ape periculoase peste noapte. #sailing #travel #wilderness #patagonia Acum luați o cafea și bucurați-vă de un videoclip de navigație pe care ne-am distrat foarte mult să îl facem. Faceți clic pe abonați-vă și veniți alături de noi pentru această minunată aventură de navigație în jurul lumii! Doriți să susțineți conținutul nostru, să obțineți informații din culise, actualizări în timp real și mii de fotografii din călătoria noastră? Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru pe: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ruca Site-ul nostru: https://www.sweetruca.com Cartea noastră scurtă: „Sharing the Journey” https://amzn.to/41bhEn8 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rucasailing Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rucasailing Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/rucasailing


31 thoughts on “Învățăm de ce navele mari nu rotunjesc Capul Horn și în schimb navighează în strâmtoarea Magellan [Ep. 125]

  1. Shit, I was freaking out about you sailing at night in the middle of the Atlantic but this is really spooky…..for me. I mean at this point in my life I don’t like driving at night anymore. ❤️🕉☯️🙏🏼♾😳

  2. As others have commented, love the realistic sailing coverage. We took our 100lb Golden retriever to Europe and he traveled with us everywhere. Wondering how you take care of Roxy on these long passages?

  3. Thanks for taking us along on all the details of a journey we could never do. The nuts and bolts make it a wonderful experience and the film and editing chops are first cabin. Such a treat.

  4. I know I’m repeating myself, but those that take the canal haven’t seen the world. I understand it’s a commitment, to give yourself over to the deliberate pace dictated by the Chilean Fjords, but what a journey! Simply loving it 😊

  5. Hey guy and gal!
    Can you tell us what your favourite/most used knots are??

    Capt'n Ron
    in NS Canada
    p.s. love all your videos
    (ever since reading Captain Slocum!)

  6. Hi Sweet Ruca Crew, I have to say I would Love to see you catch some fish for din din some day? There has to be some tasty seafood there, Love you all.

  7. You guy's have the best sailing channel by far just sailing you tell us your viewers what and why you are doing the things your doing ! Amazing editing ! Thanks so much !

  8. Hi, Curtis and Kate. I can really get into the scene(s). Big tides and currents and what, boats? Wow. I was watching Kate let out the anchor, then I blinked and Kate was head over tea kettle down the chain locker! It made me laugh just seeing her legs and butt sticking out. But she emerged with sea monster tentacles and quickly threw them overboard!
    Great job you guys. Roxy is looking very healthy, too.🌬️⛈️⛵

  9. So, do you think it's worth the extra distance … I mean at least do you save money that way? Probably would with a Super Yacht and such … and your opinion if a motor yacht would save rounding the cape instead of taking the canal?

  10. Great video and great job. Courageous sailors. Navigating during the night with a lot of other vessels around, and doing all that with such a great attitude. Y’all rock. Thanks for sharing all that with us.

  11. Hello Sweet Ruca ! Nice to have some news about you. Where are you now ? We are going back to Chile. Ystafell is waiting for us in Valdivia and w’ll be there the 10 th of october. Then w’ll go back to Puerto Williams and Brasil in 2024…………… Hope to see you somewhere !

  12. Damn Best show. You both are brilliant this show needs showing at schools so our kids can learn about these places. You both are brilliant. Kate you just crack me up great lady.

  13. This is the kind of sailing content that I have been looking for. I got a response from Kate (I think?) on YT sailing channels group after other people expressed frustration at getting a lot of 'where' and activities from sailing channels and not really focusing on sailing content. I can see a nature hike with trees here hundreds of miles inland.
    This is gold, it never occurred to me there were fjords in south America and just thought everyone had to round the dangerous cape. Real sailors finding real solutions to real problems is exactly what I was looking for in content.

  14. There's your merch t-shirt: Drawing of the boat, superimposed over the chart/route through the straits, and "This sure beats the Panama Canal! I can't feel my toes."

  15. As always a wonderful video. I will say the fast motion is not that relaxing to watch yet again that’s just an opinion i have. Enjoy and be safe. Loving this Patagonia series

  16. @SailingSweetRuca, on this passage, you sailed from Paso Tortuoso (Tortured Passage) to Bahia Fortuna (Fortunate Bay)!!! So, the story starts with some drama! And, ends very nicely. LOL …As always, thanks for sharing the trip with us.

  17. Impressed at your skill and good fortune in getting from Paso Tortuoso to Bahia Fortuna in about 36 hours. I have taken up to two weeks and five anchorages to cover that ground. May see you soon in Montt.

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