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  1. I hit on this video because I thought the title said “Chasing The Wife Aboard My Boat”.
    Dude, you butchered those eggs 🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️

  2. Slim, I don't think the cooking problem is the cook, looks like something wrong with that fry pan. If that is a real cast iron pan reseason it. Lovely bit of fish you caught.

  3. The rock formations that I see are basalt rock. The new Windelow catamaran is made with basalt fabric instead of fiberglass. It is 10 times stronger than fiberglass and lighter than aluminum. The rebar made with basalt does not yield when bent and returns back strait when flexed.

  4. "Engine is going off, that's the best sound in the world" I agree Captain Soph! Hey Slim, I'd eat your scramfried eggs or that fried mackeral maki anytime!

  5. You 2 are definitely living da dream!! Absolutely loving watching your adventures guy's and the Kimberley region weather on land or sea is a slice of paradise! Thanks and safe travels 👍

  6. 20 min mark… approximately. You mention a “weirdly shaped square rock”. It really does look strange. I’ve been to Uluru – Ayers Rock and that seems equally strange. To me… How the heck did THAT happen???

  7. woops wasn't paying attention and accidently pressed thumbs down, But as quickly as I did I reversed and pressed thumbs up.
    Nice Mackerel Sushi looked delicious and Slim those Oyster's fresh off the rock yummmmmyyyyy!!!!. Yes definitely living the life that makes 99.9% of us I am sure jealous.
    So each territory of Australia have their own fish ministry rules. I think here in Canada each Province have their own also. Not 100% sure as I am not a fishing sort of person. Now how many NM do you think you have in fuel. Is there a fuel stop in sort of close sail from where you are just in case fuel supply becomes short ?
    Anyway you 2 Great video looking forward to next one stay safe.

  8. Try and give that pan a season, that will help! You'll probably need to borrow someone else's oven though as marine ones can't get hot enough. In the short term, making sure the oil is up to temp before adding the eggs will help. As will cooking with room temp eggs

  9. Absolutely Magical, Blessed to be experiencing such a splendid coast line, eating from the land & sea
    Thought lobster would be on the menu as well, but still a bit sketchy to be in the water ?
    Cheers Stevo
    P.S Crumbed Macky Sushi, Stoppp It 😂😂 ❤

  10. Just watched Tracks about the women who walked across the desert. Made me think of you both sailing around the Kimberley’s. I asked my wife, would you rather walk across the desert or sail across an ocean? She said that is a tough call. 😅

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