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Naufragiat în locuri îndepărtate! Cel mai rău coșmar al marinarilor.

28 thoughts on “Naufragiat în locuri îndepărtate! Cel mai rău coșmar al marinarilor.”
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0:30 (and on) WHY are you guy ALWAYS so dressed!? Caribbean, Pacific, Polynesia… COME ON! Lose the shirts! Live a little!
1:45 That's not a eel. It's a murena! Nasty thing. It's got like a million needle teeth and when it bites is like breaking a vial – you bleed for a WEEK.. or so.
GEEZUS! DO NOT trust a murena!!! Those things are nervous and QUICK. It just pops out of its hiding place, bites and goes back in. YAKES.
2:57 And the universe order is restored.
3:17 Climbing a tree like that you will either break your toes or snap off toe nails. Hug the tree with your feet from the sides and push down. WHY am I giving so much advice today!
4:15 What's with the speed, Sterling Moss? Why are you such a hooligan all of a suden?
4:20 Oooh, that's a nice game. But you're playing it a bit wrong. You need a long table. A table tennis table (hmm) is usually used. You arrange 500ml plastic cups in a triangle 1-2-3-4 cups per row on both sides of the table. You fill each cup about a quarter of the way with cheap tequilla. You will also need a table tennis ball. The idea is to get the ball into a cup with one (or sometimes two) bounce. When your opponent gets the ball into your cup, you drink it and give the ball back to the opponent. if he misses it's your turn.
Come on, Claire, stop covering the screen! Do you want them to slowly work their livers in with Shawn's beer or do you want them liver-shocked when they actually DO get to college?
4:26 The boy after my own heart!
I just remembered you promised to sound your fog horn!!!!
4:52 PRETTY UNPLEASANT DAY!? You wanna try London in January!? Somebody remind that man that he is IN TAHITI!!!!!!!!!!!!
4:58 HOW IN THE WORLD did you wear paint off the BACK of the dinghy engine!?!?!?!
10:04 There's a photo of Jacques-Yves Cousteau JUST like that, sitting yoga style at the bottom of the ocean.
12:15 Mizzen, VERY posh custom staysail, helm under the dodger, looks like a generator prop…. I give you mid-1990s Amel Maramu. Now, mon amie, COME BACK AND FISH IT OUT OF THE DRINK!
Unfortunately, my dear Shawn, I'm afraid that will be a permanent installation at Fakarava now. It has NO residual value. Even in good condition this titanic would be 40-50k euros. Like THIS, it's not worth anything. If it had legacy insurance from its hey-day, the owner got twice that much for the wreck and has already forgotten he ever had a yacht. If this was bought recently by some budget cruisers, they probably only have third-party insurance. Judging by its condition, I doubt they have money to refloat it, not to mention repair it. I REALLY want to be wrong.
12:52 Good Lord, just how much were you dancing around your anchor for THIS to happen?
14:50 WOW! This has some Hitchcockian motifs about it! What a sight!
15:33 WOW!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!! What a momentous moment!!!!! (Boys, this is called tautology. Avoid it in your death threat letters to the Prime Minister and postcards to the King.) Do you realize that THIS is the FIRST TIME in this entire channel when we see CLAIRE on CAMERA TALKING. Congratulations on your debut, starlet!!!
15:59 It's a treasure trove of English education today! We've learned about tautology. Now it's "shopping on the ship". Boys, this is called alliteration. Please don't let your mother block me from the channel.
17:25 Oh somebody ordered a missile for their yacht's paparazzi protection system. Good investment.
17:48 "Since Friday" – PERFECT time point for us viewers. And today is what? Tuesday? Thursday?
19:11 I wouldn't call for pickup, either. Why waste time?
Amazing reef exploration. Especially liked the colorful fish communities hanging around their coral neighborhoods. I wonder what the local fishermen are targeting from the dock. Best of luck to the unfortunate fellow who ran aground! The Crown of Thorns not welcome! Good to see the boys keeping up with school. And thank goodness, the supply ship returns.
Are you guys from SA originally?
Brilliant video, you've earned my subscription.

Now what I want to see is a bunny chow cooked at sea!
Beautiful footage, as always! Nice description and names of the fish, better than reading about them in some 'fish' book. The Taylor family all look fit and fine in spite of the larder being slightly empty! Hope your shipped provisions turned out fine. All the best to the Taylor family! Jerry
Loved the underwater video.
Thumbs down for the clickbait title.