Mini barca. MEGA Gheață. Aventura noastră în Alaska îndepărtată!

Mini barca.  MEGA Gheață.  Aventura noastră în Alaska îndepărtată!

Verificați printurile frumoase din aluminiu de înaltă calitate pe care le ofer acum la . Această ediție limitată este disponibilă doar până la sfârșitul anului 2023! Acestea nu sunt piesele dvs. obișnuite de perete plictisitoare, cerneala este imprimată direct pe aluminiu, ceea ce are ca rezultat imagini cu adevărat vibrante și izbitoare. Nu numai că obții o poză cool de admirat pe peretele tău, dar, în același timp, susții și crearea acestor videoclipuri! Mulțumesc mult pentru vizionare! În acest episod, navigăm și navigam cu barca într-un bazin glaciar uriaș de apă dulce, plin cu bucăți enorme de gheață glaciară. Doriți să susțineți crearea acestor videoclipuri? Patronii au acces la videoclipuri fără reclame, la un grup de chat WhatsApp și la o hartă de urmărire a bărcilor cu o listă cu toate ancorajele și porturile de până acum 🥳 Tricouri și hanorace organice + autocolante: https :// Instagram și Facebook: Întrebări de afaceri:


44 thoughts on “Mini barca. MEGA Gheață. Aventura noastră în Alaska îndepărtată!

  1. I love the prints – With all the views you experience, there is so much more potential to share them… I look forward to more options!

  2. I think you may have cured the fluttering leech on the genoa if the sheet car had been moved forward a little. The theory goes that if the car is right there is no need to use any foot or leech line for tension to correct the lack of equal pressure as the air flow leaves the sail. Obviously, it is a constantly changing issue as the wind strength changes so not a cure-all.

  3. I'm impressed haha! Ps waves might not look big on camera but it is worth saying that cameras seem to shrink wave sizes by over half. Not sure why, some mystical effect I can't explain.

  4. For the 9:30 time. There is a Norwegian saying, which probably is also known in Finland. It is never too late to give up. Which means that if any adventure or challenge is too risky it is not at all a shame to give up and turn back. Better safe than sorry. You have made the right choice to not stress that entrance against the glacier river.

  5. Hi, Adding my voice to all the people enjoying seeing Sohvi back. Knowing and caring to coordinate her hat, bag, and I'm sure her gloves too, even in the back waters of Alaska, that's the sign of a real, proper Lady.
    By the way, I'm so grateful that you are doing this, So I don't have to. I love seeing the sights but I cant stand the cold. I do live in the country next to the one you guys hail from, and spent my first summer in Råneå skärgård, and am now trying to go somewhere tropic for the winter. Yours, Ann

  6. Was this filmed before or when Shofi had to go home after she returned? Are you still planning to swing over the top of Canada on the way back home?

  7. Lol,a few years ago I was in the exact same spot in Steward with my 18" runabout and got stuck during low tide,. Kudos to you!

  8. Beautiful footage. The print idea is so good, you have access to areas and scenery few do and I'd much rather watch an "ad" for your art than for some silly product. Keep going with this… it can really support you in a poetic way.

  9. I think you should be careful in some of those remote areas regarding wildlife, in particular bears….I hope you have a rifle for safety.

  10. I’ve only watched half of the episodes so far I have to say that it’s actually one of your best, as far as shear adventure. Seward Alaska is a pretty cool spot. My ex girlfriend and her friends owned a large sailboat there and used to do the local yacht club races. It can get quite windy there.
    Looking forward to the episode, showing the rescue. There are several things that I take whenever I go to Scheurer here in Southeast Alaska. One of those being a waterproof handheld VHF radio in a waterproof bag, my Delorme inreach Satellite communicator, a small airhorn, extra water and snacks, and, of course, a canister of bear spray. All of this goes into a dry bag. It looks like the people who you helped rescue didn’t have back up means of communication and that is always a big mistake here in Alaska.
    Glad to see you and Sohvi stop and rethink your expedition to the glacial outflow river. An inflatable dinghy is not the very best thing to take for something like that. If I were going to do that myself, I would be in a small aluminum dinghy with an outboard jet drive engine. I owned a 16 foot dinghy with a 50 horse outboard that had a jet drive on it, and I could take it Over wet sand if I had enough speed. Plus, the aluminum was pretty bulletproof. Nonetheless, you were smart to use your oars while around those icebergs. I don’t know if those icebergs were floating or not but if they were floating, just remember, icebergs will flip sometimes.

  11. Amazing experience but what if the icebergs closed off your route back to the boat, you couldn’t walk back ! Right up there with danger / reward!!! Glad you made it

  12. Sohvi keeping it real – you gotta love it! Awesome video with some amazing footage. I've saved your store page because some of those prints look amazing. I think if you had one of the icebergs dripping water with blues and such it might be a nice option as well?

  13. This episode made me feel kind of chilly. But the ice explains that. : – ) I like the photos but don't have enough money to buy one. But I do hope lots of other people have spare money to buy them. I do think they are worth the price you are asking.

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