Înot în ocean pentru pisicuța de navigație pe misterioasa insulă tropicală Trăim pe o barcă cu vele cu pisoiul nostru Mocha, care este curioasă de apa din jurul ei. Dacă s-a întâmplat cel mai rău și a căzut de pe barcă, trebuie să știe că se poate întoarce la catamaran în siguranță, așa că în timp ce explora frumoasa insula Tioman, Mocha a mers pentru prima ei baie. De asemenea, am explorat deasupra și sub suprafața oceanului în Tioman, observând o țestoasă de mare Hawksbill pe cale de dispariție în timp ce facem scufundări, un cameleon într-o plimbare în junglă și piesa de rezistență Floarea Rafflesia din Asia de Sud-Est, cea mai mare plantă înflorită din lume, secretată în adâncuri. jungla de pe această insulă misterioasă. Muzică Luna Keller – Nu știu unde mă duc David Mumford – Ball and chain Musicbed.com Vă mulțumim că ne ajutați să ne menținem pe linia de plutire și susțineți procesul creativ. Puteți face parte din echipaj pentru mai puțin decât prețul unei cafele. https://www.patreon.com/CruisingKiwis Unii dintre susținătorii noștri preferă să facă un direct care poate fi făcut aici. Vă mulțumim foarte mult pentru susținerea canalului nostru. Dacă doriți să ajutați cu producerea acestor videoclipuri, puteți face acest lucru aici: – Paymate https://www.kerryhamilltrust.com/donate/ – PayPal folosind e-mailul nostru thecruisingkiwis@gmail.com Avem și portofele cripto dacă ați dori să contribuiți la fondul nostru de întreținere în acest fel: BITCOIN bc1qds53n9tqepxvauqn9dygtczltyu6genkfp9a8a ETHEREUM 0xB4Cb9e1Aa9c000055DAde5E077809B904EES S34CD. Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/THECRUISINGKIWIS Facebook: http://www .facebook.com/THECRUISINGKIWIS Multă dragoste pentru toți, Rob, Rachel, Finn, Declan, Ivan https://www.patreon.com/CruisingKiwis POVESTE ÎNAPOI În 1997, după ce a vâslit la Jocurile Olimpice de la Atlanta, Rob a vâslit 7 m ( Barcă din placaj de 22 de picioare 2.500 de mile de la Tenerife (Insulele Canare) până la Barbados (Caraibe). Rob și partenerul de canotaj, Phil Stubbs, au avut nevoie de șase săptămâni pentru a câștiga cursa inaugurală Atlantic Rowing Race. Treci în 2014 și, căsătoriți cu trei copii, Rob și soția sa Rachel au achiziționat Javelot, un catamaran Fountaine Pajot de 43 ft. Înarmați doar cu cei 3 ani de curse de iahturi de clasa P ai lui Rob, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 11 și 13 ani, și cunoștințele inexistente ale Rachel, am pornit să învățăm frânghiile navigației pe ocean. Am spart lucruri, le-am înlocuit și am cunoscut barca lor înainte de a pleca în larg cu copiii, Finn (atunci 13), Declan (atunci 11) și Ivan (atunci 8), în remorche. Prin încercare și eroare am devenit călători încrezători, într-un fel. Planul? Să navighez în jurul lumii. O parte a călătoriei va fi reluarea călătoriilor pe mare ale fratelui mai mare al lui Rob, Kerry. Folosind scrisorile originale ale lui Kerry din anii 1970, sperăm să reluăm mișcările sale din Australia prin Indonezia și Asia de Sud-Est până în Cambodgia, unde viața lui Kerry a fost întreruptă după ce s-a rătăcit în apele cambodgiene în 1978. Kerry și doi prieteni au fost atacați de o barcă cu armă Khmer Rouge, capturat, torturat și executat. www.brothernumberone.co.nz ***** Urmărește-ne în timp real pe Instagram și Facebook @thecruisingkiwis @finn_hamill @declan_hamill @ivanhamill #sailingwithcats #diving #rafflesia #TheCruisingKiwis #228
Înotați în ocean pentru pisicuța de navigație pe misterioasa insulă tropicală
43 thoughts on “Înotați în ocean pentru pisicuța de navigație pe misterioasa insulă tropicală”
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I hear there are some great new iPhones for sale on the streets 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
That was a cool flower! Very nice.
My dogs absolutely loved watching mocha swim! I think if they were there they would’ve jumped in and swam along.
Thanks for a fun video.. As always
SO, has Mocha taken to the water again or was that just a once off?
Oh dear Rob, phone meets the water and didn't perform as well as the kitten 😊. Great episode, loved the flower. Never heard of Rafflesia before. I am gaining an education here with The Cruising Kiwis 🤩
I wish my chiropractor made those noises…😆
15:42, I think it is from space, definitely from space.
Go the mighty ABs
Wow another beautiful vblog with lots to enjoy.
Mocha really has settled in well and she seems to love the water also.
Sorry about your phone 📱
Hopefully you can get a replacement soon.
Thanks again for sharing your amazing experiences with us all
Safe sailing ⛵️
Cheers from the Tron team 😊😊😊😊
18:45 shouldn't that clip be in black and white, without sound, except for a piano?
