(Sailing Video) SAILING THE MED DAY 4 OF 5 | Valul 71

(Sailing Video) SAILING THE MED DAY 4 OF 5 |  Valul 71

(Sailing Video) SAILING THE MED Ziua 4 din 5 | Valul 71 #sailing #sailingvideos Pentru videoclipul de azi cu navigație – ne continuăm pasajul la Marea Mediterană… navigând spre Franța în condiții de mare mult mai calme decât videoclipul de navigație anterior… Slavă Domnului! În timp ce am navigat astăzi, am reușit să facem câteva lucruri și am încheiat ziua la ancoră… simțindu-ne împliniți și pregătiți pentru o noapte de odihnă. Zilele pe mare ca aceasta fac ca toate celelalte să merite! Suntem atat de aproape de Saint Tropez FRANTA!!! A 8-a țară în care navigam!!! WHOO WHOO!! Instagram: https://instagram.com/sailingtelaru?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@_sailingtelaru?_t=8YaKqrJY9hW&_r=1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile. php?id=100089246103498&mibextid=LQQJ4d


25 thoughts on “(Sailing Video) SAILING THE MED DAY 4 OF 5 | Valul 71

  1. Well, I have NEVER been this interested in watching laundry get done. WOW. Love your videos and look forward to them. Great traveling adventures. Thank you

  2. My son and I were working for a Canadian that gave us much heartburn and it was Friday. We went to the Winghouse to recover from the week. Rich said to me, Dad I think all Canadians are assholes but a man from the bar said, I heard that and I am mad as hell. Rich asked the man, are you a Canadian? His answer was no I'm an asshole.

  3. 1. While the Najad allows you to rest on passages, and it is a fine boat, you can get all the amenities of home for less cash, or more if you want.

    Even the Amel Super Maramu 2000 produced in the early 2000’s would be fine. Next is the Amel 54, then 55, or 64, then the 50 or 60.

    Each has all the amenities of a house.

    Now in a marine environment electric motors suffer. So there is maintenance.

    You can get the first in the 200k range. Then 500k and on up.

    All are more than enough boat.

    If you get a 60 or 64 footer you need crew. There is a trade off.

    Bottom paint

    Sea Speed ( silicon) with a ten year warranty v Copper guard ( Pettit ) will last quite a long time if APPLIED CORRECTLY. ( very important, critically important)

    More maintenance on the boat v all the amenities

    You can substitute Oyster, and others. The yacht salesman will know. Give him a lower budget, watch him frown and then he will bring you a range of price points.

    All will have complete maintenance records and look almost new in all areas, including the engine room and what not.


  4. A punk rocker with rainbow colored hair walks into a bar. The old bartender begins to stare intensively. Rocker asks, what are you staring at old man? Bartender says, back in my younger days I f@#ked at parrot and thought you were my kid!!

  5. An old man and an old woman were sittin' around the dinner table and the old woman asked the old man what he was gonna do tomorrow. Being retired, the old man replied "Not a damn thing" . The old woman shot right back "That's the same thing you did all day long today!". Not missing a beat, the old man replied "I know it is, but I didn't get done today!"

  6. Great video guys. Thanks for vid , oh and I’ll be looking forward for a joke in every upcoming video from now on. Thank you .

  7. Fun episode! Get yourself a toilet plunger for agitating that bucket laundry. Thanx for sharing the journey with us! <3 😉

  8. An 80 year old gentleman walks into a bar and sits down
    He starts to sob
    The bar tender asks the man if he is Ok
    The 80 year old gentleman informs the bar tender that he has a beautiful home,a beautiful yacht and a beautiful young sexy loving wife that tends to all his needs
    The bar tender then asked If you have all you need then why are you sobbing
    The 80 year old said
    I don’t remember where I live

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