Aplicarea Coppercoat – De ce ne-am luat la revedere vopselei antifouling

Aplicarea Coppercoat - De ce ne-am luat la revedere vopselei antifouling

Am pregătit barca și, în acest videoclip, parcurgem toți pașii de aplicare a unui strat de barieră epoxidic pe carenă, pentru a preveni osmoza. Și cum am aplicat antifoulingul Coppercoat pe bază de epoxi. Vom analiza, de asemenea, motivul pentru care ne-am hotărât să ne străduim să facem acest lucru. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?… Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/svhiraeth/?… Lista materialelor:- West System Epoxy: 105 Epoxy resin 205 ( întărire rapidă) Întăritor 206 (setare lentă) Întăritor 404 Umplutură de înaltă densitate 406 Siliciu coloidal 407 Umplutură cu densitate scăzută G-Flex Epoxy Resin & Hardener Epoxy Barrier Strat Vopsea: International – Gel Sheid 200 CopperCoat: Epoxy Resin (pe bază de apă) Hardener Pulbere de cupru Profile folii cu alcool izopropilic:- http://airfoiltools.com/airfoil/details?airfoil=n0012-il


30 thoughts on “Aplicarea Coppercoat – De ce ne-am luat la revedere vopselei antifouling

  1. The only thing that really upset me was right at the end of the video ……the feet. I thought I'd blocked it out of my mind forever, but it's right back in there 😂😂😂

  2. Always wanted to give coopercoating my own hull ago but been put off by the horror stories. Thank you for breaking the process down and explaining what not to do, very interesting 🧐

  3. Great Job, nicely done. No criticism, however you do not want Square trailing edges, particularly on Rudders, rather 45° for better shedding of tip vortices, look it up. Maybe next time😉. My other comments, from hard earned experience, is to check the other elements of the steering system, particularly cheek Block attachment, sheaves and axles etc, as their bonding and integrity become more stressed now that rudder is more efficient and the shaft more rigidly located in new bearing collars, within the hull. Think of it as a whole, and where is the weakest link? Same applies to sheets and halyards that get replaced with high performance low stretch ropes & lines as their lack of give transfers much higher shock loads and strain into blocks and clutches everywhere else…….. But excellent to see such careful refurbishment of your pride & joy. Can't help but feel that Copper coat, whilst the right choice, needs owner application (with skill & care) that some if not most boat yards would not take. Fair Winds & Smooth Seas.

  4. Ware – not every coppercoat application, even tho surface prepared and product applied as per instructions, has lasted as well as advertised.

  5. You do a really good job. 👏 Peel-ply can save sanding between coats if you need to leave the work for a while. Also vinegar kills the epoxy set when you need to clean up.

  6. Todo bien. Pero antifouling le pongo una capa Hempel auto pulimentable y en algunas zonas de timón y orza, matriz dura y luego autopulimentable, y así cada año.

  7. Copper coat is not easy applied. It needs perfect finishing. If not the coat will fail your boat.
    Like this boat it must be perfect. This video is a very good instruction video.

    Well done 👍🏻

  8. I run a marina in Massachusetts and if I saw you working like that without drop clothes underneath the boat to protect the soil, I’d throw you off the property.

  9. My friend used copper coat on his 45' cat. It got hit by lightning three times during two years destroying his electronics. This happened when at anchorage with many other sailboats none of which got hit at all. Hmmm.

  10. Nice work! However, if the copper is exposed by the Scotch Brite, it has to leach into the water. Otherwise it would have no antifouling effect.

  11. I watched entire video for ONE reason – to find out the details of your HEADLINE "Why we said Goodbye to Anti-fouling Paint."
    After watching a well-done video, unfortunately you said almost NOTHING about why Coppercoat has superior attributes.

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