Alăturați-vă nouă într-o navigație fantastică peste noapte prin apele uimitoare din Bahamas. Te vom lua cu noi în timp ce navigăm în apele de mică adâncime pline de viață, dar dificile, evitând cu atenție capete de corali care ne împrăștie calea! Veți avea un gust autentic al vieții la bord cu navigația noastră peste noapte către Insulele Aboacos din Bahamas. Fără biffuri, doar o afacere adevărată, deoarece împărtășim bucuriile simple de a naviga în acest paradis frumos. Așadar, urcă-te la bord și bucură-te de plimbare cu noi! Dacă nu ați votat încă, consultați The American Sailing Award pentru cei mai inspirați marinari! Dacă doriți să ne votați, iată linkul de mai jos, Votarea se încheie luni!!!: ?f_work=At6ZyZ6ioOeHv7HqUhGu&white_view=true SITE WEB SAILING SUNDAY: SAILING SUNDAY SHOP: DONAȚII DE ANIMALE DE STRADA: https://www.paypal. /jacksonstreats PATREON: SOCIAL MEDIA: Conturi Instagram @sailing_sunday @brittnimoffatt @ryanweepers @jacksontheshepherdx @animalrescueyachtclub Facebook TikTok @animalrescueyachtclub
218. Navigarea în apele de mică adâncime | DUMINICĂ CU VAVEGA

27 thoughts on “218. Navigarea în apele de mică adâncime | DUMINICĂ CU VAVEGA”
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The best sailing
in The Bahamas!
Guys, guys, whatchadoin'?! barracuda is delicious!
Another Sunday, another beautiful place. Thanks for sharing!
1:18 a pair of high quality polarised sunglasses are helpful in this situation..
Yibetty Yibetta!!!
10:26 Rex Hunt for anyone who doesn’t know was one of the original Aussie fishing shows on TV, famous for having to kiss each fish before putting them back.. his show is probably still around on YouTube somewhere? Search “fishing with Rex Hunt” May find something..
Cheers guys!
That’s exactly what I was going to say when Ryan said something about how easy you can see them from the drone! Maybe some polarized sunglasses would help, they help when we’re fishing.
There’s no Sriracha sauce in stores right now & I’m addicted to it and eat it every day, after buying every other brand (& wasting $$) besides Huy Fong kind, I decided to try to make my own last nite and it worked!! I got the recipe from Utube, I just checked and there’s a couple for “Frank’s Hot Sauce” too! It doesn’t take long and you’ll probably like your own better, after you alter a few things. Most of them only have 5 ingredients and only the peppers and garlic would spoil. (Sugar, Kosher Salt & White vinegar are the others.)
Hey guys nice video I love Abaco Island great place if you want to get Lobster look around all the rocky areas like the mouths of the harbors lots of big lobsters my suggestion though if you want it's a really good fishing the northern part of Abaco like Fox town towards Atlantic Ocean and then heading north to Walker's k the fishing is incredible out there because there's very little pressure. Anything from big huge thousand pounds blue marlin right down to Blackfin tuna and then there's hogfish and all kinds of other nice eating stuff around all the islands but I would suggest from the Atlantic or the Atlantic Ocean starts inward 3 miles in that area and then North to walkers is incredible fishing and Diving you could if you like fish and and lobster and conch it's there Marsh Harbor has a really new big Market there that was put up after the hurricane it's supposed to be very good and I don't know if they carry a local eggs but there's a gal that has chickens there and her eggs are outstanding really good I mean some of the best I've ever had just thought you'd like to know. But you're going to see some damage because that CAT5 hurricane expect 24 hours over that area and there's places that I used to go that are no more and they were big heavy concrete houses that were just turned into nothing especially the outer part of Marsh Harbor there were some really pretty houses 5 years ago they're not there anymore
Oh yeah you can't eat the Barracuda but Bleed It Bleed It really good why it's alive and then it should be okay don't need it raw. By the way any fish you get bleed it why it's alive and you'll have a better edible fish I thought you like to know. And about the lobsters I want you to know there's some big lobsters out there around Marsh Harbor around all the Rocky entrances to the marinas that Jetty out I have gotten some big lobsters over 5 lb and closer to 15 a couple times very close to the beach
Does the dog bark when it sees a coral or rock?
As long as it doesn't yell, "Abandon ship!", you should be OK.
You need a forward looking sonar. You boating people can also use your drones to help get through tight spots.
I love Jackson. If you ever have to travel without him, please let me know. He is so cute and calm. I look forward to watching your videos because of Jackson and the sea.
I respect your guys for doing your channel. I could NEVER do it! I would be bored out of my mind!
Are you guys considering Starlink??
What part of Canada are you from Britni..? I’m betting on Ontario….
Another great video guys cant wait to see salacia star reunion
Always a groovy episode
That Look said it all! Someone is sleeping with Jackson for a week!
You should have Polaroid Sunnies on to remove the glare on the water and see the reef and rocks. Love your videos
On the bank you will catch a lot of cudas
Jackson get the best seat aboard LOL. Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid.
Those waters are incredible! Great episode!
Spent a lot of time sailing out of Marsh Harbor before hurricane
Beautiful footage. Thank you so much. Fairwinds. And safe travels. From LIZ in California.

First time I have seen your video. Nice to hear an Aussie accent and your attitude mate. How do you look after such a big (beautiful) dog,Eg feeding and toileting?