BAT LIFE: Sfârșitul unei ere Nr.78

BAT LIFE: Sfârșitul unei ere Nr.78

Ne aflam în prezent în Curacao, la 75 de mile marine de unde un tractor și o remorcă așteptau să ridice Teulu, barca noastră cu vele de 40 de picioare din apă. După ce 5000 de mile marine au navigat de anul trecut, era timpul să o ridicăm, să îmbunătățim unele lucruri, să reparam altele și să zburăm în Marea Britanie să ne îmbrățișăm familiile. Trage tare! Becka și Zach –––––––⚓––––––– CUM NE PUTEȚI SUSȚINE: Dacă doriți să vedeți Teulu Tell Us (și un cont actualizat despre locul în care ne aflăm în fiecare săptămână) și doriți o lansare anticipată a videoclipurilor, nu ezitați să vedeți Patreon-ul nostru: Iată Lista noastră de visuri Teulu pe Amazon (practic toate lucrurile pentru care economisim în acest moment): Dacă îți place să ridici unul dintre tricourile pe care le vedeți că le purtăm în videoclipuri, mergeți la magazinul nostru la: ––––––– ⚓––––––– TIMESTAMPE: 00:00 Introducere 00:26 Trebuie să ajungem mai întâi pe insulă! 09:00 Timp de scoatere, iubito 10:05 Au venit scobișurile de mare 14:59 Lanțul este scos 15:19 Pânzele coborâte în 25 de noduri?! 17:55 Următoarea murdărie 19:43 Data viitoare… –––––––⚓––––- ––- VIN LA O AVENTURĂ CU NOI: AFACERI: TeuluTribe #sailing #boatlife #teulutribe


20 thoughts on “BAT LIFE: Sfârșitul unei ere Nr.78

  1. Thanks for hauling with out with us, it's always a bit of a nerve wracking time for sailors, but we are more excited than nervous as we have some wicked upgrades coming! Can you guess what some of them are?

    Also, some more exciting news- we will be at Annapolis Boat Show this year 🤙will confirm times in the next week. Can't wait to see you there.

  2. I have followed you guys from the start and am amazed at your growth and the speed that you have become good sailors. I get seasick on a pond but i am always a sucker for a beautiful lady in a bikini . Hope all goes well in the haulout.

  3. Congratulations on this video and the work on board. It reflects well the atmosphere on Aruba's Varadero construction site. Bravo for the soft background music ! CROIX DU SUD😊 loves!

  4. I've been behind on the adventures of Teulu and her crew, but I do hope she loves her upgrades and you guys have a great time with family! Cheers to all the adventures taken and all the ones still to come! I'm off to check out the past videos I have missed! <3

  5. 0:00: 🐬 A sailing boat completes its final leg of the 2023 season, encountering dolphins along the way.
    3:44: 💤 The speaker discusses the sea state and their current location, mentioning their average and max speeds, passing cargo ships, and the need for sleep.
    6:57: 🌊 The speaker arrived at the dock after a windy and tiring journey, and went through a relaxed customs check.
    10:27: 🛥️ The video shows the process of removing boat parts and potentially selling them back in the UK.
    15:40: 🌬️ The sailors prepare their boat for a month-long absence by taking down all sails and securing the dinghy.
    Recap by Tammy AI

  6. Already one of the crop of dull sailing channels. Pulling the boat out and flying home so makes it like You Tube is your business. Let me guess… via the Annapolis Boat Show to shill for You Tube.

    Sailing Florence come home to the UK this weekend for the first time in seven years. That’s a sailing channel and an inspiring one.

    It’s the people who think You Tube can be made into a job who are killing the sailing channels.

    And I can’t be alone in not being the least bit interested in seeing you back in the UK.

  7. Hey cool…
    where I grew up on the BC coastline there where huge patches of kelp…
    even if you had the prop that chopped it up..
    watch for the flat water ahead at treat it with suspicion
    BC coast…
    You will never go there now will you 😉
    The BC British … Columbia
    Thx 🙂

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