Locul greșit Ora greșită… Ar fi putut fi MULT mai rău | Navigand cu Sase | S2 E33

Locul greșit Ora greșită... Ar fi putut fi MULT mai rău |  Navigand cu Sase |  S2 E33

Am ancorat în Beaufort, NC (una dintre ultimele opriri înainte de a ocoli formidabilul Cap Hatteras) pentru a ne adăposti de o furtună prognozată. Deși ne-am bucurat că nu am fost la mare, tot nu am avut o noapte odihnitoare. O barcă cu motor fără pilot a pătruns prin ancorare și s-a oprit împotriva catamaranului ancorat chiar în fața noastră. Din fericire, nu a fost asupra noastră și, din fericire, nu s-au produs avarii la bărci. Acest lucru s-ar fi putut dovedi mult diferit. De asemenea, stăm la Cape Lookout și ne distram la soare înainte de a merge mai departe. Multumesc pentru vizionare! Comentați mai jos, apăsați subscribe și deveniți Patreon… Alăturați-vă familiei noastre Patreon https://www.patreon.com/sailingwithsix Urmărește-ne pe Instagram https://www.instagram.com/sailingwithsix/ Facebook https://web.facebook .com/sailingwithsix/ Site-ul web https://sailingwithsix.com/


24 thoughts on “Locul greșit Ora greșită… Ar fi putut fi MULT mai rău | Navigand cu Sase | S2 E33

  1. Thanks for the video. Looks like a pleasant time after the storm. I love watching Archie's launch on the kite with dad holding him up and letting him go.

  2. Dealing well with a challenge when young, sets one up for an active life and any excitement it may bring. As my old school motto went: the best armament is the armament of experience. Optimum armamentarium experientiae. Life won't always be plain sailing, but a ready crew can bring you through. (A quote I saw written on a beautiful 45 ft Bavaria berthed at Auckland).

  3. I remember when you where in Beaufort. I was looking forward to seeing the video! I enjoyed many a weekend at Cape Lookout growing up! It’s paradise!

  4. Good luck rounding "The Graveyard of the Atlantic!" (Hatteras) I don't know where you are in real time, but I hope you are safe from Ophelia. I live on the Chesapeake Bay and we have quite a bit of storm surge and chop right now.

  5. I was thinking bout you guys looking for a video yesterday. I wake up with one you guys are a rock solid family unit I love it and yall. Glad yall are fine and dandy

  6. Since your viewers have less visibility than you do in the anchorage during the storm, it would be helpful to show it in daylight the next morning. I hope you were just tired saying you were leaving, not knowing. The graveyard of the Atlantic isn't the place to not do your inadvance research. Beautiful family, surfing, and kiting. 👌

  7. Electrical storms have to be very scary on a boat. I live in a long home in the Central Oregon Cascades. I do love a good storm here but summer electrical storms often bring wildfires. This summer we had four small wildfires within 10 miles of our home in one week. In the past 30 years we have only had one wildfire that close before.

  8. A loose boat in a stormy harbor sure makes for a chaotic and exciting/terrifying situation! What a rough night, but at least you got through it. And Happy Days is always one good sail and turn of the weather away from a lovely scene. Cape Lookout was a good choice. Looks like it's time now to unpack the Winter clothes…

  9. The storm and winds that your family had to deal with were so treacherous! I'm glad everyone is safe and no contact between the sailing crafts happened! 🙏🏻🤗😎👍🤗😇❣️

  10. Sailing looks enjoyable until the big storms come. FWIW there’s a company along the East coast called Sea Tow (there may be others) that a boater can buy a membership from and they will respond when the boat breaks down, runs around, etc. Sea Tow may have been involved in that incident.

  11. Were all three kites the family? Guessing you had the place to yourselves and dad was splashing one of the kids with the kite board 😃

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