NOUA NOASTRA CASA (60ft Carbon Trimaran)

NOUA NOASTRA CASA (60ft Carbon Trimaran)

Obțineți 60 de zile de Headspace gratuit: Cod: SAILINGLV (expiră 10/9/23) Precomandați cartea mea First Mate Lenny 🥲 https://www.penguin Verificați Sunrise Yacht Products (Dyneema Nets): ––– ⛵ AI NEVOIE DE MAI MULT CONȚINUT DE LA SLV? Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru pe Patreon pentru previzualizări ale episoadelor viitoare și streamuri live regulate pentru a discuta cu noi în timp real ⛵ REZERVĂ O EXCĂTORIE cu VagabondeAdventures: 📨 Pentru mai multe informații, trimiteți un e-mail lui Jack la: 👙 COLECȚIA DE COSTUME DE BOT A ELAYNA: (Ia-ți astăzi costumele de baie Vaga Bella!) 📖 CARTEA ELAYNEI DE VANZARE: (Ia-ți o copie a lui The Little Sailor ABCs!) 0:00 – Început 0:10 – Introducere 1:30 – Plecarea Bali 5: 00 – Ziua întâi: Vietnam 5:30 – Pârșii lui Elayna (lol) 6:00 – Spațiu cap (reclamă) 9:08 – Camera lui Elayna! 10:13 – Vizitarea sediului Rapido 11:00 – Ne vedem copilul! 12:11 – Imbarcare LVIII 12:30 – Tur cu barca LVIII 17:14 – Primele impresii 19:53 – Planurile noastre de navigatie! 21:50 – Ora poveștii! Licența de barcă a lui Riley! 23:37 – Modele de cârme de top secret… 24:52 – MULȚUMESC Rapido!! 25:52 – Anunț interesant! (Cartea lui Elay!) –- MARFĂ OFICIALĂ SLV: SITE-UL NOSTRU: ANIMAȚII: IG: @hudson_animation Site: https://www.hudson- MUZICA LUI ELAYNA: Întrebări frecvente: Ce produse folosim? Ce camere folosim? CAMERA MARE: ALTĂ CAMERA MARE: CAMERA LA MÂNĂ: GOPRO: DRONE: Ce software folosim? Premiere Pro Predict Wind


41 thoughts on “NOUA NOASTRA CASA (60ft Carbon Trimaran)

  1. WOW guys, the boat looks freakin amazing! Love the color! But that interior, holy moley! It's retro, it's got character, it's got soul. So happy for you! Hope to see you in Newport again.

  2. That’s dream is incredible. I watched Waterworld at the theater “7” times IN A ROW!
    But …(though I grew up in Miami Fla near the water, I now live at 7,880ft elevation) the only way I would ever live on a boat is if I could breath underwater.

  3. At least next time you to know to buy someone else's mistake how long it took you that can only imagine how much I really hope it works out but I have a feeling you're not going to be that impressed

  4. hi guys! I work for Sevenstar Yacht Transport and we've a sailing out of Vietnam to Singapore, Greece and Italy coming up next month. Of course I understand you rather sail, but if you need a plan B, we're more than happy to give you a hand!

  5. Realized that while I was watching the new boat footage that my mouth was hanging open in a WOW. Congratulations. Hull colour is simply a stunning and beautiful bold choice. And the interior looks simply great (others not liking it is a bonus 🙂 ). Congratulations!

  6. Love meditation and HEADSPACE! But the link you gave is for a 14 days trial not 60 days … so sad because I really wanted to try it on my first trimester of stress full school :/
    Anyways love the new boat !

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