Urmărește asta înainte de a naviga în Grecia | S08E29

Urmărește asta înainte de a naviga în Grecia |  S08E29

Navigarea prin lume poate fi periculoasă. Furtuni, valuri necinstite, curenți puternici și ape prost cartografiate. Suntem forțați constant să ne confruntăm cu natura în aceste situații riscante și nu numai că m-am împacat cu acest fapt, ci este de fapt unul dintre aspectele mele preferate ale acestui stil de viață. Există ceva înălțător în a te confrunta cu aspectele dure și indiferente ale naturii și în a culege recompense. Dar săptămâna aceasta ne confruntăm cu un alt tip de pericol, unul cu care mă simt mult mai puțin confortabil… alți navigatori, mulți, mulți alți navigatori. În ultimele două săptămâni am explorat Insulele Ionice de Sud ale Greciei, care sunt puțin în afara drumurilor bătute și nu sunt groaznic de aglomerate, dar acum că ne aflăm în Insulele Ionice de Nord ale Greciei ne aflăm într-una dintre cele mai populare zone de croazieră din lume și, din păcate, din cauza întârzierilor pe care le-am experimentat la programările medicale ale Isabellei, suntem aici în cea mai aglomerată perioadă a anului. Acum, dacă tezaurele de bărci ar face pur și simplu aceste ancoraje curate să se simtă aglomerate, nu m-ar deranja atât de mult, dar ne trezim din când în când forțați în situații care sunt chiar periculoase. Așa că ne pune întrebarea dacă vizitarea unuia dintre cele mai frumoase terenuri de croazieră din lume merită osteneala.

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Ochelari de soare: https://shrsl.com/35iim Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: https://www.highfieldboats.com/ultralite-290/ Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: https://bit.ly/2DfSqPw Sails: https: //www.precisionsailloft.com/ Ancoră primară: https://www.mantusmarine.com/ Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: https://edsonmarine.com/ Prognoza meteo: https://www.predictwind.com/affiliate/atticus Keen Footwear: http://bit.ly/2GSEMjt

Sunete epidemic


48 thoughts on “Urmărește asta înainte de a naviga în Grecia | S08E29

  1. Suggestion: when you must share a mooring point, such as a rock as you did here, or in a where you need to lead from a bollard already being used by another vessel, the polite thing to do is to dip your line’s eye under and up through their line’s eye and then over the rock/bollard. If they need to unmoor first, they wont have to unmoor you to retrieve theirs.

  2. Beautiful star scape at night …. What was the annoying tapping at 27:00 + while you were speaking? So, either of you using a mega phone blow horn thingy to communicate with boats to close wouldn’t be proper etiquette? 😂🥴🤥

  3. I do not think you are over anxious, I have the same worries as Desiree and sometimes do not sleep when someone is tooooo close for comfort. I do tend to be the one telling people first in a nice manner , then in not so nice manner to move but some people just do not do it any way. I find that people on chartered boats just do not care if they should hit you because they are not on their own boat. Thank you for your lovely films.

  4. I wish the med countries would put in more buoys to reserve. They could make a lot of money on these and it would be safer for sure. We were just chartering in Croatia for two weeks and experience the same craziness at anchor. Three boats got their anchors all intertwined. They had all anchored and buddied up. It was entertaining for 30 min. Crazy and hard to sleep knowing the winds were going to change one night.

  5. You haven't seen nothing yet. Go to Sardinia or Elba islands in Italy during August and you will learn what real anchoring nightmares look like. Just go there out of season, in case you plan doing it. Best regards from someone that was there for 13+ years. Silvano from Switzerland

  6. I'm interested on your thoughts on your inflatable kayak. You've had it a while now, and it would be good to have a review or update on how it has or hasn't worked for you all. Keep up the great vids.

  7. I perfectly know, what you are talking about and I couldn’t agree more. Just to add: it’s even worse in Croatia. On top of inexperienced sailors you get every year more party charter boats, entering a bay, drinking alcohol all day & night long and playing music around the clock. Some even come with huge speakers which they put on the bow and play at full volume. I know, it’s not the majority. But too many to enjoy peaceful moments as in earlier years.

