După aproape un an de planificare, am ajuns la PRIMA ZI a construcției hambarului nostru: excavarea! A vedea pământul în mișcare – primul progres vizual real – este destul de palpitant. Înainte de a începe, discuțiile noastre despre dimensiunea și locația hambarului au fost aparent nesfârșite. Odată ce ne-am luat deciziile finale, am întins benzile și am măsurat și remăsurat și remăsurat… și ceva nu se încheia. Sper sa iti placa! Lauren, Kirk & Renata Filmat: iulie-august 2023 *SOCIALE + BLOG* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailingsoulianis Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailingsoulianis/ Facebook: https://www. .facebook.com/sailingsoulianis/ Site: https://sailingsoulianis.com Instagram-ul lui Kirk: https://www.instagram.com/kirkhateswork/ *MUSIC* Melodie tematică: Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a -himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Pj0MtT Muzică lansată de Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE Muzică promovată de Audio Library https://youtu. be/MkNeIUgNPQ8 Toată cealaltă muzică: ARTLIST — https://sailingsoulianis.com/artlistio-music — Utilizați acest link pentru a obține 2 LUNI GRATUIT de Artlist! Căutăm mereu muzică! Dacă dvs. sau un prieten, rudă sau cunoștință faceți muzică originală și doriți să o prezentați pe canalul nostru, trimiteți-ne un strigăt la hello@sailingsoulianis.com. *CAMERA GEAR* https://sailingsoulianis.com/shop/camera-gear *CREDITE* https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/speedboat-crashing-rock-ocean_23818246.htm https://www.freepik .com/free-vector/speedboat-crashing-rock-ocean_23818246.htm #barnbuild #diy #sailboat
Aproape am pierdut un picior! în timp ce construim hambarul nostru | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 129

22 thoughts on “Aproape am pierdut un picior! în timp ce construim hambarul nostru | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 129”
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You guys are a dream couple and are building a dream family! Just purrrrfect!
I love the way you approach projects whether at sea or on land. Renata is getting so grown up. She's going to be a wonderful big sister!
I love the way you're building your future: very much a family thing. Renata will so far ahead of her piers.
That he's wearing a Raincatchers shirt while chatting about gutters….whodathunk that Soulianis had easter eggs! 13:58
How come you guys do so little sailing (how about 'Parking Soulanis'?) Is it because Lauren has chomped so many Big Macs? Just Kidding; Congratulations for the 'bump'!
I have really enjoyed the sailing aspect of your site but unfortunately, I am going to unsubscribe. I will check in occasionally to see when you shift from MI Homesteading and building a family back to sailing. Good luck.
Admire your work ethic and long working hours but Architectural shingles? why not 3' wide roll roofing for this limited lifetime structure, especially given its very minor pitch?
Looking awesome guys. Thanks for sharing.
Funny you say boats are so much more weather tight but yet you are in a far different environment. Can you imagine the cost of a resident if you did what needs to be done for a boat. Good job on your barn.
Yak, by the looks of it, continued world around sailing life is out of Soulianis. House building and 2nd baby, technically your OUT of it. Sorry, I hope that I'm wrong. Love from OsoYolo, Antigua Guatemala.
4×2= yes
Wonderful to see Renata is going to have a baby brother or sister. How are you doing and when is your due date?
You’re pregnant again. Boy or girl
That's great that you've started with the barn, nice to get things laid out, even with a dodgy tape measure lol. Don't knock yourself, you've done a really good job on the garage. Love the vlog
Glad the missing foot wasn't attached to a leg.
You did a fine job on the lean to Kirk, I’ll bet it lasts more than 10years! Renata’s vocabulary amazes me for her age. Lauren, you look amazing! Love the progress!
You can actually strap the boat to the trailer to keep it from tilting when you open the amas. Or tie it to a stake in the ground or even a tree. That's what I do, but I am in my driveway, and have a tree close by. Have your boat stands ready and open slowly, and you should have no problems. I have actually opened my amas on my own. My boat is much smaller being a Super Tramp, (20') but same concept. If you have someone on the boat to help push the arms down, it will be a lot easier. My guess is your amas will be pretty heavy to lift into the fully open position by the person on the ground.
Your land based home is really taking shape!
Just remember. Everything you are doing and learning, whether sailing or building your home, are life skills to teach your kids so they will be self reliant. Great job on the old garage.
Thanks very much
Quick question how are you going to get in and out of your garage when the barn is up?
So proud of you guys. No surprise that your little one speaks better and seems to have more sense and manners than many an adult acquaintance..