Capitolul 14 – Valuri mari și surfing cu barca cu pânze, cam. Navigarea solo poate deveni puțin obositoare uneori – condițiile meteorologice pot fi necruțătoare. #sail #sailingboat #sailboats #sailing #sailingadventure #sailingboat #sailingboats #sailinginstagram #sailinglife #sailinglovers #sailingpassion #sailingphotography #sailingship #sailingstagram #sailingtrip #sailingvessel #sailingworld #sailingyacht #sea #sunset #travel #sailing_sailing #sailing_boat #travel #sailingstagram #sailingtrip #sailinghuffnpuff #foodboatboat
Single Handed Sailing Adventure: navigați singuri pe surf în Cornwall.

3 thoughts on “Single Handed Sailing Adventure: navigați singuri pe surf în Cornwall.”
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Those waves!!
Dont ever moan about my 2cv again
Thanks. Nice to watch.
My old neck of the woods, spent many an hour in Port Quinn bay waiting for weather to pass or tide to be right to get into Padstow, I liked that you showed a fishing dan/bouy I bet there were quite a few on that passage.