  8. I did enjoy this episode since we are in Greece, Corfu, right now and are kind of those people renting a motorboat – even though I have a license but not so much experience – but: and here comes the credit towards you guys: I learn a lot from you especially anchoring and being aware of the dangers around you.
    So, when we had the boat I realized that I was way more aware about anchoring thanks to you guys.
    Keep up the good work especially “teaching” about stuff. 🎉
    I hope you have a great time in Greece and all the other places you are going to visit with no harm.

    God bless! 😊

  9. Guys, let's suppose every sailor is seasoned and experienced.

    The difference between Atticus and most other boats is that Atticus is your home and most of other boats are recreational.

    If a recreational boat is damaged the crew hops into a plane and goes home.
    Damaged Atticus, means you lose all the improvements made and have to cut short the voyage.

  10. How ironic! You sail half way around the Earth and encounter traffic and idiots! (Especially when you have the entire ocean! LOL)

  11. You need to learn the art of standing on the bow with your *itch wings going – hands on your hips, elbows out, stern face and shaking head. It often works! LOL. But yeah – we’ve had many a run in with a green sailor and it still makes me just shake my head. We’ve also had people say that 2:1 is just fine – with rope! 😵‍💫. But you guys are in such gorgeous locations!!! It is worth having to be the cranky neighbor sometimes to enjoy peace in such a beautiful place!!

  12. 2015 we sailed that area in flotilla. A couple other charters had no experience at all and when I looked concerned was told the lead skipper would look after everyone. From 9 till 4 we never saw the lead boat so not sure how that was going to work

  13. Can't disagree with your summation. However, as a previous "Credit Car Sailor" I would say that some of us are responsible and really do try to do the right thing.

  14. I would have made them get into a boat and get the anchors undone instead of just watching when it was there fault.

  15. New boat, new baby, it's a lot on the line. It's normal to be overly protective rn. Glad everything was okay and you had perspective enough to know you over reacted. 🙂

  16. Was watching the night sky shot of your mast head and spotted a satelite amongst the collection of stars! It was just to the right of the mast. As a kid, my dad and I would sit outside in the early evening after sunset and watch for aatelites. It has become one of my favorite things to do at night when at anchor.

  17. some information about your kayak: when leaving it out in the sun, make sure to release some air; I accidentaly broke a seam last year, because the air expanded too much; Or maybe you can install blow-off valves, which automatically release some air if the pressure gets to high (I don't know if Gumotex offers such).

  18. Did anyone else spot the UFO's in both of the night shots? Possibly satellites or could be something else. My son and I spot every night but we dont get a sky like that with no light pollution. Very beautiful. Yall's entire production is stunning. One of my favorite sailing channels for sure.

  19. Largest spider??? You haven’t been to Australia, eh? Google huntsman spider. We have them in our house often. Easily size of the palm of your hand… and they jump. And that’s just one of them. LOL 😂

  20. Just for piece of mind, you are absolutely correct about the unbelievably horrible understanding these twice a year captains have. But at the same time ,you said it yourself , we are talking love-taps given the conditions. Your vast excellent electronic warnings should help ease the strain a good dealas well. Put all your fenders out toward the the bow. Tie continuous outside clove hitchs to the fenders to string them together.
    If the slightest touch you are covered and you by all rights get ti be that guy.
    What a hassle. Now i can finish watching .😳

  21. Your 4 types of sailors is definitely true. I was fortunate enough to spend my green time with a very experienced captain. I went from green to pessimistic pretty quickly. I'm semi retired now, but still enjoy a day or overnight.

  22. 11:56 – get Isa to cry – Queue the baby! Oh that's it – get a recording of Oso and Isa – barking and crying and play it when boats are getting close.

  23. I’m a professional skipper, and have done some charter skippering among the Ionian islands. I can confirm every word you say about lacking skills. An annoyingly high proportion of “skippers” seem to think they’re in a car, and that anchoring is similar to parking. The charter companies are well aware of this and just gamble that the usually very light winds makes it ok, most of the time.

    They still do get a lot of damaged boats. That actually seems to be part of their revenue stream. The renters have to pay for the damage, full price, and the company fixes it cheaply. The actual owner, who is usually not the company but a private person, doesn’t know and quickly has a completely worn out boat. Not all companies are that bad, but many definitely are.

  24. you just don't know and do not understand local Greek culture and greed for money… they fooled EU with fake budget numbers… you expect charter companies to do something… Sorry, but you will be disapointed… But I'm 110% with you, but I just know cultural differences 🙁 Be safe and at any time take your guns out 😉

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