Cumparam o BARCA la LICITATIE !! Partea 1 [E38]

Cumparam o BARCA la LICITATIE !!  Partea 1 [E38]

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18 thoughts on “Cumparam o BARCA la LICITATIE !! Partea 1 [E38]

  1. Super łódź! Teraz czekam na kolejną relację z podróży z Norwegii! Pamiętam te widoki zapierające dech w piersiach ze Szwecji…zatęskniłam kiedy zobaczyłam to z okien Waszego samolotu! Cieszę się z Wami z nowego nabytku! 🤩🥰⛵⚓

  2. And now you can spend more time fixing squalo up and have somewhere close you can eat and sleep 👍
    It might be a little dated inside but I'm sure you can put that right in time and add more value to the new yacht too 😁

  3. Well, this was a surprise but not unwelcome. It is nice to see you'll be under sail again coming up, even if it isn't Squalo – yet!

    I'm still intrigued by the engine saga that you hinted at previously, as it obviously played a part in the worry you had going into this. Glad though that while the interior was a little shabbier than expected, this engine wasn't.

  4. OMG, that was the last thing I expected to see! You two know what you’re doing, so well, okay…time for a little adventure anyway! I truly hope for the best and only good things coming your way! Yup, crazy, but it’s good!!!

  5. Thank you for the content and your good humour! I was thinking myself about buying a Marieholm 32 as my first sailboat and there is very little on YouTube about her, so I am very curious about your experiences with her! I wish you a safe passage and fair winds!

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