Stingerea incendiilor din nord, aniversările primului an – 7 octombrie

Stingerea incendiilor din nord, aniversările primului an - 7 octombrie

Ieri a fost aniversarea a două evenimente semnificative și violente din istoria Thailandei – masacrul grădiniței Nong Bua Lampu și masacrul Universității Thammasat din 1976. Ambele merită recunoașterea noastră. Noul guvern thailandez a promis că va stinge plantațiile și incendiile forestiere care afectează nordul Thailandei timp de patru luni în fiecare an. Poluarea aerului de la fum a devenit o problemă majoră, regională, și este abordată de guvernele thailandeze și învecinate. Noua casă pe plajă a lui Tim disponibilă pe AirBnB… Tim Newton Today este o abordare zilnică a știrilor și problemelor thailandeze și regionale de interes pentru expații și turiștii străini. Mulțumim sponsorului nostru 5 Star Marine din Phuket pentru charterele premium, private. Faceți clic pe acest link pentru o ofertă specială pentru telespectatorii TNT…


44 thoughts on “Stingerea incendiilor din nord, aniversările primului an – 7 octombrie

  1. In music, as in other arts/ sciences, there is always progress. They were saying the same things about electronic music in my youth 😉😊🙏

  2. AI will be the future and young people love it. What annoys me is that Amazon wants to use AI to write books. To do this, the works of various writers are placated, so to speak, and the AI is fed with them. an author cannot defend himself against it. I find that frightening. I'm just imagining Steve Ross's reaction if he finds his writing style reflected in a book like this

  3. That whole American and European muscic scene back in the 1960's and 70's 80's was better and more cool then whats going on now and still progressive.

  4. Good topics today Tim and thanks for your broadcasts, good luck on the rabie shots. Been their done that, but i was shot up in the bite wounds back on the island of Koh Chang 6 or 7 years ago.

  5. Foreigners can own Condo's. Not homes or property unless u have 3 Thai partners and unless those partners are truly honest,
    Good luck??
    Plus u can only own 49 percent.
    Been their done that even being married to a Thai lady for 25 years. I owned and sold 2 properties and i would never do it again cause its a hassle. Just rent or buy your Condo.

  6. Tim did you register the 10 year lease at the land office? I strongly recommend it. Doing so ensures the landlord can’t evict or raise rent etc as long as you pay the rent on time. Also no risks associated with them selling the property because no buyer wants to have a chanote with a registered lease on it. From your point of view it is extremely beneficial to do it

  7. YES, sheeple… The most important thing you can do is make yourself completely defenseless… Only criminals should have guns, and that includes the government. The same government that knows what medicine is best put in your body??? TRUST the all-knowing government!!!

  8. Regarding guns and random killings by nutters. Sure – easy access to guns is wrong, but the core issue is one of mental illness management. Many decades ago the 'old school' method was to lock away anyone with mental problems who might be a danger to themselves or others. Progressive rubbish decided (70-80s) it is better they live in the community and that locking them away was 'inhumane'. Just like this young boy and the sacked policeman in Nong Bua Lamphu, and most other mass killers, they have a history of mental problems that many decades ago would have meant that they were locked away (until/if declared safe). If that approach was brought back – the majority of mass murders would stop. IMO a few hundred people unfairly locked away for a while is better than people being killed by a nutter. The guy in Tasmania Australia also had a history of 'mental problems'.

  9. Hi Tim.
    About gun violence in the USA…..Its much worse than you think. 49 shootings with at least 19 killed and 49 wounded in the last 24 hours, of those where 4 mass shootings (defined as 3 dead or wounded).

  10. Thank you Tim….you guys rock with Steve RossE…..I follow you and Steve on Fridays … everyday. you present well and speak clearly in all the good senses….love the Sunday too Grrr OM! ….cheers Stay strong….well done ! and nice shirts …always haha!

  11. Gun violence is far more prevalent in cities and states with strict gun laws, e.g. Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, D.C., Baltimore etc… And the overwhelming number of those are gang related shootings. If you're going to look at gun violence statistics, look at them fairly. In the 27 states with legal concealed or open carry laws, the numbers are astronomically lower! Don't start nothing, won't be nothing. Not saying it's non existent, but it is much much lower. And before you say there's more people in the cities, yes, a higher concentration in a single area, but 70 percent of the population lives in the center of the country. Every single school or mass shooting was done by mentally unstable individuals or religious zealots. Unfortunately we are now in the age where criminals are targeting schools! Not really into teachers with guns, but as an absolute last resort and if properly trained, yes I'd begrudgingly agree. The last school shooting in Texas changed my mind on that one where the police didn't go in for over a half an hour and you had parents running in to save their kids. A better fix would be armed security like I had at my high school. Actually there were 2, both city police assigned to our school, and that was in the 80s. Wasn't a military state nor did it feel like it. And if you think only guns are the problem, think again. How about Thailand and China where the same type of disturbed individuals did the exact same thing with a knife?! If they don't have guns they will use another type of weapon. Guns are a tool, they don't kill people, people kill people. And everyone has the right to defend themselves. Quit watching news outlets that have time and time again proven themselves to be liars and are paid to be following an agenda and do your own research on the matter instead of regurgitating their false narratives. 9 times out of 10 you'll catch them in another lie attempting to further their aspirations by misleading the masses yet again.

  12. No one should "hate" (a very destructive and strong term) you or anyone else for a point of view! That is your prerogative! However, when you make a comment about another countries laws and rights, in which you may have a bias view, that is when you will get reverberation from your subscribers in one form or another! America is on the verge of total collapse, because of a Constitution that has been subverted by Lawyers, Judges and Politicians from both sides in power who are soft on crime! Most of which, will not enforce the laws of the land, written by our founders in that very Constitution! 
    Violence will happen anywhere at anytime and only true heroes in society, will be able to make a difference to thwart it! So the real question would be, if you were to see something that is going to be a horrific crime and you can stop it, are you willing to put yourself in harms way to save others in that society? I enjoy your show Tim and watch everyday, there is no hatred here!

  13. Glad you enjoyed West Side Story. That's an interesting painting over your left shoulder. Could you maybe show a picture of it next show?

  14. Wonderful programing & a great comintator!

    การเขียนโปรแกรมที่ยอดเยี่ยม & ผู้ประสานงานที่ยอดเยี่ยม!!

  15. Surely you can "educate" people to compost the green waste and give loans to farmers to purchase hugely overpriced machinery, but as long as giants like CP are cashing in the huge profit and the farmers are getting just enough not to starve to death, the burnings will just continue …

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