Urmând râul Hatea de mică adâncime și sub un pod remorcă pentru a-și transporta în Noua Zeelandă

Urmând râul Hatea de mică adâncime și sub un pod remorcă pentru a-și transporta în Noua Zeelandă

Episodul 326 : Sezonul 10 : Noua Zeelandă – Aotearoa Salut Prieteni, În acest episod o conduc pe Triteia pe un râu foarte puțin adânc pentru a fi scoasă afară și curățată fundul ei. Prietenul meu Zhané a venit ca echipaj să mă ajute, lucru pentru care am fost foarte recunoscător. MULȚUMESC Zhané 🙏🏻 În timp ce ne îndreptam în susul râului Hatea, asigurându-ne că rămânem aproape de marcaje, deoarece a scăzut la mai puțin de 5 metri sub chilă la un moment dat. Următorul obstic a fost podul remorcă, care a fost proiectat să arate ca un cârlig maori! Odată trecut de pod în siguranță, am scos și ne-am apucat de lucru la fundul care era bine murdărit după ce am petrecut atât de mult timp în Golful Insulelor. Dacă vă place canalul, vă rugăm să „Like” videoclipurilor și să vă abonați pentru a nu pierde niciun episod viitor. Dacă vi se pare că videoclipurile sunt utile sau distractive și doriți să contribui, puteți deveni Patron la: https://www.patreon.com/sailorjames Alte modalități de a susține canalul: PayPal: https://paypal.me/@jamesthesailorman Aplicație Cash: https://cash.app/$triteia Bitcoin: https://cash.app/$triteia Fair Winds, James Website: http://svtriteia.com Tracker: https://forecast.predictwind.com/ tracking/display/Triteia Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/james.the.sailor.man #solosailing #sailingnewzealand #newzealand #aotearoa. #hateariver #shallowriver


49 thoughts on “Urmând râul Hatea de mică adâncime și sub un pod remorcă pentru a-și transporta în Noua Zeelandă

  1. Cool video! It may be just me but after passing under a bridge i like to hail them to tell them I'm through and to thank them. I know they already know its just a habit. This was a cool trip.

  2. I think you've been ripped off, mate. We've got a 60ft ketch and have her bottom cleaned by divers regularly. The cost is anything from $80 – $300 NZ dollars .. depending on where in the country you are.
    We are currently in Marsden Cove and are having a diver coming next week.
    All the best.
    Enjoy your videos.

  3. Never seen so many hard barnacles,, something in NZ waters…. In Spain we had sarrago weed the grows 2 feet, the Yacht would barely do 3 kts. You have a fine Lassie there James, so good luck to you both ~ You could be in NZ for a while 😊😊

  4. I thought that price was very reasonable, probably not much difference, if not less than what a couple of divers would have charged…. And you got to visually inspect the rudder again after its rep job.

  5. I hope when you leave NZ you check in with Zhané occasionally on the channel. She's so awesome. Seems like such a positive person to be around.

  6. Could you use something like a scotchbrite pad on a disk sander to get those barnacles off, or would that damage the paint?

  7. The left over barnicles would have been ok without all that scraping . It's just gonna get that way again soon. Probably keeps the paint on too!

  8. good to see you are referring our country as new zealand…as the only people who know where Aotearoa is are the people who live here….

  9. James how often do you need to scrap the bottom of tritia and do you get much more speed out of her clean?.
    that bridge looked a bit scary what would happen if a hydraulic hose blew dose the bridge just slam shut or i'm guessing they have something in place to stop it just dropping if a hose blew.
    you need to invent a type of paint that those shell things cant stick to make millions while sailing selling non stick paint i wonder if it was painted with non stick frying pan paint would it make it easier to clean of no scraping just a pressure washer.
    and your friends identical twin lives in my town its funny how 2 ppl can be identical yet be no relation.
    are you back on her again or still in the us?.

  10. Is something in the air with you two???? wouldn't blame you if so , not sure age has anything to do with it either way,, but peas in the same pod is all im saying !!!!

  11. Triteia's bottom looking good! Engine sounded pretty good, too Thanks for sharing this interesting visit – and the bridge was awesome. Your videos are very enjoyable and I look forward to seeing you in my queue.

  12. “With me as her steward”… That’s a person who realizes their place in this universe. We don’t “own” anything, we’re just caretakers for a little while.

  13. I’m not sure what’s more impressive – Zhane’s work ethic or her ability to spell Triteia over the phone. Got a good chuckle out of the typically Kiwi ‘Sweet as’ at the end of the call.

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