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Vă mulțumim pentru vizionare! Vă rugăm COMENTAȚI, LIKE și ABONAȚI-VĂ, ne ajută cu adevărat să fim remarcați. Pace și vânturi bune! Liz și Jamie 00:00 De ce ne despărțim? 01:16 Acesta este motivul pentru care nu jucăm jocul algoritmului 05:31 Unde suntem și unde mergem? 07:14 De ce se duce Jamie? 09:40 Ce se va întâmpla cu podcasturile și vlogurile? 11:28 Ne plac câinii strazii indonezieni 14:37 Traim pe o barcă pe un stand greu 14:53 Ne place fructele dragonului! 17:35 De ce folosim DISCORD în loc de alte platforme 18:58 Jamie are 6500 de e-mailuri NECITITE!! 20:27 Ne-am plictisit de rețelele sociale, nu? 21:25 Acesta este cel mai bun mecanic din Lombok? 23:35 Thailanda este cea mai bună pentru proiectele cu barca 26:24 Tarifele aeriene sunt foarte scumpe acum! 27:34 Despre ce vom vorbi în continuare în podcasturile noastre? 28:19 Liz abia așteaptă ca Jamie să plece!
CUM SĂ CUMPĂRĂ O BARCĂ Pt 1 https://youtu.be/wL7w0lVgthg?si=UrNMbA–RID1RROr
CUM SĂ CUMPĂRĂ O BARCĂ Pt2 https://youtu.be/t_WTafoS5h=ZbT9s5h 5 MOTIVE PENTRU A NU CUMPĂRĂ O BARCĂ CON VÂLE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54AUkmuEuYQ
CUM AM ÎNCEPUT SĂ NAVIGAM https://youtu.be/lIUB0O5bqRI
CÂT DE CÂT PĂRĂVĂȚI ÎN PRIN LUME? https://youtu.be/p35rfFOTqio
Cele mai bune 3 sfaturi de pescuit cu barca cu pânze ale lui Liz https://youtu.be/4x3KDBDBUyE LISTE DE REDARE UTILE:
SERIA TOTAL REFIT – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoE3FmplhAXNsDWWYr6 – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLoE3FmplhAXOldLfhuOabS98hpDoznn9r
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Toată muzica din Epidemic Sound https://www. .epidemicsound.com/ @epidemicsound
BARCA NOASTRĂ SY Esper este un ketch 1989 Oyster435 echipat cu tăietor @oysteryachts
LOCALIZARE Medana Bay Marina, Lombok – 8°22’00.3″S 116°07’URMĂ
TIMP CU AIS *http://www.marinetraffic.com MMSI – 235026188 #podcast #videopodcast #dragons
Liz și Jamie se despart [Clickbait] | Podcast video Sailing 037
![Liz și Jamie se despart [Clickbait] | Podcast video Sailing 037](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/1695733762_maxresdefault.jpg)
26 thoughts on “Liz și Jamie se despart [Clickbait] | Podcast video Sailing 037”
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About to be in the same place, heading from Malaysia next week after new auto pilot install, should be an interesting trip.
Need to haul out end of November before weather picks up.
Good thing you are not parting for good
Some of the sailors are complainkng of dogs?
That's weird..
Some parts of Lombok is very againts dogs, like many of the Gili islands..
Love your approach to content guys! So refreshing and much more relatable (at least to me) than some of the other "options" out there. Best of luck with your upcoming projects. In year three of our sailing adventure, they hit very close to home
Plz keep this channel going. I also have mostly stopped most all other platforms except this one and had a bad experience from being hacked with Discord. So this is the only place I get to watch your unique style of videos. Class act folks!
Have I told you how much I love your intro? It takes me back to the old days of FTB….
Time away is cherished in my relationship, it freshens up everything, renews what it seemed old and worn out. Hope you have success in the upcoming projects…..as usual, you are #1 in my book!
I love your bullsh**ing for a hour
you guys are the only channel that does the B.S. and I LOVE IT!! My favorite!!
the best for your father!
I always learn a lot. I watched the last episode and wrote down the time stamps that were my favorite. I have to go back after this and leave my comment
Jamie is so talented with the Camara, just beautiful shots, and really telling the store with photos such a neat video. Safe travels back home, Jamie
I really
What do ya mean Lizz is not Chickbait
Hoping Jamie Success in the UK “Vacation” as Liz holds down the Fort
Continue to Stay Safe and Enjoy 
Is it expensive storing boat ?
I love Jamie's photography. Keep it up.
Would love to hear your view on what it's like for you in the hopelessly stuffed UK when you return to Asia.
Amusing to watch the cabinet latch over Jamie's right shoulder vibrating. Could be a camera artifact, or a reminder of how much work there is maintaining a boat.
Keep doing what you’re doing! The Bagan fishing episode is one of the most enthralling things I’ve seen on YouTube. Follow your hearts, not the algorithms.
Perhaps a little variety? Nude skydiving for starters?

Must better than the usual b & a click bait on YouTube… which is usually an automatic “don’t watch” for me. Love the channel. Thank you
I personally like this channel as it is, it's original and unique! Thanks for sharing.
The airlines made a lot of losses during the pandemic, now they're charging prices!
It is much appreciated that you never fail to respond and one of the reasons I think you should be rated a lot higher not just the quality as well
Your idea of a future session on “dealing with problems in remote places” would be great thanks!
Can only agree with your sentiments that many YouTubers are locked into producing YT content. At the same time the number of channels has increased dramatically and it is easy for a channel to get lost. The top end seem to have professional production companies or support and the grass roots feel disappeared a long, long time ago. I'm unashamedly there for the sailing content (and R&M). It's quite pathetic to see creators 'slutting' themselves (or more specifically their wives) to get the views – whether it been click bait (A&T) or headlines that scream at you. Other channels have morphed into family programmes as little ones join the crew. Good on them, but my days of nappies and staying awake at night for the wrong reasons are well and truly behind me. I for one value your content and quality over quantity anytime. Keep up the good work. If you are looking for inspiration you can go no further than 'Pensioners do a boat' – think SLV is safe (for the moment)
You may recall past conversations that we have had were we have said that one of the issues we had in YT Creator groups is that we did not "fit in" those groups because we refused to chase the algorithm. So well done on deciding to do what you want rather than letting the YT tail wag the video dog. I hope your dad is OK
Jamie up date on sobriety- how you doing – where are you – how are you both
Really enjoyed that one guys, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences in such an honest way
The algorithm probably changes so they don’t have to pay as much.
Hope everything is alright with your father. Your telling it as it is unlike some channel's. We are having a warm spell at the moment. so when you get here it will be snowing. Be safe all.
I so appreciate your channel for what it has to offer over other sailing channels. Your content is unique. Jaimie's return to the UK does prompt me to think about how you keep in touch. Its not hard to stay connected with technology. I'm curious how do you really stay ENGAGED with what's happening with your flat, your parents. your siblings, etc. How do you really know what is going on?