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Navigați cu normă întreagă, navigatorii YouTube sunt naibii
33 thoughts on “Navigați cu normă întreagă, navigatorii YouTube sunt naibii”
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I have learned more with your channel than all of these channels combined. Waiting for your next video!
This tells me all I want to know. I hope you read it and at least fix your math
It would be cool to see different content on your page, like sharing your knowledge of sailing and showing different yachts.
Dude you're harsh on these kids, I'm no expert but I wouldn't consider EE's 50 ft Beneteau a dumpster; Compared to a certain sailing couple we all love who bought their 37 ft Hunter "For $5000 Dollars off Craigslist" as she's looking back over her shoulder with all that cake. Kristin's a sweetheart, but so is Jade, and if you have a rocking body, why not sport a bikini? That said, I think the whole Tiny House; Off Grid; Van Life; Live aboard Sailboat lifestyle is ridiculous – they need to create drama to show how utterly awesome it is, rather than the mundane every day things we all do.
Before Parley left Mexico he stupidly did a live stream or was it two, one before the equator and one right on top of it. I don't really bother, but after that, every time I viewed a new episode, I was a little irritated, it didn't feel right.
I am astonished GBU is so high up. The rebuilding of the interior took ages and I didn't view every episode any more.
If I ever get me a boat for world sailing, Doodles will be responsible, I was sailing Fireball in younger years, travelling from race to race at weekends. His early videos made me a YT sailing fanboy. Doodles showed me, you can fulfil your dreams if you really go for it.
Evans is one of the fastest subscriber climbers. They talk too much too fast for my taste.
Do you get an idea why WeSail got so few subscribers? I do like the couple, I like their videos, their cinematography, every other video they have some stunning film, pictures that make you really feel it, they tell a good story. Even on average, they do better cinematography than most other sailing channels. Different taste?
Thanks for your content!
That list at the start.. watch only you and Sam..heard of a few of the others and some never heard of the rest….
Great video, I'm loving the "suck series." – these poor sailors, forced to sexualise themselves! It's the only way to get views, the don't want to do this!
FFS, you make soft core for teenage boys in strict, religious countries to watch. That's it.
You create used socks and stinky tissues, that's your job.
That's why we look down on you. Because we should.
I don't think my channel has been mentioned here. Probably too insignificant or underwhelming. That being said, I've just recently watched a little of this channel. And now that I've commented let's see what comes of it.
It is Sailing Doodles who is getting hull number two Island Spirit 525. It depends on a HUGE 55KW generator and two 65KW electric motors, 4800 watts solar, and 210 KWH lithium battery bank. They are claiming 8 knots indefinitely on just 37KW use of the generator.
Sailing Holly Blue does the bikini thing with two kids on board and the Hubby. I don't get the getting half-naked for the Youtubers in front of the kids. Most people do NOT sleep on deck like you do.
Seems like a totally pointless video that does exactly what you're accuseing others of. Why are you such a expert on what people want to watch. You must live in a very sad world.
Need to say that there are a few channels worth watching, such as Patrick Laine and Erik Aanderaa which should be talked about and even promoted
Parlay crossed the Pacific in may, the episode was uploaded in september
What's the point of asking viewers on how to fix an issue, that was addressed 4-6mo prior to video coming out?
They are basically dismissing comments before they request for them
Subscribers are PaperTigers
Viewers are the bread & butter
They lost their connection to the subscribers and are now struggling to talk window-shoppers inside the store to make a sale
I am surprised you didn't mention Sail Life (maybe he is not that popular). The extensive refit of his warrior 38 was interesting, however, the content now that they are sailing is so dry. He seems like a decent person. I am not knocking him personally, but he and his wife are not that compelling to watch as they travel. He over engineers everything and still has issues.
when i heard your credentials and recommendation to avoid lady k i listened, never seen 1 of his vids lol, i'm sure i can dig it up but can you tell me why you recommend a modern production boat over an older blue water? i'm new to sailing and can honestly say youtube sailors have inspired me i have alot of transferable survival skills and obviously want to explore the world but i understand i need water time and knowledge so i'm hitting a yacht club in Toronto next year. Modern over oldskool?
You’re good when you stay positive. When you whine about other channels you just sound like a troll. You can always get more views than everyone else when you say or do outrageous things (see presidential politics). Don’t confuse that with success. A more important question is whether you left the sailing channel environment a better place.
Good stuff. It’s good to see someone calling out all the drama and BS.
