Pentru prima dată! Superyacht Tandem Charter Croatia | Partea 2

Pentru prima dată!  Superyacht Tandem Charter Croatia |  Partea 2

Bine ați revenit la experiența supremă de yachting! Pregătește-te pentru partea a 2-a a seriei noastre epice Super Yacht Charter, care include nu unul, ci DOUA super iahturi Loon. De data aceasta, vă ducem în paradisul uimitor al Adriaticii din Croația. 🌊 În acest episod, ne continuăm călătoria prin apele coastei Croației, arătând frumusețea acestei bijuterii mediteraneene, cu nava noastră soră Loon180. 📽️ Rămâneți pe fază pentru mai multe priveliști uluitoare, activități interesante și momente de neuitat în timp ce ne continuăm călătoria Super Yacht Charter. Nu uitați să dați like, să vă abonați și să apăsați clopoțelul de notificări pentru a nu rata marea finală din partea a treia a acestui serial spectaculos! – este yachting la cel mai bun mod! 🔔 Nu uitați să dați like, comentați și abonați-vă la canalul nostru pentru mai multe experiențe incredibile la bordul Motor Yacht Loon! 🔔 Pentru actualizări zilnice, urmăriți-ne pe: Instagram TikTok 🌏 Pentru întrebări despre charter și pentru a verifica iahtul, vă rugăm să vizitați site-ul nostru oficial : „Andocare live în Bonifacio” „Ce arată un charter de 1.100.000 USD” /watch?v=Hrfpp5DTWBA&t=1s Filmat de creatorii de conținut la bord @Blair_vb @dylanmordaunt #superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats #megayacht #yachttender #charter #yachtcrew #yachtlife #yachttoursuper #yachting #yachtcharter #loonducroatia #loonducrotav #loonducroatia loonvideos


45 thoughts on “Pentru prima dată! Superyacht Tandem Charter Croatia | Partea 2

  1. What an awesome video! So stoked to bring you all along on the journey. This was our favorite week of the season being able to spend it with our friends on Loon180 and pull off such an amazing charter for the guests on both boats. Stay tuned for the final part of this massive 13day charter dropping on Thursday.
    Please keep the comments coming if there is anything you would like to see or have explained let us know below.
    Thanks for watching

  2. Who was that other videographer? Can we see an episode by him in this series? Hopefully he wouldn’t miss the money shot up the middle of the boat ending with the climax of the music…it didn’t make me come ya know?

  3. Love the channel guys! I feel it is the best yachting channel anywhere! Keep it up! BTW I found you through The Crew Chef channel Kudos to her! Cant wait for the next post!

  4. absolutely stunning footage.. the stern to stern docking was incredible.. kiddos to Capt Paul for taking the broken bike. As soon as Blair asked to subscribe, I smashed the button. Keep up the awesome work. Perhaps, you could do a video that demonstrates your emergency training, fire fighting, man overboard, etc. Thanks again.

  5. Fantastic video, Fantastic Crew, Fantastic Super Yacht
    You lot smash it out of the Park every single time.
    Two Loons Together like this is Awesome.
    Cheers All the Best from us
    Having the Friendly Pranks are a necessary to Happy Living and proper Belly Laughs

  6. Wow! Is there any possibility of prints (or a calendar?!) from Loon. The view over the monastery, the two boats lit up side by side at night (wow, wow) are just gorgeous. You could pick fave/most beautiful clips. This is my favourite yachting video on YouTube by far ❤

  7. Elon musk could easily afford tese two yachts and do something like this the whole time! Insane what you can do with money so nice having big yachts back to back

  8. What's the most popular non-alcoholic beverage among guests? There are a lot of people who have a preference for certain types of bottled water, though I'm glad to see organizations reduce their plastic waste. Is there a branded beverage other that the usual water or coca cola that is in high demand with guests?

  9. GREAT video! It's fun to watch the interaction between the crews. Any chance we might be able to see more of the crew? We see many of the crew in the background, but it would be great to have interviews with each of the 19 crew members. I love the "BTS" since we see people acting like they would normally do. Keep up the great work…..

  10. Could you put a bit of orange or reflective paint on the drones? Granted it would have to be waterproof considering how often they end up in the drink, but might be an idea 😀 Cheers for the vid.

  11. My son graduated from Maritime College and their rival was Kings Point. Every Halloween the Privateers would row over to KP and paint their training ship some sort of bright pink just to show who was boss…….I'll have to find out what KP did in return but it was always a great rivalry……

  12. Next time do what U did with two yachts, with 4 yachts instead in cross formation, if U can get… Might be really funny, even for try. Ask Nina to offer Loon 180 crew some spicy food or some sort of Australian delicacy of say, some roasted crickets or something else. Please do NOT allow Nina to get any of this candy, called "Napalm Gummibears" as those are made with Habanero Peppers or worse. Just a word of warning. I really liked this vlog, hopeful for more wacky mayhem onboard and off. WBR.

  13. Hey Guys. Is the Big Loon more streamlined? the Droneshot with the little tender going between lets it seem like that. Could be the Reflection Tho…. How big is The Technological leap between the two boats?

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