Fibră de sticlă USCATĂ pe iahtul NOU – Partea 1 | LEOPARD 45 CATAMARAN REVIEW

Fibră de sticlă USCATĂ pe iahtul NOU - Partea 1 |  LEOPARD 45 CATAMARAN REVIEW

⛵ Like, Distribuie și Comentează pentru a susține canalul! ❤ În timpul reparațiilor în garanție, au fost expuse probleme înfricoșătoare cu noul nostru catamaran Leopard 45. Pe măsură ce continui să reconstruiesc întreaga imagine a ceea ce am avut de trecut, mai recent de 6 luni până acum reconstruind aspecte ale carenei pe standul dur din Trinidad, încep de la începutul construcției deficitare din fibră de sticlă pe care am întâlnit-o. Anterior, am împărtășit că scanările cu ultrasunete au detectat anomalii în fibra de sticlă a corpului din jurul punții podului și a punctelor de montare a traversei. Acestea au fost efectuate pe măsură ce inspectorul a observat crăpăturile și bulele. Când i s-a prezentat inițial aceste informații la mijlocul anului 2022, constructorul de bărci, Robertson & Caine, nu a dat nicio aprobare ca acest lucru să fie investigat în continuare în răspunsul lor la garanție la acel moment. Vedeți scanările pentru dvs. aici: După sosirea în Trinidad, am angajat un antreprenor local, Newton de la Newton Enterprises, datorită reputației sale mari, pentru a deschide zonele anormale astfel încât să putem vezi ce era înăuntru…. era fibră de sticlă uscată cu puțină sau deloc rășină. Mai multe secțiuni ale platformei podului nu au fost infuzate cu rășină în timpul procesului de construcție în Fabrica Leopard 45, astfel încât fibra de sticlă din interior a fost uscată, făcând-o nestructurală. Urmărește cum vedem mai întâi problemele, apoi cum sunt reparate de către un comerciant cu înaltă calificare de la JS Marine. JS Marine au fost trimise de Travelopia, brokerul pentru noile catamarane Leopard care sunt construite de Robertson & Caine. Aceasta este încă o parte a experienței noastre generale de garanție a noului iaht, o situație pe care nu vrem să o vedem repetată. Trent m-a rugat să notez că Travelopia și Robertson și Caine sunt acum amândoi implicați în remedierea problemelor legate de garanție și au plătit pentru cele mai multe dintre costurile sale din buzunar suportate până acum. El a cerut ca acest lucru să fie abordat într-un videoclip când este de fapt împachetat. Încă așteptăm să vedem ce ne vor oferi pentru cei doi ani de timp și oportunități pierdute, precum și pentru a finaliza reconstrucția extinsă. Pierderea cea mai bună parte a doi ani din viața noastră are multe costuri, cum ar fi alimente, transport și combustibil, precum și uzură. Povestea este departe de sfârșit și avem deja peste 6 luni de lucrări de reconstrucție în garanție în Trinidad. _____________________________________________ ☝Consultați site-ul web pentru mai multe informații despre noi, locurile în care mergem și produsele pe care le folosim Pentru conținut exclusiv: https://www. 📷 După ce am făcut rucsac în Asia, am călătorit în Europa și am făcut un pic de viață de dubă, acum explorăm lumea la bordul catamaranului nostru Leopard 45. 🎶 Muzică de la Artlist ➼ Obțineți 2 luni gratuit cu un abonament #sailing #catamaran #boatlife #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #LifeStyle #Sailboats


38 thoughts on “Fibră de sticlă USCATĂ pe iahtul NOU – Partea 1 | LEOPARD 45 CATAMARAN REVIEW

  1. A bloody disgrace. I am South African, these people use unskilled labour and your boat shows. I would make it a mission to sue the manufacturer for disgraceful bad workmanship.

  2. Sorry to watch your struggle, its not ok. Leopard is a shit company that care less of customers. Very poor Craftmanchip sorry to say, but is a fact. Hope all in the end will go your way. Dont give up your Dream! Regards from cold Sweden. Pekka and Marlen. ❤

  3. Anyone who has watched these videos and went on to purchase a Leopard vessel will get what they deserve. And my guess is that until catastrophic failure resulting in sinking or loss of life, Leopard will continue undeterred in building one of, if not THE crappiest boats in the world.

