Așa se poate naviga în Patagonia. Navigație de aventură 100% reală! Scufundați-vă în filmările epice de navigație după care ați tânjit, în timp ce Kate vă dezvăluie ghidul suprem pentru navigarea în sensul vântului și cucerirea apelor uluitoare ale Patagoniei. #sailing #sailingpatagonia #howtosail Doriți să susțineți conținutul nostru, să primiți informații din culise, actualizări în timp real și mii de fotografii din călătoria noastră? Alăturați-vă echipajului nostru pe: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ruca Site-ul nostru: https://www.sweetruca.com Cartea noastră scurtă: „Sharing the Journey” https://amzn.to/41bhEn8 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rucasailing Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rucasailing Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/rucasailing
Fără bikini, fără BS – Kate îți arată cum să navighezi împotriva vântului în Patagonia [Ep. 126]
![Fără bikini, fără BS - Kate îți arată cum să navighezi împotriva vântului în Patagonia [Ep. 126]](https://sailingtv.ro/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/1696543826_maxresdefault.jpg)
29 thoughts on “Fără bikini, fără BS – Kate îți arată cum să navighezi împotriva vântului în Patagonia [Ep. 126]”
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Thanks Kate & Curtis for another amazing episode. Great photography and beautiful music.
When I saw Bikini I thought fraw to cold And I was right, to cold. then I was thinking girl when you get the opportunity you'll be smoking hot with all the work you're doing cooking & making tak's.
good sailing.
There's that Great Music beat again, (smiling), You are such a Superb Team and that Boat @8kts up wind WoW. the current was Brutal and she Plowed through those waves Fast. Love you ALL.
Great episode again. Reminds me of the time I owned and single-handed a Waarschip 1010. Built in Holland, wood, 34ft, beam 8ft and draft 7ft. She was the ultimate upwind boat. Taf, my 40kg Berner Sennen, was always laying way up front, her weight helped to keep the bow down, ears flapping in the breeze. Great memories.
Hey team Ruca you need to be more creative joke – that is not a good click bate. Only us with actual sailing experience will bite this hook. You need to name the episodes like: Drama at Patagonia – Hot Kate sailing nude in 40 knots will she survive? or Bikini chaos in Patagonian storm :). Excellent episode again – just sad that people are not finding your excellent channel. Maby some cooperation with Eric Aanderaa would bring you more viewers.
So what have we learnt from todays video….? Yep Curtis has got Kate doing all the hard work again…
Be Safe you two… 
(going upwind) Your backstays are not really tight and the jibs front end is in a curve – why is this? I tough that you should have the front of the jib tight and with backstays you can tighten it – especially in high winds .
Wow, 16 tacks! Thanks for showing us how it's done. I loved Kate's newly coined word, "snacktician".
Another wonderfully beautiful video by my favorite sailing channel. And get to see cruisers who keep sailing even when the wind is against them and don't just start the engine. And you are also so happy that we get to see some dance moves! We love you! But what does Roxy think of all this tacking?

Now that is sailing; a proper heel and spray enough to make the foulies worth the money!
Yes, you’re cold and wet – and so are the lines – but how well did you sleep that night?
Epic episode. You surely love to sail and the shots of Roxie frolicking on the shores of that beautiful bay were spectacular. Thank you for sharing a part of your adventure filled lives with us all.
Love this video. Showing sailing at it's finest in not so ideal conditions and yet you all made it look easy.
No Bikini? I think if you check the fine print in the rules for uploading sailing videos to YouTube you’ll find it’s required, doesn’t matter how cold it is there.
We both marvel at your adeptness in sailing and chart planning. Your teamwork is inspiring and exciting to witness. Not to mention the great joy in working so closely and lovingly together. We never miss your episodes and a lot of the sailing channels we watch could learn so much from you. Your boat and its performance is second to none.
Y'all never disappoint. Just an incredible team and team effort. I love the way you describe the finer points of sailing. Poi ting down slightly to keep the momentum until the sails fill and then pointing her back up. The guitar music fits the setting and the motion. What an adventure
I love the title of tthe episode too

hi guys, I voted for you on young cruisers.
Hope she who grinds the most gets the most snacks…..
That’s really cool, using the two camera’s & explaining what you’re doing, when you’re doing it and why. It’s great & it’s much easier to understand when you say what you’re going to do before you start doing it too. It’s a great idea & much easier to pick up on thing’s. Thanks!
I love the way you two sail your boat "proper"! None of the other "cruising" channels do that.
Also as a former member of the foredeck union i feel obliged to mention that your inner forestay looks a bit soft. But probably not much you can do about that.
Keep up the great videos!
This is the content i love to see
Fantastic video. Really inspiring. We love sailing upwind!

I love you all, thanks for giving me the opportunity to sail on this waters with you. I believe on woman and man are equal but are doing or the hard job. Not fair.
Love your channel, and all the sailing you show! And Roxie is so sweet!
Great sailing, You two are lucky to have found each other!
That's fun keep going
Slowly climbing the Latitude "ladder" to the NW, any noticeable increase in sea temp…