Hybrid înseamnă creșterea drastică a gamei, eficienței, redundanței și mult mai mult. ❤ Alătură-te echipei noastre! ❤ Pentru conținut exclusiv, în culise și întrebări și răspunsuri: ☝Full Scoop pe blog 📷 Echipament foto și video 📷 https://www. 📱 ACTUALIZĂRI pe Social 📱 INSTAGRAM: FACEBOOK: 📧Notificări prin e-mail, ca să nu ratezi niciun videoclip 🍦 🎶 MUZICA pentru videoclipuri. 2 luni gratuit: Artiști – Yarin Primak 🎨 Materiale creative pentru videoclipuri (SFX, șabloane și presetări): – 🎽PRIȚI-ȚI SWAG-ul ON: 💯Modalități GRATUITE de a susține producțiile noastre ––––––– ––––––––––––––––– – A avea o barcă autosuficientă nu este negociabil pentru noi. Pentru că petrecem săptămâni și uneori luni departe de civilizație. Deci, gestionarea resurselor noastre este o necesitate și căutăm mereu modalități mai bune de a face acest lucru. Și tocmai aici intervine Hybrid Electric. Este vorba despre creșterea drastică a autonomiei, eficienței, redundanței și mult mai mult. Orice producător care nu instalează un sistem similar va face acest lucru. Pentru că motoarele hibride paralele au toate avantajele propulsiei electrice și diesel, dar cu și mai multe funcționalități… precum hidrogenerarea. Este un sistem simplu, dar are multe moduri și de aceea am dedicat un întreg video configurației noastre electrice hibride. Deci, dacă ați fost curios despre ce este, cum funcționează sau pentru cine este… acesta este pentru tine. ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––– SUNTEM JASON ȘI NIKKI WYNN. Câțiva documentaristi moderni, călători perpetui și căutători de povești înalte. Ne urmărim curiozitatea în jurul lumii pe roți și chile din 2011. De ce? Pentru că curiozitatea este cheia pentru deblocarea vieții. Ne împinge în afara zonei noastre de confort, ne înmoaie presupunerile și ne ajută să îmbrățișăm marele necunoscut. Cu cât ne lăsăm mai mult curiozitatea să ne conducă, cu atât descoperim mai mult despre noi înșine și despre lumea din jurul nostru. Casa noastră este și mijlocul nostru de transport și petrecem săptămâni departe de civilizație și uneori de pământ. Încrederea în sine și un stil de viață durabil sunt o necesitate. Totul este să ne gestionăm resursele și căutăm mereu modalități noi și mai bune de a face acest lucru. Trăim în afara rețelei de peste 10 ani în orice, de la o dubiță la RV până la o barcă cu pânze. Și de-a lungul timpului am învățat multe despre energia regenerabilă, crearea apei potabile sigure și gestionarea deșeurilor noastre. Călătoria noastră este în continuă evoluție, dar misiunea rămâne aceeași: #Cultivate Curiosity Timestamps dacă doriți să săriți: 00:00 De ce să cumpărați o barcă cu pânze hibridă? 01:19 Motoarele sunt doar o rezervă 02:31 De ce să alegeți o barcă cu ax? 03:48 Motor complet electric 04:13 Paralel vs Serial Hybrid 05:19 Este fiabil un motor hibrid? 05:53 Este 48 volți DC periculos? 06:38 Merită costul hibridul electric? 07:09 Ce se întâmplă dacă există o DEFECTĂ ELECTRICĂ COMPLETĂ? 08:08 Modul hibrid 1 – Propulsie diesel 09:21 Modul hibrid 2 – Propulsie electrică silențioasă 10:54 Modul hibrid 4 – Propulsie diesel electrică 12:15 Modul hibrid 3 – Regenerare hidro 12:50 Modul hibrid 5 – 10kW Generator 13:16 De ce nu există modul Hybrid Boost? 14:09 Tranziție fără întreruperi de la electric la diesel 14:38 Sisteme hibride instalate pe HH44 15:55 Numerele de regenerare din lumea reală 16:50 Prima privire la cârma HH44 –––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––- #BoatLife #Catamaran #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #LifeStyle #Sailboats © Gone With the Wynns 2023



  1. So many Curious viewers! The most common question seems to be "Great system, but can you get it serviced anywhere in the world?" and the answer is definitely yes! The diesel engine is a fairly simple marinized Kubota engine, so parts should be readily available and any diesel mechanic worth their salt should be able to fix anything Jason can't. The electric motor is also super simple, and HH techs will be able to remotely log in to the system from anywhere in the world for troubleshooting and diagnostics. Hope that satisfies your "curiosity"!
    Curious Minion

  2. Question can you get the new boat on the Great Lakes I would think spending a Somers on each lake would be fun.fresh fishing no pirates .

  3. Holy moly! This is a dream engine! I suspect no down time on all your electronics, and with Jason and Nikki, I suspect full battery power everywhere because they are the ultimate savers!!❤❤

  4. I love the idea of bringing hybrid technology into yachting, but the purist in me says, “just sail the doggone boat!” I sail in a place where there is no wind, and so it really limits our opportunities to sail between life and wind. If we had an electric motor, we could use our boat much more. The noisy outboard is really not pleasant.

  5. Very interesting! Most of the recent boat hybrid systems I’ve learned about use a generator to power an electric motor with no direct diesel propulsion. I can see how this system works better for extended motoring but would go with the other system for shorter range motoring for near silent power underway and at anchor charging.

  6. Jason mentioned how his starter went out on his diesel and he was looking forward to having an alternative to drive the propeller. Since the electric drive is hooked up to the diesel motor, could you engage the differential box and overcome a dead starter by using the electric motor to spend the crankshaft of the engine and thus get the engine to start?

