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45 thoughts on “cea mai IMPORTANTĂ parte a VELIEREI ELECTRICE

  1. Loved seeing the delivery too. Great job on the edit. Looking stunning in that new jacket Beau! Thanks for narrating.

  2. Hi guys, wow that was fantastic job. Well done. Can’t wait to see you start sailing again and having heaps more fun. Keep up the good work. Love your videos Cliff from Logan city Queensland Australia from the big island 🧑🏾‍🦽🏝️🇦🇺🌏🏝🦘🐨

  3. I’m so impressed. You’ve had to deal with so much adversity, and you’ve prevailed..looking forward so your next adventure. Thanks Beau and Brandy. PS: you are natural riggers.

  4. That diesel pushed that boat pretty quick through the water. But ya know, I drive a truck and don't like the smell of diesel either, it stinks.

  5. Good thinking outside the box, I really enjoyed this series of videos about the refit. I know that Saoirse is a Pearson, but what year and model is it, just curious. Thanks

  6. WHOA! SWEATY, NERVE-WRACKING FUN! Your gantry appeared to be really stable. Again; WHOA!Y
    Have fun, kids. Even if it's SWEATY fun.

  7. That was pretty impressive! Being totally non mechanical myself I would never have believed it would work. Glad to see you made it happen. Congrats to the D&S marina for their new boat and thanks for being such gracious hosts to B&B. ♥♥♥

  8. Alright, love you 2, Hope to see you in a couple days at ABS. So excited b/c I have watched forever and just want to give kudos for all your hard work. As always, fair winds & be well. Cya Thursday or Friday.

  9. Great job on the mast!!! Unfortunately blue eyed Lucy and us will not make the show. We were already in Georgia and my wife had a medical episode and we headed right back to San Antonio. We will really miss seeing you but we’ll be watching. Have a great show!!

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