Familia trăiește OFF-GRID în locuri îndepărtate.

Familia trăiește OFF-GRID în locuri îndepărtate.

Datorită unor modificări uimitoare pe care le-am făcut la ambarcațiunea noastră, acum ne putem bucura pe deplin de unele dintre ancorajele mai îndepărtate, în confort total, unde poate că anterior nu erau atât de confortabile. Viața în afara rețelei este ceva de care ne străduim să ne apropiem din ce în ce mai mult în fiecare an, pe măsură ce ieșim și testăm sistemele off-rețea pe care le-am instalat în iarna precedentă, apoi revenim și facem mai multe ajustări din partea din spate a modului în care am ajuns. în acel an. Anul acesta, una dintre părțile majore ale puzzle-ului viu în afara rețelei a intrat în toată gloria sa în acest ancor uimitor.


24 thoughts on “Familia trăiește OFF-GRID în locuri îndepărtate.

  1. Hank bounced back thank goodness. Maybe he ate something on his last walk? Hey if you want an easy quick way to clean your fire door glass, scrunch up some newspaper, slightly wet it, dip it into some fine ash in the fire and rub the inside of the glass. The black stuff comes straight off. 👍. Then just clean up with another wet clean price if newspaper.😊 works a treat. Thanks for another nice episode.

  2. Just as Ben said – newspaper, ash, and I use spittle to clean the glass. I found that driftwood takes months and months to dry out and doesn't produce the heat it should even then. Carry on enjoying your lives afloat and making us jealous with your videos.

  3. Always enjoy seeing your vids. I'm constantly surprised by the beauty of the English coastal scene. I have always assumed it was cold and miserable 95% of the time. So wrong. definitely would love to visit someday and get off the beaten track.

  4. I am a bit miffed with you regarding this video. At the end of the 1st 30 seconds, you say that Hank has come down with a mysterious condition. I know that I am a strict dog person because I kept asking about Hank yet you never addressed his ailment after you first mentioned it.
    Once you showed Hank running around as usual once on land I realized that whatever he was suffering from, his system worked through his issue.
    Ok, I feel better now. Thank you.

  5. We think Hank was just feigning those symptoms so you'd get to the next beach all the quicker 😅. Particularly like the undersea shots in this episode. Another stunning anchorage thats for sure!

  6. When you were diving you showed a strange shaped alien looking think, what is that? Also how’s the blood pressure? I recently had a scan and I have gold in me. Gold stone they said.😂

  7. Glad Hank picked up (drama queen!) you can be justifiably proud of how you anchored your boat and modified her to make the anchorage so much more pleasant to stay in – as the saying goes – any fool can be uncomfortable!

  8. Do you have to get permission to go on these strolls. Some day I'd love to go to some of these places and just enjoy an incredible walk.

  9. Hey guys! We haven’t seen your channel for a little while, last we checked you are at QAB Marina and we may or may not meet you there because that’s where our boat moonshadow lives, when are you going to leave?

  10. ‘Just’ back from 3 weeks in the Med … actually that’s already a few weeks ago and have been away on business … so WONDERFUL to see you again. A few things…
    1. Having invested in some “marriage savers” and purchased the updated models based on your suggestion, these were put to the test this year in Greece and are indeed known as: “The marriage savers” (“Shall I go and get the marriage savers?”). Amazingly, instead of being told I shout and yell like a man possessed, I was asked to speak up: “As I cannot hear you over the noice of them chain”. Humm. Even: “I now realise how much I couldn’t hear over the noise of the chain” Hummmmm. We didn’t get to: “And so I’m sorry for all the time I said you were screaming like an uncontrolled Banshee”, but a definite improvement over before. Thank you 😊
    2. Very sorry to see Hank so down. Did you ever work out why?
    3. Good to see your deployment of the kedge. Have you done ‘the bridle’ episode and I’ve missed while away? Just what I recommended to ‘the admiral’ a couple of times while away…
    4. No Air Buddy when diving. Is this good news on the BP side? Have been wondering (and worrying) about you
    5. The wood burner looks more than marvellous
    6. And the 3 weeks in Greece? They coincided with Storm Daniel, so initially high pressure and no wind at all, then biblical rain and winds to match, then biblical rain, winds and electric storms with lightening strikes to the water meters from us, and then high pressure and no wind… don’t ask!
    And of course, your production quality continues to be beyond excellent. Wonderful content, so thank you 😊

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