  7. I was surprised it would take all day to charge the batteries with 13kn of sailing speed and both gear boxes in hydro regeneration mode. I somehow imagined that the batteries would be charged in a few hours. Unless I missed it the size/capacity of the battery bank wasn’t mentioned here.

  8. So if the Silent Yatchs can move at 5-7 knots with no sail, what are the expected speeds for this style of vehicle and it's different modes/ conditions?

  9. As a cyber pro, I’m curious about the software that runs everything, including how updates/patches are done. Connecting to the internet makes systems vulnerable to hacks, including industrial control systems like those running the boat.

  10. If everything was 24v or 48… you would simpliffy and lighten the whole system.

    Permanent magnet electric motors work better and longer if they are kept cool and away from vibration.

    So thats another argument
    For a seperate generator i experience shows
    a generator running at its opptimum speed and for and extended period is more fuel efficient as the ICE motor isnt subject to stop start fluctulating loads.

    The brushless electric motors usually only need 'checking' every couple of years.

    The other thing is the design og the propulsion engine isnt helpfull for a generator its all too bulky and complicated with too many parts.
    Modern ICE generators will
    be more like the ultra compact Efficient liquid piston rotary engine or the Durham 🇬🇧university free piston reciprecating ICE.

    Take a look at the Windelos … and also the Elan range of yatchs.

    You can use greener more efficient permanant magnet motors. No rare earths.. and easy to recycle. They just use Steel and Al … check out Advanced Magnet Machines a uk Co out of Newcastle university research..

  11. You may be able to regen a lot of power, but it is not free. It becomes parasitic drag which slows the boat down. I would like to know by how much. (I would really like to see to scale/charts).

  12. Thanks for another great video. Love the hybrid. It would be nice to cover the evaluation of different prop types and how this is optimized for the various modes, including regen. Cheers

  13. I love these tech reviews. Lots of new technology being used. Actually, not so much new technology – just new application methods. Of course, lithium batteries with the high C rates and the multi-function generator/chargers make most of this possible now.

  14. Great video and a Fantastic description of the hybrid system.
    I bet your both getting very excited about taking delivery
    All the best to you both

  15. Wow- great looking system. My only concern is belts- a v belt allows emergency belts to be fitted quickly ( under 2 minutes) and then changed later when time permits, where a timed belt here has to changed out completely- looks like gearbox brackets off, and possibly gearbox removed / lifted off mounts. That is going to be fun in a small engine room.
    Really interested see how it performs, i think you guys have chosen really well here. well done.

  16. Interesting that no one mentioned that the Hybrid Marine hydro generation charts are from 2014 – so obviously not for this boat, engine or prop. 😉

  17. Thing is going to be to remember/be disciplined to keep the diesels well enough used to be able to rely on them when the brown stuff hits the AC and you need Diesel power now please , not the time to have to start trouble shooting fuel issues etc.

  18. Why would you ever take the Regen option off until you need to use the engines? That would create extra wear and tear on the system so maybe alternate engines on Regen mode? And what kind of fire suppression system do you have?

  19. We were just at Ft. McCalister GA where the current runs at 4 or 5 knots easy. You could anchor in the river there and generate in both directions with the tide coming in or out using the hydro regeneration mode and wouldn't really need anything else. The battery would keep you going through the slack tide. Very cool! Amazing there isn't hydroelectric on all of these tidal rivers for the towns along them. What a missed opportunity.

  20. A nasty through-hull leak in your boat is simple too, but replacing two cutlass bearings isn't. 12VDC electric with massive cabling is retarded too, as are expensive heavy batteries that will wear out and can't hold even 10% of the amount of energy by volume or weight that diesel can. And you're depending on an energy-sapping belt (!) that will eventually wear and break, and idler pulleys without oil bath immersion, to transmit power down to a shaft. Can that type of electric motor tolerate a dousing in salt water? Doesn't look like any TEFC severe-service unit to me.

    You have a great chance to install a true electric drive system, not some juvenile battery toy. That means run a pair of azimuth drives on underwater davits, like on a stern-drive leg, totally sealed from the hull. Pure 600v 3-phase motors on VFDs, which can be raised up out of the water for servicing or replacement or eliminating prop drag when sailing. 600V 3ph power bus for ultra-smooth reliable motors for any big load, like compressors, pumps, water makers, winches etc, in addition to propulsion. High-output lamps anywhere, running on small-gauge wiring that carries significant power without overheating.

    Engines could be placed anywhere it makes sense for weight and balance and craned replacement, in any orientation, connected to the azimuths by Teck 90. One engine running for background power to both engines and AC appliances, the second one kicks in under heavier load. A tiny house battery just for low-power LED lighting and navionics. Compressed-air engine starting, distributed to both engines for reliability and weight savings. It's all mature technology people, available now.

  21. Great video and very interesting, I like to make just a small suggestion for you guys, maybe you already think about that but, it will be very redundant to have at least 3 spare belts for the hybrid motor just in case, if you think what will happen if one breaks and no spare available.
    Regards from Mexico

  22. Tell us about the lightning protection and the theft tracking transmitters that are presumably solar powered for undetectable stealth location transmissions

  23. You should ask what spare parts you should stock on the boat. Seems like belts, a starter … must be some other stuff that would be good to have on board.

  24. Ok… I’m watching this video while sitting on a 1983 Morgan 416 monohull. The engine is similar… Perkins 4.154, mechanically governed. There are a total of 2 wires going to the engine, a coolant sensor and an oil pressure sensor. Bulletproof from an engine electronics perspective. 40 years old and still in spec. Can you imagine putting that PlayStation joystick throttle (does it need AAAs) and the actuators to make it work on that engine. $100 says it doesn’t make it 12 months on the (salt) water.

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