  4. another great video guys, one you should not have to make but here we are. TYour tenacity in keeping the bastards honest is commendable there is no excuse for any dry glass in a vacuum infused boat. Those repairs look the business though and will probably outlast the rest of the hull. All in all piss poor workmanship on the part of leopard.

  5. What is worse is that it seems to be systemic. If I were Leopard, I would be very concerned and anyone taking delivery of one of these vessels should have the hull inspected before acceptance! This is not a small mistake, the entire system is broken

  6. Bummer. Well documented that they are having issues with the resin infusion. Hope they will pay for the repairs. They should have lemon laws with boats to it seems.

  7. Your experience sounds more and more like Parlay Revivals' , only without having been hurricane damaged – one might say only with "factory damage"…..

  8. Thank you for sharing. The Wyns had a Leopard as well as others I'm familiar with. So as I was researching, I included Leopard in my dream list. I've removed it now. But added the aluminum Portofino at the top.

  9. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this level of absolute deplorable workmanship is abhorrent, if I was a wealthy man I would pay for you to sue them out of business. I take my hat of to you guys in getting this boat put right.

  10. I have a slogan for these guys. "Where we turn your dreams into nightmares." What do you think Roberts, Cane and Leopard Catamarans? Can you run with that?

  11. Systemic problem with mass production! No QC, thoroughly disguised with the build quality. I would personally have the entire hulls surveyed with ultrasound. You probably spent over $1m on a cat, that’s a wreck! Please take time to check that all screws in the forestry furler are pictured with red locktite. I have heard of so many engineering disasters! Thanks for sharing

  12. Jesus, it just keeps getting worse! I hope people looking at these yachts at the Annapolis boat show this weekend watch this video first.

  13. As a South African I'm embarassed that Leopard and Robertson And Caine put out such a poorly built product but even more so that they don't even stand behind their brand. They should have replaced the entire boat. Looks like the best cats get built in Vietnam these days- by a long way. Kudos to you for your pererverance.

  14. resin infusion is a high risk technique, there are great advantages if you do it right. but produces costly useless parts if you don't. there is not a chance that I would ever buy a boat from a company who could let anything out of their facility that has those kinds of problems. Tap testing is what THE MANUFACURER is supposed to use to find the dry spots as soon as they remove it from the mold.

  15. There are many examples of dry glass in boats on Youtube, across all vendors, but typically not as much, not such big spots that form a pattern and not as easy to discover by tapping. Well, QA costs money and boats look just the same without, I guess. I am not sure if the manufacturer attitude or your perseverance dealing with it is more shocking.

  16. I'm sorry to say but it appears you bought the biggest "lemon" in yachting history!

    That's a total and extremely dangerous nightmare!

    You have repaired what you've been able to see from the outside but the real question is … what is on the other side of the core?
    If their is dry glass in just one stress point the possibility of a major disaster in heavy seas is exponentially and dangerously high!!

    I think the fiberglass repairer was correct. You should sell it to someone who intends to use it as an island Hopper/ coastal cruiser only.

    Every time you're in a storm and hear creeks you will wonder… is this the time it will break?

    Absolute total disaster! I feel sorry for you and the terrible situation that Leopard has forced you into.

    But your life and safety is far more important than your devotion to an obvious lemon.

  17. You guys are heroes! Have you made contact with Robertson and Caine's owners? Earlier this year R&C was acquired by "Vox Ventures, a wholly owned subsidiary of PPF, a leading investment firm in Europe with its roots in the Czech Republic". As often happens, Vox might not have uncovered or been made aware of Leopard quality issues when diligencing R&C (possibly hidden from them!), but they might encourage better customer support and care from one of their portfolio companies.

  18. Holy Crap! That's horrible! I hope R&C just buy the boat back from you. Crazy Leopard would leave this 45 out in public continuing to damage their reputation.

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