Trecerea de la Arta la Artha

Trecerea de la Arta la Artha

Scurt rezumat al tranziției de la Arta la Artha.


38 thoughts on “Trecerea de la Arta la Artha

  1. Thanks for the update! Can't wait for videos of you working on the boat to see what needs to be done. She looks like a terrific boat that will bring you years of new adventures.

  2. Congrats on the new Artha. Sorry you got the parasites but glad youre doing better. Cant wait for a good new boat tour although i have a good idea how she looks already. Have a great day and see you soon.

  3. You are such an inspiration and light upon this world! I so, look forward to seeing what's next for you and Artha. Thank-you for showing us that our dreams can become reality if we just do it 😘 Much love and safe travels ❤

  4. Yippee! new boat and new chapter in your life. Yikes! parasites, the thought of parasites freaks me out, glad to see your back in action. Stay positive, things will work out, we are all rooting for you.

  5. Yes, we know you're "…so bad at You Tube", and yet we watch anyway, because we like you. I'd think more than twice, before thiking about sailing round the world, though. Take a look at the map; From Florida to Dominica is 600nm (times whatever zig-zags wind and adventure sends you on). Circumnavigation is AT LEAST 40 times more. With pauses for cyclone and hurricane season, plus multiple haul-outs for maintenence (and trips home when you visas expire) it takes years. Also forget buddy-boating! I think you should sail the Atlantic there and back, and do the Mediterranean first, to get a little more experience passage-making and solo sailing. The Caribbean is a pond, the Atlantic is a lake, but the Pacific/Indian… now that's an ocean. Remember, the solo circumnavigators you see on You Tube mostly grew up on boats, and have crossed oceans before (albeit not solo). You really need to get some sea-miles under your life-vest before you head for Colón.

  6. Celebrities are just ordinary people who rock a little harder and connect on a deeper level with other people when they share their passion.
    You do, in fact, rock…and you have an enormous passion for making sailing accessible, real, and fun. You don’t edit out the setbacks and challenges, you just push on and that connects for me…you’re not fake and I respect that.
    You, Sam Holmes, and Holly Martin are very dear to me as fellow sailors, because you’re GENUINE and SKILLFUL.

  7. I would invest in a detachable 2TB hard drive and a cheap laptop to export video from your phone to that drive, and store that drive in a waterproof box with a desiccant packet. Keep the last few vids on your laptop, so that you can work with that content on the desktop again without having to retrieve it from the drive. The drive should be your archive, not your working cache.

  8. Nicole you are a celebrity to me! What did you do to your finger? You have mystical powers you don't even know about! I get so excited when I see there is a new video and I love to see you smile and laugh! I really hope to someday meet you, I will be starstruck and in the presence of an extraordinary girl! Peace and love…

  9. Awesome Nicole just Awesome you Rock baby ✌️❤️ And best wishes to you and 'Artha' as you do your re-fit take care you beautiful human …don't forget to wear your PPE especially the steel toecap FlipFlops 😂 your Vlogging is an inspiring feel good how it is masterclass keep on rockin' girl x

  10. Thanks for your update, Nicole. As the saying goes, when you are up to your a@@ in alligators it's hard to remember you were sent in to drain the swamp. You are doing just fine. And know that we love and support you in your endeavors.

  11. That was a neat update,you look really happy about selling Arta and also very pleased with the new Artha purchase.Having a diesel will be a learning curve but you will like it a lot.Didn’t catch what size and brand your new sailboat is though??Your channel has done very good for such a young one👍I appreciate your honesty and showing the real sailing and life on your boat too.Congratulations on it all and continued successes 👋👋👍👍😉

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