Constructorul olandez de nave Damen dă în judecată guvernul pentru sancțiuni | SY News Ep255

Constructorul olandez de nave Damen dă în judecată guvernul pentru sancțiuni |  SY News Ep255

#superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats 00:00 Constructorii olandezi de iahturi dă în judecată guvernul olandez pentru sancțiuni 03:20 Yacht rusesc livrat proprietarului din Țările de Jos 04:56 Alfa Nero se întoarce în portul Falmouth după incendiu 06:03 Moran Yachts nu gestionează Aurora 06: 43 Yotspot – M/Y Kismet 07:51 Alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon! Alăturați-vă eSysman Superyacht Club pe Patreon! Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Canalul de știri SuperYacht | Alatura-te aici! Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime Aboneaza-te acum! Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați orice informație din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds


47 thoughts on “Constructorul olandez de nave Damen dă în judecată guvernul pentru sancțiuni | SY News Ep255

  1. I totally get yatch workers loving Russians. I mean – 5000 Euro per week in tips – that is a good deal for any Russian oligarch and any kid aged 20. Talking to a Russian and talking with someone working on a yacht is similar to asking any of them how comfortable they are about childrape. The money is good enough since the money is seriously good.

  2. You must be busy because my comments have gone ignored the last couple of videos. I was asking if the door to the bridge is Secured armor because it looks like a vault door from the side

  3. Yacht builders should start buying "Sanction Insurance" if they continue building yachts for countries that like to threaten sovereign nations with nuclear weapons. Or just keep their head in the sand and hope for the best. 😉

  4. I also don't understand how you can do videos every single day almost if you're an active crew member of a Super yacht, LOL. And isn't it unusual to have older crew hands? One of your videos said they specifically hire young, attractive people. I'm not saying that you're unattractive or anything, LOL. Just an observation.

  5. A business that relies upon having Russian oligarchs as clients are essentially reliant upon I’ll gotten gains by organized crime. Too bad too sad such businesses that would defy war time sanctions should be considered war profiteers and liable for the losses suffered by victims of the war.

  6. Damen has known about all the risks involved with russian customers – even the blindest has seen that since 2014 invasion and occupation.
    They should go bancrupt if they can not prepare for such risks properly.

  7. About time actual merchants classed up our foreign policy. We all need to work together, after this system crisis is overcome, to open channels of trade.

  8. Unless they have a constitutional basis, Governments are beyond suit, and the Government's under no compulsion to compensate for their stupidity in dealing with Russia. If it were here, a quiet visit from MI5 would be a sobering lesson.

  9. I've come to the realization that you are afraid or not allowed to tell us about the missile detection systems,
    That are installed on these boats.

    Quit Google search and you can find some examples…..

  10. Even assuming that sanctioning these billionaires has some negative effect on Russia, and that this negative effect impacts the war, I fail to see how preventing the billionaires from moving money OUT of Russia and INTO the Netherlands helps Russia.

  11. You can't tell me Damen didn't see this coming. If they don't have a diverse enough customer base to weather these sanctions, then they get what they get. That's just the risks of doing business.

  12. The people that should be represented by our governments absolutely need to sue the hell out of them because of the sanctions. Government should never be sanctioning other governments.

  13. For anyone criticising Damen, maybe you ought to look at reality. How many EU countries are still buying Russian gas and even oil either directly or via well known backdoor avenues. China and India certainly are. The US even gets much of it’s enriched uranium from Russia. AND STILL DOES. Wake up .

  14. Sanctions are criminal. EU leadership taking decisions without being even democratically elected by EU citizens. That is a complete fraud and nonsense.

  15. Damen knew it was dancing with the devil, it new the risks it was happy to take the money…. just because they got bitten tough luck….

  16. Not sure we (and least of all Dutch taxpayer) should have much sympathy:
    All builders conduct due diligence and know the source of funds (ultimately Russian) before they start work.

    Russians have been subject to sanctions since 2014 after the first invasion of Crimea.

    So shipyards take a business risk dealing with them. And they know this.

    I don’t think taxpayers will be happy to now underwrite that risk. They have better things to spend their money on than ultra luxury yachts.

  17. I know Damen as I have worked for them and i can tell you they do business with all states that are sort of lets say it diplomatically shady .
    This is just their own decision and I hope it hits them in the face

  18. if you go into business with russia and make it your main (or only) customer, then you can blame only yourself, I sincerely hope they don't get a cent out of the tax payer budget
    to add to that, it is a known hybrid war strategy to undermine foreign industry by offering lucrative contracts to such companies to undermine their financial stability, US has done the same with some ship building in China to make it more difficult for them to build a fleet of warships quickly, in China case however, they get "saved" by the government and turn into a state owned/controlled business and back to warship building they go, but valuable time has been obtained

  19. Dutch citizens are already paying a high price for the energy. Now also will their taxes be used to subsidy large corporations? Nice.

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