Au mai rămas 3 săptămâni: Refit Crunch Time

Au mai rămas 3 săptămâni: Refit Crunch Time

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40 thoughts on “Au mai rămas 3 săptămâni: Refit Crunch Time

  1. Who would think that watching a boat being re-fit could result in overwhelming celebration and tears? Did you think that perpetual labor expended in a finite shed could be as fulfilling as sailing on the open ocean? I am enjoying the many good decisions and dramatic assistance from so many. Aladino's constant efforts result in perfection and Maya's persistent artistry takes everything to the next level. Is there a more loved vessel? Complimenti a entrambi e continuo successo!

  2. I dunno, I just feel for Maya; she diligently undertakes all this work which gives an aesthetic result, granted, but is such drudgery. You can see that she'd far rather be doing/making music. This kind of physical, repetitive, grey work is so much more suited to men's mindset. And yet she buckles down and it gets done. The ideal partner in life, making things so much more worthwhile.

  3. The King of Bling did a masterful job on those access plates.
    I hope you are back in Canada by the time this episode airs…
    Somebody might get ideas! 😏

  4. Down to the wire! I know you have already finished in real time, but we can totally relate to this insane crunch time! お疲れ様!as they say here in Japan 🙂

  5. Maya, I know this is not your passion. I can see it in your face. But please hang in there. You and Aladino are making a beautiful home and you will soon be traveling again and more importantly making beautiful music with your violin. I so look forward to that. But don’t think it’s missed that the background music you play on the videos is not lost. We know your style!

  6. You are both amazing human beings. Thank you for sharing your lives and your passion. The time , energy and attention to detail, though exhausting, will bring you pleasure and peace during the long hours sailing at sea.

  7. A tremendous episode. Craftsmanship shows when we pursue excellence, which we alone can determine. I assume there was a satisfying “YES” when you faded to black. You had a magical integration of music with images. I especially enjoyed the track you used under the cushion segment. What was the source? Keep the magic coming.

  8. Hi guys, love the colour of the cushions turquoise it’s going to look fantastic. Can’t wait to see Magic carpet on the water again. She is going to be beautiful. Keep up the good work. Appreciate your both , Cliff from Logan City Queensland Australia 🇦🇺 from the big island 🧑🏾‍🦽🦘🐨🏝️🇦🇺🌏🏝

  9. "If it feels good to you" – What an incredibly profound observation about the quality of life. You have turned something seemingly complex that take most people their lifetime to uncover, into a set of directions and meaning that can be imparted to almost anyone. What a great couple you both make.

  10. Fantastic progress, you two! This week, these are a few of my favorite things: 1) your awesome video-making Maya, where at 3:25 the beautiful guitar comes purring in (just brilliant timing and choice of music!); 2) Maya, thank you for naming the importance of beauty, and surrounding yourself with it. This lit up a truth in me as well, and gave me courage to live more fully in it..3) Aladino, your graciousness and friendly warmth when welcoming Brian and his expertise; 4) Aladino, your playful expressiveness with "a flooding of packages!" 5) Opening gifts from Robert and Charlene – witnessing your appreciation of the exquisite items, and imagining the joy it must have brought them to get to contribute something material to your boat, which is carrying not only your dreams, but our dreams for you as well. Thank you both! Wishing you excellent progress and easy laughter. Lee

  11. I'd like to peak into the mind of Alidino and see his version of "chaos". I suspect it is a lot more ordered than my version of chaos. Of course!

  12. This whole refit has been a show of master work, quality, dedication, stamina and strength of spirit over mater.
    So why the emperor with no clothes ,yes the SINK, that piece of horror in the middle of that beauty?
    We are told it is home made, of cause it is nobody would sell a sink with square corners impossible to clean, 🙃daahh😵‍💫
    or so large you need several gallons to get an inch or two of water or when that space could have held a so practical double sink daahh dah or with overheated welds 🥵dah dah dah. Wake up that thing is a disaster and now a faucet
    so large that at a time it WILL be grabbed as a hand hold and will break.
    IKEA has a double sink deep enough for under $100 🧐 with rounded bowl corners included at no extra cost🤑.

  13. Nice to have those who help out in the construction with made parts that lessens the workload alot … the boat is looking so new and pristine … and Dad is such a blessing helping out … Maya and Aladino you two are such a delight to watch and listen to … I love you both … great feel good episode … ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊

  14. As a long time follower, I want to thank you for your faithful videos. As an older veteran I recall looking forward to mail from home. I look forward to your videos in the same way. It’s such a joy to vicariously share in your project and journeys. Again, thank you.

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