Pentru biletele la spectacolul de la Annapolis, intră aici: și folosește codul 23PARLAYABS pentru o reducere de 5 USD pentru fiecare bilet. Pentru a vota pentru noi pentru cel mai bun episod de pe YouTube, intră aici: Pentru a te informa despre festivalul de navigație din BVI, intră aici: the-odyssey-sailing-festival-in-the-bvi-december-9-16-2023 Pentru întâlnirea Patreon din LA, Annapolis sau Noua Zeelandă înscrieți-vă aici pentru doar 5 USD pe lună… https:// SV Parlay este un catamaran Lagoon 450 avariat de uragan, pe care Colin l-a reconstruit împreună cu prietenii și a început să navigheze în jurul lumii. Am găsit avarii în pereții etanși la catamaranul lor din Panama, așa că am reparat-o și acum navigăm peste Oceanul Pacific!! Pentru a cumpăra marfa Parlay Revival faceți clic aici!! Toată muzica este de la sunetul Epidemic! Înscrieți-vă aici și obțineți o probă gratuită de luni pentru a vedea dacă vă place! Urmărește-mă pe instagram pentru actualizări zilnice! Pagina de Facebook: Editat de @brittanyamodeo (instagram) #sailing #pacificcrossing #oceancrossing #parlayrevival
Echipa umilită în fața unui public LIVE de 150.000 de persoane… (Partea 5/6)

36 thoughts on “Echipa umilită în fața unui public LIVE de 150.000 de persoane… (Partea 5/6)”
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Team Parlay Revival-1 and Capt. Colin, what a momentous, memorable experience you have shown us all. Cheers, Salud and Slainte to each of you, thank you. God's speed and may the wind be at your backs!!!
Wish we would do it all again

Quite the adventure
I have watched every episode since #1 and I can't wait to see you all at Annapolis in a few weeks!
Probably my favorite episode so far. I crossed the equator in the early 2000’s twice onboard the USS Valley Forge. It brought back a lot of great memories. You all are killing it!
Y'all are the best, keep doing what you do. Best of luck and god bless.
Land the keys
For the potatoes to last you have to store them with the soil. If you wash them, they will last much less.
Thank you so much Colin and crew for being part this way and enjoying you crossing the equator and all the positive energy that is raining here and had a rough emotional made my day

Great episode
I was curious when did you notice the water goes counterclockwise when draining a sink??
I don’t think I have seen anything quite as moving . You enable such a density of human love around you that you redefine our hopes and dreams. God bless you all and those you love…
Hi Colin, and for all who wonder about the solar panel being crushed: there is an EVA layer underneath the glass, which, like PVB material in a car windshield, holds the glass together and protects the solar cells. Unless a brittle solar cell got crushed, the panel will work for a while. Moisture will eventually get to it and it will die.
Been watching you since below deck when you were working on carbon spewing shit dumping super yachts Colin, Love the zest for adventure you all have and will see you next weekend at the boat show. Ask Carleen if she wants me to bring anything Philly specific down with me that she might have been missing while out sailing.
Fantastic episode!
You are always lots of fun to watch. Thank you for the laughs again.
Hey all! Super stoked about meeting up next week in Annapolis. Got my tix to the Award show and I'm ready to mingle.
Awesome episode. Love love love Parlay and your amazing crew. Watched the LIVE as it was happening and it was epic.
Idk how you managed to make me laugh so hard then become emotional; honestly, I believe this is the best channel on YouTube.
Great job everyone! So proud of you all. You're beginning to feel like family, I've become so invested in each and every one.
Cheers from an oddly balmy St. Catharines, Ontario
Another amazing episode! I'm going to be sad when this journey comes to an end
WELCOME NEW SHELLBACKS…….. You are now a big part of a very small group of special people…… Thank you, Colin, for providing me and all of us, with such great entertainment. You and David are held very high in my World….. Cheers~~~~~
Those scissors were very close in rolling seas
Crossing the equator, and a old tradition, is that they get initiated
Congratulations!! Loved the shenanigans at the crossing
Thanks for the coupon code – we have our tickets!
Thank you for sharing this "once in a lifetime" moment with us. I've been following Parlay Revival for years and I must say I have never been disappointed by any episode or anyone of Parlay's crew.
This episode was (at this point) the cherry on the cake of your adventures, but I am sure there will be many more great things to come.
I hope you will sail up to the French Riviera someday. Who knows.
Colon is ghey 4 Jamie
An emergency layer of epoxy or poly might waterproof the panel to make it last a couple more weeks and the glass shower from starting. I have polyurethaned a few panels and gotten a wee bit more life from them.
@sailingparlayrevival, please watch sailing sweet ruca. They sailed around Cape Horn!! Another awesome episode!!
Best sailing channel on YT! Never a dull episode.
One of my most anxious scary times was the day before crossing the line on a guided missile cruiser. Not knowing what the shell back initiation was going to be, was very nervous making. I survived and am no longer a pollywog but instead a proud Shellback and have a forever memory of taking part in a very salty tradition. Congrats Shellbacks .
Hey Colin. Any plans for a visit to Fort Lauderdale Boat Show?
So cool you have such a great captain who is looking after your safe passage. Colin you are by far one of the best human beings I have ever seen people trust you and will go to the wall for you.. Package this up and sell it on the web… So enjoy your journey all the time.. Keep it up… From Edmonton Alberta Canada
I am sorry it's performing poorly. I l love all your episodes. Heidi