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Hey guys thanks for watching! We left the hawk in the cage with the door open so he could leave on his own time. Do u guys think i would've made a good falconer?

Raptors are federally protected and you could get in serious trouble for messing around with them.
Great video guys. I've never seen iron sheeting put on timber/ceiling joists parallel to the timber before. It isn't very supportive. Normally you'd place the sheets across the timber at 90 degrees, which makes a much stronger structure. Maybe you had a reason to do it this way and I missed that part when you said so. Either way, you're doing great and boy, you have a lot of work to do. I am really interested to see where this all goes, so I will be sticking around for sure!
Jungle Jenny for a name for the truck
Should have put bamboo across that bambooamboo then attach roof to that
We use crushed blue metal or gravel for our farm tracks, it should work fine for there, just make sure you press it down
Hi Matt. Just food for thought you should have ran your steel roof the other direction. The ribs in the metal roofing material are structural and provide strength. The direction you placed it will create warping between the bamboo beans.
good luck lot of work
Hey guys, thanks for the video! It seems like your microphone is not good anymore, maybe buy you a couple bluetooth mics?
You two are amazing, so groovy, so driven. Best of luck with your new life and home. I know you can do this.
Beautiful video from fiji island
What you do for your For babies that was a scary situation well handled
great job you guys a re doing are you planning to be here permanently if so you have to get a person who knows the area and then start developing it slowly slowly catch the monkey
you have a lot to do so carry on regardless it will be a good channel with a lot of content one thing for sure life uncontained another good channel will give you a lot of ideas wish you all the best
Love each episode!!
That is a red-tailed hawk better know in the whole island as a Guaraguao (Chicken Hawk). It was federally listed as endangered on September 9, 1994. Cuidado con el Guaraguao.
Road work: you need to see how the water will run in the heavy rains. (Where the ruts form) That will help determine whether you can get away with the dirt you have or if you need to grade it and use gravel.
time to change the name of your channel…I enjoyed the adventures of boating, boat repair and sailing but this is too dull…
Taco Tuesday for the Tacoma
Hawks are terrible on chickens. Once they located a flock, they'll visit daily watching and learning patterns to target the chickens. Once they get one bird, they'll constantly return for the rest getting smarter with each interaction. Even if you relocated that hawk, he'd return within a week. They are ever persistent. Consider getting a Guard Goose to protect your flock.
Roof is not water proof, you need 12-18" of over hang to help keep wind driven water out. Any kind of wind/sideways rain will come right in.
This one an only earth is not just for us. Nice job doing selfish landscaping only for your own views. I would have not cleared nothing but a trail and put chairs or a bench in a tiny chairs for the enjoying the mountain or stream views as it would give a great place to relax and chill away from the residence in turn leaving shrubs and vines for birds, frogs, reptiles, insects and mammals. Jim Rodgers
Guys the hawks is posing defensively in the cage. It job is to not expose its vulnerable back. It seemed unharmed as the wings seemed perfect form bowed out to appear larger. They do the seem pose when they are eating prey in order to hide it from others. Jim Rodgers
I thought that old building was going to be your house….lol
Hi! Have you thought or soil erosion? Make sure that you have vegetation on the edges of your slopes or the rain wil wash it away. You have removed a lot of brush, hopefully the soil is firm enough to withstand the rains. You have done very well with knowledge you have. All the best with the rest of your project. Looking forward to the coming videos.
Hey guys looking good why not go for composting toilets instead of septic tanks etc
looks like you have a clay road – for your road use recycled concrete aggregate as a base stating with large stuff & finishing with RC-2 or RC 6. the bigger recycled concrete will lock it up. and the fines will finish it off you will need to compact it with a heavy roller. you will need to crown the road and put in gutters with "bric a brac" to slow the water flow in the gutters. I would use lined 4 ft gutters . water traveling at 4 mph will strip grass off a hillside. be sure your crushed concrete has no metal it or you will have no end of flat tires.
Good use of the bamboo. I do believe the roof panels should have run perpendicular to the bamboo, not parallel. The corrugation of the panels are meant to be structural crossing your bamboo. Just be careful walking on the panels the way you have them laying.
For your road I KNOW what or how to fix it in Washington State but where you are, clueless. In other words go ask locals how to maintain a dirt road of that kind. What will happen to that dirt in the rain you know is coming? I do know blacktop is better than concrete on top of dirt of that kind.
I think you should look at a big zero turn mower or a small tractor with a bush hog to keep your property clear and clean..that jungle will take over all your hard work quickly
Truck name: Wilma
if you ever decide it's worth a decent roof, it would go trusses the short way, stringers the log way on top of the trusses, and Then roofing corrugations the short way.
Rubber snakes will protect the chickens. Birds don't like snakes. Hawks can and will kill a snake but they are going to take the rubber snake out first, bottom line,you put the rubber snakes out your chickens will be safe.
I know you guys feel terrible about the chicken thing and it does suck but just know it won't be the last time. I keep about 15 chickens and you either keep them in a cage or you let them out to enjoy themselves. There will always be predators and it will happen, just be as cautious as you can…
Lesson learned?
The cheap route would probably be crushed rock, gravel.