Skipjack Sailing 105. Singur împotriva Gulf Stream! 220 mile navighează singur. Key Biscayne la Maraton.

Skipjack Sailing 105. Singur împotriva Gulf Stream!  220 mile navighează singur.  Key Biscayne la Maraton.

Navigație de coastă pe coasta de est a Floridei, începând de la Key Biscayne, până la Key Largo și până la Marathon. Contactați-mă pentru orice detalii de navigare, cu informații lat-long sau altele.


12 thoughts on “Skipjack Sailing 105. Singur împotriva Gulf Stream! 220 mile navighează singur. Key Biscayne la Maraton.

  1. Well done. Enjoy the winter. Where I am in New England it’s already sweatshirt weather and the heating blanket is on the bed (low setting).

  2. Hi Russ….mooring?…yeah, very unnerving task solo. I had need of a mooring once during an extremely low tide phase. Total newbie, I did it directly from the bow. After several approaches and attempts, running back and forth to the helm, I finally snagged it. Right after tieing off, a fellow sailor dingied alongside and recommended a similar method to yours . He said to attach the bridle and anchor line, run it outside and aft to the cockpit. Thus allows you to steer alongside the ball and only leave the helm for the short time it thakes to snag the pendant. Then, do as you did to haul up the line.
    I later learned to take the line thru the hawse hole and double it back to the 'pit, thus being able to haul in (rapidly!) without leaving the helm and cleat off temporarily to a jib sheet cleat. Then , once tied off, go fwd and set secondary or permanent line.
    Hope that's clear enuff😂

  3. Just sell the Dan hot boat get a motor home. Then you can bitch about traffic. Gas prices and mileage. Expense to park it and insurance. 😂

  4. Russ, It took a close friend not a family member dying that shook me out of the all work – play later frame of mind. It changed me to the point that my wife thought I might be dying since we started doing and going to all the places we had talked of. I have my boat on the Florida panhandle and will head out full time in Nov of 25 when the wife finally retires.
    I served on the USS Flasher and USS Haddick both Permit (Thresher) class boats.

  5. WOW!! I think of Key Largo and I remember Heavy Traffic and yet with a Boat you have unlimited Vistas and elbow room. I guess that is why I watch and yearn inwardly for the Magic you experience on a daily basis. There is no denying that a boat give you a sense of FREEDOM!

  6. When I got my Hydrovane I opted for for extra large extendable vane which is supposed to be useful for 'light airs'. I have a Tamarind ST 2000 which will connect to the tiller of the Hydrovane so I can use that if the wind drops off altogether. Another great video and very useful demonstration of how to hook up to a mooring ball.

  7. Hello, Russ. I'm a tall senior guy and need a boat that I can fit in. I like to stretch out when I sleep. Would a CSY be a good boat for me or do you suggest something else for a solo sailor?

  8. Great jobmooring! Have been watching you for a while. Really enjoy your videos. I have a 38 foot Morgan 382 in Freeport TX.
    Getting ready to try some solo sailing. Never been solo. Trying to get in better shape. Cheers, Miike Nik…

  9. May i say Russ, I am really enjoying your videos. As a solo sailor and similar age to you I really understand your highs and lows, frustrations and fears, the joys of a safe arrival, the way you plan out and explain your moves. It all rings a bell with me. Thanks for all the good vids and keep them coming

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