Ca urmare a ultimului episod și a începutului defectului nostru de deconectare a motorului, în acest episod scoatem în sfârșit motorul și intrăm în atelier, astfel încât lucrările să poată începe să o reparăm! Ellie începe să treacă prin amestecul de cabluri pe care îl numim tablou de distribuție! Ben și Ellie xx URMĂȚI-NE REFIT-UL DE LA ÎNCEPUT: Episodul 0 ne prezintă tuturor celor dragi privitori de acolo și vă va oferi o mică perspectivă asupra vieților noastre în jurul deciziei noastre pentru a cumpăra și reamenaja o barcă cu vele! SPRIJĂȚI-NE: Dacă doriți să susțineți micul nostru proiect și să ajutați chiar și puțin la crearea casei noastre de vis, ce ziceți să ne cumpărați o cafea: URMĂȚI: Urmărește-ne pe Instagram pentru mai multe actualizări live: www.instagram .com/sailingrumpunch CITEȘTE ÎN MAI MULTE: Pe măsură ce ne construim încet conținutul și intrăm mai departe în design, vrem să ne construim site-ul web undeva pentru a citi mai multe despre proiectele pe care le realizăm, despre design și despre cum se desfășoară, mai multe informații despre Rum Punch etc. Accesați pentru a citi CREDITURI MUZICALE: Jazz Comedy – Cod licență: HQWDQPRNX45CP4KU Sunny – Cod licență: VKTIIPYZO3J2PJ9A CREDITURI ARTĂ: SRP Logo – Raj Rai @the_._art_._
Ep 11 | Motor OUT și managementul cablurilor ÎNCEPE!

10 thoughts on “Ep 11 | Motor OUT și managementul cablurilor ÎNCEPE!”
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I can't help but think Ben is the re encarnation of Peter O'Toole
It's a good day when your slings don't break and your engine doesn't drop from 10 feet above your cockpit and bash straight through your hull! (don't ask.) 8^) well done! big milestone. Cheers!
..I feel so lucky now that I have and life on a also 38-foot sail boat from 2001 self-built by a very precise skilled German when I see your video and the drops of sweat appear on my forehead when I think that I should do all that you are doing now here in the boat too. Hopefully when it becomes necessary…now leaking and bulging teak deck worst problem..and although two right hands and still relatively young (55)…my bank account is also padded.
Bravely forward and sail by the wind of today..good luck and keep an eye on the end result and goal!!

Great episode!
Nice editing good video
….. leaps ahead …. well done .. …. only concern is getting between a heavy objects that you can not fully control and a fixed object, especially a heavy object with pointy protruding thingys ….. when things go wrong it happens in a blink of an eye …. always have an escape route …. you know this, just felt the need to bring it to the forefront of your thought patterns for a second or so, not being critical, just raising awareness, giving the ol' grey matter something to mull over … half wonder if that catch basin/cut-off-jug was for when that, was it fuel filter/water-separator, was serviced and was just stored there. Yes you are right Ben, better solutions, everything has a place ….. sounds exciting the thought of a sparkling bilge, don't like "au naturel" insides of hulls. Just a preference, choice …. recently bought an older vehicle and after a while found that there were certain electrical things not working, fine older vehicle (1990) to be expected, it is going to be more involved than I anticipated for sure, this realization hit home with the discovery of wiring harnesses the size of your thumb just cut off. Have come to the conclusion/choice as you did that a complete rewire is the best solution.. Your are ahead of me having got the old all out of the way. All fun and games in the big scheme of things ….. thx for the share .. as always .. never stop dreaming, just dream bigger .. have fun be safe, save our oceans …..
Ok well well done both of you tackling things you have never done before super impressive things are starting to move forward now as well oh and must say the professional editing really shines through in all your videos. I just hope other people are realising this as well as I don’t read the comments made by others. Also love the length of the episodes just wish was every week