După ani de încercări, Jagex va avea în sfârșit șansa de a implementa o nouă abilitate în OSRS. Cum am ajuns în acest punct? Și cum va afecta navigația OSRS? https://twitter.com/kaozbender_ Deveniți membru: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClfDeEJO8mZCNOsM1xC9TRQ/join Thumbnail by: https://twitter.com/FalcoAJ_OSRS. 00:00 – Introducere și context 01:00 – Artizan, navigație, pază 04:23 – Schimbări de sondaj și foaia de parcurs pentru dezvoltare 05:59 – Farmecul al patrulea timp: abilitate nouă? 07:35 – Skill-uri noi și sondaje 09:04 – Sailing Supremacy 10:07 – Summer Summit 2023 10:52 – Sailing Community Răspuns 12:43 – Sailing Opinions 18:31 – Închidere gânduri și sponsori
Sailing va ruina OSRS? – Noua istorie a abilităților în Oldschool Runescape

40 thoughts on “Sailing va ruina OSRS? – Noua istorie a abilităților în Oldschool Runescape”
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The gameplay was fun to watch
Sailing will be one of the best content updates ever and I’m so excited. Also, repoll Artisan and repoll Warding. Also great skills that would fit right in within OSRS and not break any aspects of the game’s “feel”.
11:30 I would argue it’s far more likely the gatekeeping basement dwellers who vote no for everything will have been using their 50 alternative accounts to try and tank the poll, compared to the actual player base voting yes
it seems okay, but its not a skill
I remember Sailing being a meme when i kinda started playing lmao
I hope it's good, I voted yes because i think it's time for a new skill.
Sailing sounds great to me because it rings similar to construction. I like skills that weave into the existing ones and can provide alternative training methods and reasons to do them. Sailing could make rubbish skills like firemaking useful for instance.
Will be fun seeing the hiscore race happen again, who knows who will be the potential new rank 1 player etc
I'm up for it definitely
No it won’t ruin the game. People should be happy this game isn’t getting stagnant.
I think the main argument against a new skill isn't "it's more to do", it's that it is disruptive. How is sailing going to impact the Runescape economy? How will it impact core gameplay, sucha s getting 99s in other skills? The impact might be insane – what if, for example, there's a way to get sailng up and access a new chinchompa location. What would that do to chin prices? What would that do to people's ability to get 99 range? What would inflated range levels do to PVMing? etc etc. Runescape is complicated and a new skill is like throwing a big stone into the middle of a pond, it'll have ripples.
I'm "pro sailing" but it has to be done carefully.
Sailing with how it was pitched is not only a new skill but basically another whole map expansion as well. This will most likely be the single largest expansion in the game and rs as a whole in a very very long time.
I'm so excited for sailing, I'm going to make a Sailing Only UIM YouTube series
hard to ruin a game that's already broken. never thought I'd get a third time to vote down sailing but lamex managed to come up with 2 other skills so awful it made it, hope y'all are happy with the half assed direct rip off of assassins creed(again) or sea of thieves it'll end up being
Just give us dungeoneering instead… this is dumb.
jagex be like oh you voted no? lets poll it 6 more times and after you say no every time we'll just add it anyways
I stopped playing years ago, I am waiting for sailing to come back.
…. f****, you really never quit runescape… im just getting back to osrs after pause of like 4 years…. dunno what to do… i guess ill just quest and do some skilling
it should be noted how controversial it is that sailing was the one to pass with a 600 vote difference between shamanism lol… Shamanism is kind of like invention on RS3 in terms of "upgrading" or adding augments to your armour to give it passive effects. Taming is Summoning 2.0. Sailing is the only one. This update could actually be very good and huge for the game and change the way the game is played forever. In all honesty though, I think sailing would need osrs to have a huge graphical update or sailing will feel super super bland imho.
"If u like gathering skills you probably ate glue in elementry" admits voting for shamanish
no way you did that back in the day kaoz! 
Just wamted to comment not intrested in the vid (no offence kaoz u the man) but YESSS!! I feel like it will ruin the game
I love the idea of new content yes I get osrs is a nostalgic game but being 20 years old it's time for some new life to be brought into it that's what brings new people in and keeps the game alive
They created full content before polling it?
Wow that explains the slow developement
I've been hesitant about new skills since Dungeoneering was a thing, I hated that place lol
I am not a maxed player yet but I'm getting close. I hate the grinding part of the game. How does a new skill affect the max cape?
Running out of content ideas huh?
The idea of raiding on a friend's ship or even something insane like a wilderness area for ships (I'm sure that won't happen) seems so fun. I want to have buddies with blinged out ships, hell, even putting some POH stuff on ships. They have so many directions to go in
So they should repoll every other thing that barely did not pass before since they want to shove sailing down our throats so much. Stealing Creation anytime soon?
Sailing will hopefully make better content for my least favorite skill
Also it just seems like theres only so much nostalgia a live game can utilize while drawing in and keeping players, and this skill looks like a great addition.
I'm going to be gathering and selling materials used in the skill before bots are trained and ruin the prices for real players
Been playing off and on since 07 and I just can’t wrap my head around people who don’t want to include a new skill. I am currently having way more fun that I ever did in the 16 years I’ve had with this game with all the new content like zeah, GotR, raiding etc. super excited for sailing
What’s wrong with summoning?
You want people to vote? Give an xp lamp, not even a big one. People will take the bait.
I’m excited about it, but also I’m only around 130 levels from maxing so by then I might have just maxed.
It won't ruin it. Hell I think we need to increase level caps on skills to like 125. Most are outdated like mining and smithing. They've added so much and crammed rune being the max thing to do with it.
My biggest critique is not the actual skill. I wish Jagex did a separate poll where it was only Sailing vs Shamanism because it was too close to call. Going forward, I won't vote no on everything out of spite because sailing will be coming to the game regardless. I would rather make sure the things I like most get in.
What plug in highlights your armor in inventory like yours and makes the boosts and all that look clean on the left corner?
75% was a ridiculously high vote threshold. I don't know if I'm gonna have enough time to give sailing much attention straight away. But I haven't done any raiding yet, should I have a hissy fit about raiding being included in the game???
why isnt there a wilderniss skill
I think it is the safest skill to implement without changing the basic gameplay loop. However, I personally think it could just be added as content without having to be a skill. Imagine there was a skill called "raiding" that just gave you xp for doing raids
Videos that should be 2 seconds long with the narrator just saying "Yes":