(Video cu vele) SINGUR PE MARE PE O BARCĂ MICĂ | Valul 70 #sailingvideo #cruisinglife În videoclipul de astăzi cu navigație (ziua a 2-a a călătoriei noastre cu navigație din Spania în Franța) ne verificăm la fiecare oră pentru a vă informa despre evenimentele zilei pe mare. Fiind singuri pe mare, pentru că suntem doar noi doi la bord…(plus câinele nostru cu pânze Delilah Girl;)) trebuie să profităm de odihnă când putem! Acest pasaj s-a dovedit a fi puțin câteodată. Dar cu siguranță nimic de reproșat! Am avut vânturi puternice și multe rafale pe tot parcursul zilei de navigație! Nimic cu care nu suntem obișnuiți… Dar cu siguranță o zi de navigație sportivă! Această barcă cu pânze clasică a noastră cu siguranță trece puternic și constant cu fiecare val și rafală! Instagram: https://instagram.com/sailingtelaru?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@_sailingtelaru?_t=8YaKqrJY9hW&_r=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100089246103498&mibextid=LQQJ4d
(Video cu vele) SINGUR PE MARE PE O BARCĂ MICĂ | Valul 70

27 thoughts on “(Video cu vele) SINGUR PE MARE PE O BARCĂ MICĂ | Valul 70”
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Love your content
y'all have radar, right? btw, stepping outside your comfort zone will always be a net positive. I liked this video.
I would be so seasick.
Tough day for sailing, but you both seem to be doing great on a rough day. Great video.
As always…. a great post. Enjoyed the hourly check-in and music selection. Fair winds and calm seas. Give Delilah a hug for me.
Experience is something you need today but want have until tomorrow! Love it! Enjoyed! Y’all take care!
Loved your last few videos. Haven't ɓeen able to comment, been in utube jail
It's been about a month since Jimmy Buffet died and I have not heard a word from any sailing videos, the man that got the Sea into our veins, A SON OF A SON OF A SAILOR, RIP
Pitch, yawl and roll repeat……oui oui .
Oklahoma here again!! As always loved watching!! Y’all make it such a joy!! Yes!! Amber honey you’ve got a keeper!! It’s plain to see your sweet hubby loves you to pieces!! You 2 go together like a sailboat and water!!
Seriously love y’all!! Keep on keepin on doing what makes your hearts smile!! 

I like the Sea Dweller .
that looks rough
It's a pleasure to watch your videos great job!!

I spend 6 months sailing in the Med on a US Navy ship and we went to Palma, Barcelona, Marseille, Cassis, Naples and more …. wow what a beautiful place …. The place I remember best is the topless beaches of France wow …
Loved the hourly check in. With those wind speeds, how was your autosail?
Love youre sccent♥️
No PFD's, no PLB's, no tethers/lifelines! Please improve the safety onboard Captain!!
Too many y’all’s but love the video’s.
You are following Capt. Squids 2nd rule of sailing. Good Job.
You should put that saying on a shirt !! my grandma always said ?
candied amber?
Just started watching your channel. Enjoying all the
footage (and the music
How to reef a sailboat
Enjoying your journey, must be hard putting out so many updates, great format with the hourly update, loved the no make up /pijama part, it gives the real feel
Grandma wisdom at it's finest.
Do not leave the cockpit without a safety strap and life jacket…ever…