Rob I feel your pain for the last 3 years, if you find a solution let me know. Your vids are always fun and educational. Love them
Wow, lots going on with you all. I can't say that that flower was pretty but it definitely was interesting and very unusual. Too bad your friends had to leave but I am sure they had a grand time. That was so cute with Mocha swimming and I know how she felt getting a shot, hopefully, she understands how it is protect her(not really of course, but). It is a shame so many sea creatures are in decline, at least, you got to swim with one! Currently, there is a college related short film on TV where the student is so concerned about the plastic in the water that he says "before long there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish!" That is beyond tragic! I trust you are aware of the war taking place in Israel that started on the 7th, last Saturday, so even though you are far away, please stay safe. Take care and have a wonderful evening.
Guys, The Rotting corpse flower i didnt know it was Ammonia was the component that made it gross glad to see Declan decided to go and see it and i hope Rob alements get better. Its always sad when extra companions on the boat have to leave they bring such joy and extra pair of hands.
The underwater footage is amazing! That flower looks alien as hell! Lol I'm hoping Rob's hip pain is temporary! Looking forward to your adventures!
I went to a chiropractor once and he fixed me up for good. Whenever I feel pain I am reminded of what it was like with the chiropractor and I find my little bit of pain is the lesser of two evils. Life is good!
Always good to see my Fav Kiwi sailing family! @Rob, maybe make sure your new phone supports Starlink. You know, gives calling everywhere on the planet as long as you can see the sky.
Look at those little pussy paws go, too cute.😂boys will be boys i guess.
Another wonderful episode! Glad to see Mocha swimming and the game you devised at 03:45, perfect for a cat. Hope all goes well. Best regards.
Wow, Kitty's first swim went really well and no one was injured removing him from the water! You might have a natural spear fishing cat there 🙂 Hello folks….
thank you Rachel for the botany class. It is very interesting. Rob, you may need rubber souled shoes with a form fitting inside step. As older gentlemen we sometimes attempt our luck alongside the young bucks but we have something they don't ??????? *** years of wear *** LOL!!!! Cheers folks Ttfn
i sent an email to my good friend in Thailand today. They have had some really bad weather.
Wow. Amazing flowers. And they have sound effects! The scenery and the diving at those uplands were stunning and such clear blue water. I was trying to decide who was making all the noise when the chiropractor was yanking on Rob's leg. The chiropractor? And Rob's poor phone. Didn't somebody drop a phone in the water in Fiji?
Another great vlog. Mocha is having the adventure of a life time. ❤
Hope Rob is doing better
Mocha swimming ⚡️
The flower, great 👌
Always learning with you all🫡, great channel,superb family.
Greetings from mexico 🇲🇽✋
Loved to see the Rafflesia and the info!
Years ago, Millie was the boat cat aboard Follow the Boat. She went overboard (while anchored) on more than one occasion. So they trained her to climb a heavy fat line that they put out at every anchoring. Well worth emulating for peace of mind….
I'm going to think of this as the ALIEN FLOWER episode. That thing is crazy, and that it sinks too is wild.
Thank you very much for supporting our channel. If you'd like to help with the production of these videos, you can do so here:
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– Paymate https://www.kerryhamilltrust.com/donate/
– PayPal using our email thecruisingkiwis@gmail.com
Rob, how do you feel after the chiropractic session? Sorry to hear about your phone. Considering where you live, maybe keep an old/spare phone around. 🙃
A friend of mine has an "eSIM" card for travelers, which is basically a virtual SIM card. If he loses his phone (breaks, stolen, etc.) while being abroad, he can just get a new phone without having to get a new/replacement SIM card.
Cheers guys! Will post on your behalf Rob..
stay safe guys! 😊
Such a great episode guys ! Mocha did amazingly ❤
Swimming cat, well done
✨🙏✨thanks for sharing your adventures ✨🙏✨🐈⬛💉🌺🤞Robs hip gets relief after his treatment 🤞
Listen to the kids telling mum what to do, tables turned.
@2:40 was hoping the fireman was gunna say "I'm skinny dipping".
Just like u can't download 🏴☠movies, anyone can dive.
@6:45 A friendly one.
@9:00 "One of" the Best. Damn! if only the cat didn't attack her.
Surprised Rob came back with Mocca, must be softening up in his old age, especially with that shaggers back. Now I know why he didn't booty call me, the phone.
@14:30 was waiting for it to turn into "The Beach (film)" plantation find. Good to see ur not letting the boys hold u back from doing things that interest u Rachel.
Another great video, thanks xx❤
Im kit 100% about that chiropractor. IVE BERN TO A GOOD ONE ,and it wasnt as aggressive as that.Try again when you get back to the Western countries.
Nice mask cut at 9:12 😉
My son-in-law is a chiropractor whom we use to get adjusted from. Our daughter worked at the same clinic, and my husband use to call him “magic fingers”! That is until we discovered they started dating! 😂😂😂
3:40 kitns just are prety fire. i think ive come round. _JC
Just discovered you a few days ago, Thank You for putting up such quality video, audio, man, the filming is fantastic as well as the editing. Such great content, first time I have cried watching a Youtube channel but episodes 37 and 38… Wow, thank You for sharing so much with us.
Hey Rob are you going back to work? Must be do for some new sails hey bro. New PM as well at home in NZ 🇳🇿Hope the change is for good. Take care gang and happy sailing 🎉
Seems like I always actually learn something I’d never heard of from your videos.
I have an idea for Mocha, in case of emergencies to make it easier for her to get back on the boat. Why don’t you attach a flat piece of hessian sacking next to the ladder, just across a bit of the deck and dangling in the water. You could just tie it onto something. Something easy for her to get her claws into and hang on or climb up. I’m amazed how calm she was in the sea. Well done little kitty.