Săptămâna aceasta, am terminat, în sfârșit, de scândurarea celor două canoe pe S/V Lynx! Ne facem, de asemenea, timp să răspundem la întrebări despre modelele noastre de 50 de picioare Schionning, catamaranul de performanță/de croazieră. Așa că alăturați-vă Căpitanului Blood, Amiralul Mariane și XO al nostru, Brian, în timp ce ne construim barca cu pânze, astfel încât să putem începe circumnavigarea planetei Pământ cu barca pe care am construit-o. Site-ul web S/V Lynx: https://www.svlynx.com Patreon (ajutați-ne devenind parte din echipajul nostru patron!) https://www.patreon.com/SV_Lynx?fan_landing=true 0:00:00 -Introducere la videoclipul acestei săptămâni 0:00:57-S/V Lynx Logo 0:01:11-Terminarea benzii de scândura canoeului de la tribord 0:12:01-The Whisky Plank 0:16:30-Răspuns la întrebările spectatorului 0: 30:23 – Încheiați cu amiralul și căpitanul
Kit E55: Scândura de bandă finalizată
22 thoughts on “Kit E55: Scândura de bandă finalizată”
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one "comment" added enjoy
Y'all are doing a fantastic job, I am amazed at how much a few skilled and determined people can accomplish! It is getting very exciting to watch your dream vessel take shape! Thanks for making these great videos.
in hindsight would it have been better to make the canoes in a Mold ?
Weather forecasters are like politicians, never belief a word they say but be prepared for all eventualities.
since your going to leave eooxy unscraped could you use a hand power plane to initialy start using to fairing the hull
Look into LTO cells, they are MUCH SAFER (cant explode etc…) and also hold an ENORMOUS amount of amps
Thanks for sharing this journey. I admire your approach and stick-to-it-ivness. Great stuff. Just wanted to say that Brian is a hero. Great dedication and work ethic with a sly smile and dry humour. Best wishes for the build.
Power plane on the squeeze out ,might save some time ?
Electric hand plainer work for making short work out of removing the squeeze out? Just curious. And an idea if you hadn’t thought of it. Great progress. What was the total time on planking the second canoe? I estimated 1.5 Wk. excellent video! Thank you!
G’day – very impressive project. Looks,like you’re tracking,pretty well to your original timeline.
GoGoGo!! Thanks for sharing! At this rate you will be in the water soon!
hmm what was missing from finishing the whisky plank on the hull – cheers
Can you use the fine/trim tool to cut off the bulging epoxy between the strips?
You are obviously a very smart guy. Why are you not wearing safety glasses when you are cutting material? I’m not trying to be a Karen, but glasses are cheap, eyes are PRICELESS.
I really appreciate the pro-commenter attitude (being a commenter myself). As much as I darkly enjoy some schadenfreude when someone who was nasty to commenters learns that people really did know some things in the comments I enjoy seeing a good community and a good boat get built more!
Great job guys! Huge milestone reached and I don't think you could have done it any better or faster while learning it – the second hull has shown your obviously progression in your skills! Very impressive in my opinion 😉now that you are pros at strip planking, let's hope you never need to use those skills ever again! 😅
Adding waterline will also cost you every month you spend in a marina. Just something to keep in mind. This is directed more at the people who asked about it than you guys.
I think you decided to make a cat so you have 2 whiskey planks 😂
Just a question, Why does the design not include an outer laminate covering the entire canoe form ? It seems as the design is relying on the butt joins of the strip planks.
Nope. The OC tender only weighs 86 pounds and not 500. I think Nikky and Jason proofed that it doesn't flip that easy
I feel like the squeezed out epoxy should be squeegeed down to within a few mm to force into any voids and especially to reduce the sanding but your past that now 😊