You need to be respectful to all sailors, you are no better than them
Lol! Loved your take on Sailing into Freedom. He had a secret regenerative drive design! He NEEDED 90K to get the materials to support his build of his cat. This was after another captain had given up in like Bermuda trying to circumnavigate on a mutli-million dollar cat on electric. That one came out of Europe with the latest in technology but he was like "Uh no, I'm not taking this thing around the world. Well the other got his 90K (not a dime from me, not that fucking stupid). He's funny with his PEOPLE speak but he's no engineer. The women are impressed though. I wonder how much he pays for them to hang out? I'm surprised he hasn't been charged with fraud yet.
Interesting, marketing poo tube videos, basically show this , bums, breasts and egos.
The world doesn't want honesty, their preference is opiate lies
I am confused! You say you're on Youtube to get others out sailing. You say that a channel needs to have a focus and critique others for switching focus and putting up drama click bait. How have the last videos helped anyone get out sailing? Your last several videos just bash other sailing channels and the thumbnails sure looks like click bait (Youtube Sailors Suck). Are you better than any of the other sailing channels?
Looking at your channel stats it looks like you only get 600-3000 views on average per video. That is a small fraction of what most of these other channels get…I think you only had one video that had over 20k views over the past 12 months. That’s pretty pitiful compared to all the channels you are trashing. Your videos have no entertainment value just negativity. Jealousy is not a virtue.
GBU isn't a sailing channel anymore so your top 4.
Ryan and Sophia were talking bad about you in person or on their channel? The solo crossing by Ryan seemed on average what you'd expect from someone who usually sails with someone, Solo sailors seem to fair better. You missed how Sailing La Vagabonde became a used high end yacht showcase, hocking two over priced catamarans that are reaching the ten year refit period, like an expensive version of "Learning the lines". The best advice I got from you was to shy away from Catamarans as the facilities in the islands for wide beam craft are expensive and can decimate your budget as parts are sometimes a pain (and fiscally painful) to get for a monohull.
When you dropped the C-bomb I died xD
OK, you have some interesting commentary on the state of sailing vlogs that the youtubers generally need to hear, but what I see is a fair amount of "the pot calling the kettle black". Snarky voice overs will only work for so long. There are sailing youtubers you say you like, and I like alot of them myself. You may not like philosophy and type of content that other vloggers put up, but there are many of all the types you review (adnaudsium) that stumble on producing an absolute gem from time to time. Sam Holms, who you say you like, we can take him as an example. I think Sam is just living his his adventure and he is telling how he does it, and showing us the pleasures and shit he has to deal with. He is irrepressibly optimistic, which is part of his appeal. So, an ideal for you would be to be more positive, tell us what you like about the videos you actually enjoy watching. There are alot of youtubers who need help and some of them might actually listen if you wern't so directly snarky. About a year ago, I actually met Jordan of Project Atticus while he was in the boatyard working on his boat. We talked about his latest video about working on his chainplates, and low and behold a week later he had a video based on our discussion. Which tells me is that everone who does this is probably desparate for content, but there are people like Sam Holms who have figured it out for themselves. Part of the problem is professional youtubers are always looking for eyesballs for their videos. In the grand media scheme, not even organizations with 1000's of people working towards that goal can do it reliably. There are some youtubers who are out threre just making videos that are often consitently very good, that just don't appeal to many viewers. There are youtubers who actually do follow all of your advice and they actually never break 1000 views. Far Reach Voyages is one you may have never seen. He is actually published in Practical Sailor and has a trained skill in presenting narrative which is missing from most youtube sailing videos, you should check him out.
One thing that was always a dead give away that something was not right was… they all sailed barefoot whether in a bad seas or good weather. I was shocked and even posted … wear shoes or you might slice your foot or break toes *especially Expedition Evans. The only time I saw them wear shoes was when they went off grid ! How many of you sail barefoot waiting for that cleat or any hardware to bite you ?
Sailing Sweet Ruca are a couple of Great Lakes racers circumventing the globe. Currently headed North in the Magellan Straights!
Requests? Lazy Gecko Sailing & Miss Lone Star.
He fixed the boat from hurricane damage, then had to fix the bulkheads. The guy wants to take a couple months off I’m fine with that. I think you’re making a big stink out of nothing. Your Contant is criticizing other Youtubers Contant. All you do is show their video and yap in the background.
Facts You Say?
#1. Intro Heading: Its "Too Far Behind". Learn how to proof read.
#2. How do you up load a video from the middle of the ocean at the equator?
#3. Yes, many are vapid and repetitive. But so are you!
#4. Melody is still refitting 2 boats.
I could go on, but you bored me out!
Can I get my consult? I paid a long time ago. Thanks.
Sophia from Ryan and Sophie is just horrible. I made a simple comment on Ryan's Alantic crossing. "He's is going to have trouble leaving the dock". Sophie replied with a 2 paragraph response telling me I was why men don't communicate with women. After 30 years of marriage I don't have an issue but if your a crazy women you indeed might run into intimacy issues.