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37 thoughts on “ÎNCOPEREA UNUI PLAN: Transformarea BARCĂ VECHE DE 50 DE ani

  1. Wonderful upgrades keeps adding to my wife's wish list on our floating home. I do have a question I am going to rebed my port lights and wondering if 4200 is what I need or bydle tape what would you recommend for that project.

  2. Looking good Beau! Maybe you should try butyl tape sometime? People swear by it and it is not messy at all. Good deal on the new pedestal! Steering is good 👍 hugs to both of you!

  3. A trick an old friend taught me about taping up things for 5200 or other types of glue. Use electrical tape. The glue dries on top of the tape without having to worry about it soaking through like some glues do with painters tape. Plus it doesn't break when you pull on it.

  4. Huge improvement to the head, and the forward hatch will look cleaner, add light and have a better seal. Not a simple project but well worth the effort. Boat restoration, I truly admire your abilities to tackle these intimidating projects with success. Your boat is getting some serious love.

  5. Even after all these years following you guys, I am always impressed with how quietly talented Beau is at boat maintenance. Obviously the amount of work in both preparation and execution is immense, but you seem to just get on with the job in hand and get it done. Of coarse every Beau needs a Brandy, and Brandy is second to none when it comes to being a steady hand at the tiller. Great to see your numbers doing well too, keep up the great work. Stay Safe & Fair Winds!! ☘

  6. All your jobs look great when done. The hatch looks much better than the old and the steering will be so much nicer while sailing. I’m sure the autopilot will appreciate it too. So where are you headed next after all the repairs?
    Donate for a Dream

  7. The hatch turned out great. I liked how you prepped the opening for the hatch to fit. It did not surprise me the helm rebuild kit did not fit your older stanchent but your solution to the problem was spot on. Excellent job Beau. Until next week stay safe. ⛵🇺🇸

  8. Hey guys… is fairing compound, such as your using, the "green stuff" the fishing boat gave you to patch the crack in the starboard side (long time ago) I've often wondered.

  9. Great work and great video, the hatch looks awesome too, well done you need a Mr Fixit T shirt 😂

  10. They've got a spray oil that you use on motorcycle chain it sticks to the chain real well Go buy some of that Don't just pour motor oil on it it'll just dry up this stuff doesn't dry up and it sticks very well to the chain a motorcycle chain is hauling ass and the stuff stays on Go get some of that stuff from the motorcycle shop

  11. You guys are such a lovely couple, your videos are always interesting and well edited. I kinda like the fact both of you are more down to earth than other 'sailing' youtubers. I'm just surprised more people don't subscribe for your content – we need to get you guys over the 100K subscribers so you get a well earned boost to your project revenue. I'll do my bit and share, I hope others do, too. Keep up the good work Beau and Brandy.

  12. Hopping a lot of hardware is being taken of hurricane destroyed old sailboats in Florida. Seems there is always something I need for my 45 year old boat that I can't afford to buy new.

  13. Your maintenance and modifications get a bit boring. i have to watch them in small bites.
    And as anyone who has ever owned a boat knows that a boat is just a hole in the water .to throw money into .
    For lubricating that chain get some WD 40 chain lube ,designed for motor cycles but works great in a marine situation.

  14. …. great things are happening here team … having the hatch raised, far superior to the flush mount .. stellar job … Brandi @15:43 was the term you were looking for "The Angle With The Dangle" .. we all knew what you were telling us …. If you believe I never have probs with words, then I got a bridge to sell ya …. impressed with the final product …. thx for the share .. as always .. never stop dreaming, just dream bigger .. have fun be safe, save our oceans …..

  15. When cutting anything especially fiberglass, plywood, or almost anything, have someone/Brandy hold a shop vac next to your cutting blade and keep all cut material or scraped material from getting all over you, and your helper and also keep all cut material from getting all over the inside or outside of your boat.

  16. Oh Gosh it is good to retain a bright sense of humor whilst doing so many frustrating projects on your Boat
    Bet you will be glad when you at last find Freedom on your renovated yacht
    Best wishes😊

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