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  1. Guys, Ive watched you both for a long long time now and never lost interest, I used to sail and raced in the Fastnet race too but those were in the days when I was healthy and well. Been struggling recently with both physical and mental health, but your videos keep me cheered up and looking forward to see what you do with this current project. Keep going keep smiling and keep together. Oh and Kristin did anyone tell you you rock those jeans ;-)) Love you both,Jules xxx PS;- Did you ever think of a log built house on stilts to avoid any flooding.

  2. I jealous with all the compostable materials you have to make soil. Carbon & Nitogen Baby. Add water & oxygen and BLACK GOLD is yours!

  3. If you need land cleared hogs and goats will do it for you. Hogs will take it down to dirt. Bamboo is good building material. Maybe you could use it to make your privacy fence.

  4. Cows don't need mud. Pigs do, but they stink to high heaven. Goats might be the best choice. They're four-legged mowing machines. Good luck. Farmers don't have tender hearts when it comes to animals.

  5. Wow, wow, wow….careful!! At 8:38 those wasps are NASTY! If they sting you in the face, your face will be so swollen that you will look like that kid in Cher's movie Mask. And it is very painful.

  6. Great work!!! I used to do landscaping and there was one thing I enjoyed when I started using it, especially for clearing jobs. Instead of using the trimmer line you could switch out to a metal tri-blade. As long as you don't have PVC pipes or any type of line on the land you could go crazy with it. It would save you $$$ and time in the long run. Once cleared you could switch back to the line to be safe if you lay a lawn down. Luv you videos. Oh yeah. SCORE on your water, it is probably really clean and full of flavor. Minerals and good stuff.

  7. Great video guys. You mentioned hogs or cows. All farm animals need a clean, dry place to bed down at night. Some type of raised structure. And cows need pastures to graze, roughly 1 acre per cow. You can look it up and find similar info I'm sure. They're a lot of work and $$ to maintain: feed, vet checks, shots etc. Just saying… could be a ways off before you're ready to take all that on.

  8. My dad use to put up chain link fencing and then let grape vines cover them. He always referred to it as a seasonally edible fence. My mom also would make really good jams and juice from them.

  9. Hey Matt I have been watching you guys for a while now, I think I have watched all of your videos. I think this trick with the string trimmer will help you. Go buy a larg carbide saw blade and use it instead of the blade you are using. The carbide blade needs to have as many carbide tips as you can find 10" or 12" it will cut trees up to 5" or more in a single pass. Happy cutting. I bought a 35' coronado center cockpit sale boat that I now live on. Your video's inspired me to go after my long time dream. Thank you for that.

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